Hello there,

I am hoping someone can help me with a question I have. It's in regards to money flowing out of the house with water outside and images of water inside.

We have recently moved into a house that is 44 years old. Half of the basement has been finished to a living space. The previous owners put up wood paneling with country sceneries along one wall. In these images of country sceneries there is water in many of them.

My question is with the basement being your past and the main floor being the present, if we have a physical river outside our home about 50 to 75 feet away from us should I be painting the wood paneling in the basement so it is not visible and doesn't affect our flow of money?

It sounds like a silly question since the previous owners were doing feng shui but they weren't doing Marie Diamonds course and they were doing just basic feng shui.

I do realize that the basement is your past but I am not sure if would affect money flowing out of the house. I have had a bad experience previously with money leaving the apartment so fast because of large body of water being outside of the home (a lake) and having images of water inside your home.

Thank you in advance for any help. It is greatly appreciated!


It sounds like quite a bit of water, which the wood would be weakening, so I don’t think it would make any sense to pain over the wood paneling and the trees I imagine are in the country scenery would also be offsetting all the water. You might try bringing in some earth energy to control the predominance of water even more.
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