Hello all--
Glad you are here, because I loved the first 3 lessons/meditations in Seeds of Enlightenment, even though I wasn't really getting all that Jeddah was teaching. However, starting with the 4th lesson on energy centers and now the 5th on energy bodies, I am feeling more frustrated and resistant, both because I have not meditated this long for many years, and because I have never been able to 'visualize' such things as color beams and such. With both of these long meditations, I am ready to stop by about the 4th center, and then get increasingly restless and constricted as I sit through the rest.

Other people are clearly getting a lot out of Jeddah's teachings. Is there anyone out there who persevered even when it was difficult, and especially if you weren't able to visualize, or even, as in my case, identify where in my body an 'issue' appears as constriction? I'd appreciate your feedback on these challenges.

Warmly, GaiaHeart
Hi GaiaHeart

I say persevere, and perhaps slow down the process of moving through the meditations until you feel ok with what you've experienced. Visualisations were intially a problem for me when I started meditating several years ago and I remember Chunyi Lin(my Qigong Master) saying that if you can't visualise, use a medium that you're familiar or more comfortable with - like feeling or imagining.

I'm no expert in this matter and hopefully the moderator will come to the rescue, but I have completed the Seeds of Enlightenment set of work and the Embracing Freedom set and have just started working on the 20 week Path to Enlightenment series with Jeddah and it's really so worth the effort to stay with it.

There were times for me that I resisted and felt constricted, or got distracted and I slowed myself down to the point that I often took a couple of weeks rather than just the one to distil the information and have the relevant experience from a specific CD.

Jeddah's work is the best that I've ever come across apart from Chunyi Lin who is the creator of Spring Forest Qigong and they are both truly amazing in their own way.

It's interesting that the point at which you say you are starting to lose it with is the 4th centre and body which is related to the Heart. If you are new to this work, it might be that you're still distilling the information regarding the first three energy centres and bodies which is why, I would imagine, that Jeddah suggests listening to each of the meditations for at least a week before moving on to the next level.

Maybe you could slow down the rate at which you move through the program - do it at your own pace.

Hope this helps
With much love
Hi GaiaHeart!

I'm glad to hear you loved the first three lessons in Seeds. Don't be overly concerned with "getting" it all - I still hear/experience things I didn't notice before, even though I have been using the program regularly since it first came out. Though I normally do very well with visualizing, I found the Energy Bodies meditation challenging at first. As the heart is the transition point between the frequencies of the lower energy centers and the higher ones, the shift into the heart energy moves you from the realm of the mind to that of the spirit. Needless to say, this is an incredible paradigm shift!

As you continue to work with the materials, you will gradually shift from a doing/knowing mode to a much deeper level of being. Try to stay expanded and don't worry about "getting" it. Just let it be what it is and be gentle with yourself as you continue the journey!

As Jetay said, if you aren't a visual learner, check in and see what other senses might be coming into play when you do these meditations. I have a friend who hears energy - bells, trumpets and whistles! You might also see if there is some kind of felt sense of the distinctions between the various energies. These may be very subtle at first, so just notice what is there and then move on. With consistency and perseverence I'm sure you will reap wonderful rewards and experiences from Jeddah's meditations.

Lots of love,
Thank you both so much for your guidance. I have definitely slowed down, though not feeling like I'm integrating more. I was eager to hear each lesson, and planned on going through it again as soon as I had, but I'm feeling now like I should probably listen more to each before moving on. I use alternative audios to meditate to most days. I'll listen to Jeddah's guided meditations when I have the time. (like on weekends, rather than before or after a work day)I have heard other teachers suggest that if one isn't visual, to use imagination or a felt sense, and that's what I've been trying to do.
Once again I resonate with the answers. Thank you JETJAY and Wendy
Greetings GaiaHeart,

I know this is a bit late in the thread, but just wanted to share that I got stuck on these two meditations as well. They are long and intense! I am not very visual either, and found that part of the problem was all the trying to see what Jeddah was describing. What I finally got to was 1) I gave up trying to make it that way and just allowed what I was experiencing to be OK, and I found that the sensations were much stronger when I let go of the visulaization. 2) This may be controversial, but after a couple of weeks of sincere practice with those, I just moved on, without necessarily feeling that I had entirely "gotten" them, knowing that the recommendation is to go back to any one of the meditations after having completed all of them. 3) Trusting that just the listening and sensing were giving my energy system what it needed in regard to that part of the teaching at that time. My experience has been that even if you feel like you are not "getting it" that some part of you is, even if your mind is not!
Thank you for this post, as it helped me get clearer with a couple of difficulties I was having.


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