Posted By: deslee Water flushing stars - 01/13/22 08:37 AM

I have been practising Diamond FengShui for many years, but am having a bad memory day. I know that I have either read somewhere in the Diamond Fengshui manual, or heard Marie say in one of her many audios over the years, that a bathroom, toilet, laundry or kitchen sink etc, flushes the energy of the stars in that direction. What I can't remember or find, is whether that is just for the 20 year stars for period 8 in our case, or if it applies to the yearly and monthly cycles as well. I understand that this year is considered to be a transitional year between Period 8 and Period 9 so am not sure if that will affect the energy.

For the 20 year stars
1. In the East direction of our home we have a bathroom flushing the conflict star,
2. In the South-East we have a toilet flushing abundance, collaboration and relationships,
3. In the centre of the home we have our kitchen sink and dishwasher flushing the disaster star, and
4. in the West we have a shower.

I have always cured the illness star which is in our North-West and activated the stars in the other directions that are fortunate. I also have two areas empty of stars in the West and the South which I always activate.

For this year's annual flying stars will the directions listed below be flushed by the water that is in each of those areas?
1. in the East (double conflict)
2. Centre (double disaster) and
3. West (misfortune)
I look forward to any guidance that can be provided.
Posted By: Wendy_Greer Re: Water flushing stars - 01/26/22 11:01 PM
Hi Deslee!

You are correct that any area with drains is considered to flush the energy that resides there down the drain. This will occur with the monthly, yearly and 20 year stars.

Next year is actually the transitional year between Period 8 and Period 9, which starts in 2024. I noticed Chunyi Lin kept mentioning this year as the transitional year in his presentation and discussed that with Pete. Apparently Chunyi accidently wrote down the wrong year in his presentation notes and then put it on his power point!

2023 will be the last year in Period 8 and Period 9 will commence in 2024.

All the best!
Wendy Greer
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