Posted By: Linda Welsh parliminals and antidepessants - 11/10/02 10:19 AM
I am on zoloft will paraliminals work while
i`m taking it? Also what tapes would be best
for changing how you think and react to things? I have read much about cognitive behavior and have program attacking anxiety
and depression but have trouble putting it in
to practice.I am getting ready to order automatic pilot,self esteem supercharger and
I thought I would ask some advice first.
I need to do something fast I don't want to
be this unhappy,negative,overreacting,anxious,depressed person anymore. help

Posted By: AlexK Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 11/10/02 11:43 AM
I couldn't answer your question about the impact of medication. It's probably a case of try it and see.

I need to do something fast I don't want to be this unhappy,negative,overreacting,anxious,depressed person anymore

Self Esteem Supercharger is a good start. I had an interesting experience with that one recently.

Discovered I had some internal conflict and was going into a downer mode about something that was worth celebrating. I thought about it and discovered the reason... some of my memories were surfacing and colouring my present feeling.

Looking at it I had a few options... The Belief paraliminal, yet I saw there were a couple of beliefs to handle, so where to start? New Behaviour Generator, though I wasn't exactly sure what behaviour I wanted. Other tapes came to mind...

In the end I grapped the Self Esteem Supercharger just as I was putting the tape in I decided that I wanted to leave my past experiences in the past, accept the present for what it is. Mostly I wanted to avoid pulling my past negative experiences into my present. Played the Self Esteem Supercharger a couple of hours later I notice my feeling about the issue had changed. I found myself comforatable talking about my achievement. A couple of weeks later and I've noticed that I've had thoughts where my past experience would have impacted them. Interestingly enough inside me my past is past and has no influence on my future. Hard to explain but good leaving the old baggage behind.


Posted By: Linda Welsh Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 11/11/02 10:25 AM
Thanks for the reply i was thinking of starting with the self esteem tape i just wish i knew if the meds would get in the way.
hope i did the reply correctly i am new to this! thanks again. lw

Originally posted by AlexK:
I couldn't answer your question about the impact of medication. It's probably a case of try it and see.

Self Esteem Supercharger is a good start. I had an interesting experience with that one recently.

Discovered I had some internal conflict and was going into a downer mode about something that was worth celebrating. I thought about it and discovered the reason... some of my memories were surfacing and colouring my present feeling.

Looking at it I had a few options... The Belief paraliminal, yet I saw there were a couple of beliefs to handle, so where to start? New Behaviour Generator, though I wasn't exactly sure what behaviour I wanted. Other tapes came to mind...

In the end I grapped the Self Esteem Supercharger just as I was putting the tape in I decided that I wanted to leave my past experiences in the past, accept the present for what it is. Mostly I wanted to avoid pulling my past negative experiences into my present. Played the Self Esteem Supercharger a couple of hours later I notice my feeling about the issue had changed. I found myself comforatable talking about my achievement. A couple of weeks later and I've noticed that I've had thoughts where my past experience would have impacted them. Interestingly enough inside me my past is past and has no influence on my future. Hard to explain but good leaving the old baggage behind.


Posted By: Kaiden Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 11/11/02 03:57 PM
I use Effexor. While antidepressents, especially SSRI's like Prozac or Zoloft, will block hypnotic response via supressing certain parts of the brain, a person can still reach Alpha, Theta and Delta brain-wave states. If you couldn't, you would not be able to sleep. One thing I was told while on Prozac was to use a sound-light machine to boost the process. I've never followed this advice, as it's a bit expensive, but perhaps you may wish to try it.

One thing that may cost less money, but will cost more time, is learning meditation. While meditation is less "directed" than hypnosis, the ability to control your state can only help increase the power of a paraliminal.

Ultimately, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. Work and plan your hypnotic reprogramming based on this truth.

Posted By: Grant Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 11/11/02 10:39 PM
Hi Linda

Good to see you join the forum.

I'm taking an SSRI, Cipramil. I have felt that the Paraliminals, have worked better when I'm on the antidepressant than when I was not taking it.

It is important to note that your depression and anxiety will get more in the way of your success with the Paraliminals, than any slight "buzz" side-effect the antidepressant has. If you take the right medication for your symptoms the depression and anxiety can be minimized which will benefit your Paraliminal sessions immensely.

Since I've started taking an antidepressant again, I noticed an obvious increase in the pleasure from each session as well as an increase in the beneficial results of each session.

Don't throw out the antidepressant or the paraliminals, use them together as a strategy to bring yourself the quality of life you are after, they will both work well together to get you the life you want.

Know that when you've hit bottom the only way is up.

Good Luck and God Speed.


Posted By: Linda Welsh Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 11/12/02 09:22 PM
thanks for the reply. which tapes would you recomend to start with i ordered self esteem
tape so many things to work on dont want to be like this anymore

Originally posted by Grant:
Hi Linda

Good to see you join the forum.

I'm taking an SSRI, Cipramil. I have felt that the Paraliminals, have worked better when I'm on the antidepressant than when I was not taking it.

It is important to note that your depression and anxiety will get more in the way of your success with the Paraliminals, than any slight "buzz" side-effect the antidepressant has. If you take the right medication for your symptoms the depression and anxiety can be minimized which will benefit your Paraliminal sessions immensely.

Since I've started taking an antidepressant again, I noticed an obvious increase in the pleasure from each session as well as an increase in the beneficial results of each session.

Don't throw out the antidepressant or the paraliminals, use them together as a strategy to bring yourself the quality of life you are after, they will both work well together to get you the life you want.

Know that when you've hit bottom the only way is up.

Good Luck and God Speed.


Posted By: Grant Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 11/14/02 10:13 PM
Hi Linda

It seems like you're in a pretty rough situation at the moment. I'm thinking your problem could be very biochemical.

