Hi, I'm functioning as a life coach, coaching my young friends.

How can I use Future Mapping as a life coaching tool to help my life coaching clients achieve their goals and solve their problems?

Do I just instruct them how to do Future Mapping, or do I do it for them?

Hi Rom 1981!

You would use Future Mapping with others just as you would use it yourself.

As you glean so many insights from personally doing the process, I don't believe it would be very productive if you did it for them.

Here are the guidelines for using our products with others:

"You are welcome to teach programs that use our self-study programs, but do not use any of our trade names or product names in the title of your seminar. Please do not say or imply that you are authorized or trained by Learning Strategies to teach the programs. You are welcome to play sessions live in a seminar, but you cannot stream them on the Internet. You are welcome to copy a page or two from a manual for a seminar. In all cases, please credit the program, its author, and tell your students how to purchase a program if they would like a set for their own library."

Best to you!
Wendy Greer
Thanks Wendy
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