Posted By: Carolaf New to course - 07/03/09 05:31 PM
I just received my course several days ago and eagerly watched the DVD's. This morning I doused my home, found lots of personal zones and interference zones, one negative vortex, a few Hartmann/Curry/geopahtic stress lines. Bunch of different lines in the area of a closet that I can never get up the energy to clean. The area with the negative vortex was in my dining room, and I don't use that room much, other than to stack unpaid bills and other correspondence I don't want to look at. I found one spirit form, but I don't have an energy ring, so it will stay with me a while.

Anyway, I wanted to be sure this worked, so I asked the same questions over a period of 3 days (went through the protocol without curing anything), and each day got the same responses. After the cures, the energy level in my home went from +2 to +6, which is good, but I need to do more. I think I feel better, lighter, but I don't really know what to expect. I have the Diamond Feng Shui course, and my home felt really different after I made activations there, but dousing is more subtle, I think.

I do love using the rods to test the energy of things. I almost took a class in grant writing, but I tested it's energy for me and found it to be negative, so I didn't sign up. I found another class that tested positive for energy, and I'll sign up for it instead. I will probably use the rods a lot that way.

If I find a noticeable difference in my home after doing this, I'll be sure to post about it.
Posted By: Shawn_Grim Re: New to course - 07/07/09 05:58 PM
Aloha Carolaf,

Thank you for sharing your initial findings and experience with the course.

The piling up of clothing, bills, etc. over negative vortexes is pretty classic.

Much Love, Shawn
Posted By: Margaret Ida Re: New to course - 07/22/09 01:11 PM
Hi Carolaf.
Remember Marie's counsel right at the beginning of the feng shui course to do some space clearing? With the dowsing cures clearing some of the negative energies, you will probably find it much more possible to do that. I'm sure that putting some effort into organizing your closet, getting your bills and correspondence up to date (and creating a more efficient place to put them) will also bring your home's energy levels up.
By the way, when I washed windows (and even walls) in my space clearing efforts, it was absolutely amazing what energy came into my home. I highly recommend the value of space clearing activities.
May you create peace and energy in your day.
Margaret Ida
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