One factor that is affecting you the most is your high-strung, jumpiness. The paraliminal "Deep Relaxation" would be a start, giving you a few moments of peace here and there.

S l o w d o w n, you have alot to get through and your healing is not going to happen overnight, but you can heal yourself when time is your friend, and time is your biggest friend. What you got to learn is that taking healing step by step is okay, even if they are little steps. Your greatest asset in healing yourself is your perseverence, so take it easy and push forward gradually.

Try to think of happy, pleasant times. Focus on a positive emotional state even if it's just a word, like "peace", "serenity", "love". Focus so much on a positive state that it becomes part of you, over time.

Drink plenty of fresh water, eat plenty of salads, spend time enjoying nature. If possible spend time with animals, especially dogs if you like dogs.

Try and pretend you are like you want to be, and persist with it.

Hot and cold showering might help. Shower in warm/hot water then put the shower on cold for a few seconds, always end on warm/hot though.

Going for a short walk and a bit of exercise can also help.

Do things you like, treat yourself. Focus on what you want, and not on what you don't want. For instance if you catch yourself thinking, "Why am I like this?", rather ask yourself "What do I want?"

Maybe I've volunteered too much info, but I know the paraliminals won't work on their own.

Get Self-Esteem Supercharger, and Deep Relaxation, but then try the Natural Brilliance Personal Learning Course, it will teach you to focus on what you want. By the Cds and tapes, if you can possibly sell the tapes to someone for $65

Know that there is a great future awaiting you, persevere.


Posted By: Grant Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 11/15/02 11:28 PM
Hi Linda

Today, I realized that the Paraliminal, New History Generator, can be used to change difficult emotions, not just memories. I have found that New History Generator, helps me to generate strong positive feelings

I have also now realized that New History Generator can be used for any goal, to learn from your past and put the best from your past into a bright future.

The trick in using the tape is not to focus on what you don't want, but focus on a goal or emotion that you want to create. Don't focus on what you want to eliminate, instead focus on what you want to create, it is very powerful when you use it like that.

Good Luck

Posted By: Linda Welsh Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 11/16/02 11:22 AM
thanks for your advice Grant i will add that tape to my list. recieved self esteem tape
yesterday havent tried it many tapes
i want but have to get more money first!!
i have read so much about cognitive behavior
therapy and self help books and basically i
know what i should be doing and thinking its just so hard. i guess my main problem is the way i think mostly negative and take things in the wrong way. anyway i didnt mean to go on and on thanks for your reply i like reading them and look for them everyday!!!
take care linda

Posted By: Kaiden Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 11/18/02 12:13 AM
I've been sort of scared to try the two together, but I listened to "relationships" about one-hour after taking Effexor-XR. It worked very well. I don't know if I was hypnotized at all, but I was "convinced," if you know what I mean. I felt like I could handle my relationship. Later, though, I sort of freaked-out because people were acting STRANGE around me, and I didn't know how to handle it. But, I talked over things rationally and it turned out that they were just being strange, while I was completely normal.

I like being normal.

Posted By: Texas Bob Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 12/07/02 07:48 AM
It wasn't long ago that I was severely depressed and ridden with anxiety to the point of near incapacitation. If I knew of an upcoming event, I had to mentally prepare days or even weeks in advance just to get myself throught it. I was taking anti-depressants and attending counseling sessions. When I lost my job, I lost my benefits - no meds and no therapy, so I searched for alternatives.

I basically tried the shotgun approach when it came to paraliminals. It is said often in this forum to not do too many things at once. After disobeying the advice, I now wholeheartedly agree. I was trying to fix too many things at one time.

I'm much better now and still don't have insurance, but a steady diet of self-improvement seems to have done the job. My journey has taken me through purchasing just about every paraliminal, Holosync, the Sedona Method, Natural Brilliance, Ideal Mindset, and Personal Celebration.

What worked? It was all good, but if you had to take everything away and leave me with just one it would be a tough choice between the Sedona Method, the Personal Celebration tape BEING, and Anxiety Free.

I use the Sedona Method more and more these days and between Sedona and BEING, I have great success. If ever I feel a tug of anxiety, I can use Anxiety Free.

With BEING, you hear a group of people come to you one by one to tell you how valuable and significant you are. I always try to envision the voices speaking to me as people I know I'll be encountering that day. It's very empowering.

Go ahead and get the intro tape from the Sedona Method website. I think it's only $5 and has a brief Sedona session on it.

If you're budget is tight, I would say get Anxiety Free and Personal Celebration. Listen to both of them every day. It's not as time consuming as you might think. While you need to find a quiet place to relax so you can listen to Anxiety Free, you can listen to Being anywhere. For me, I listen to it during my morning commute. I can't say enough good things about this tape. It's a great way to start may day and before any significant event that may arise.

Should you decide to spring for the Sedona Method, it's worth it, but the Euphoria course on this website has a very solid condensed version of the Sedona Method that can save you about $100.

All the Best,

Posted By: Texas Bob Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 12/07/02 08:39 AM
On further reflection I wanted to add to my last post.

One of the things that has helped me so much is trying to find just one thing every day that I can be thankful for.

When you're depressed or have anxiety your brain is doing all it can just to survive. You're in a battle for the mind. I had to take my victories wherever I could get them, and however small they were. Nothing dramatic, but small subtle things I could find to appreciate. I wasn't able to pay my bills, but I was thankful for the unemployment check. It was cold outside, but I was still inside. My heater didn't work, but I had a blanket. If I saw something on TV that made me laugh, I was thankful that I could have something I could laugh about.

These are small victories, but they're important ones. One of the statements on the BEING tape that meant so much to me was the voice that said, "Be gentle with yourself. You're unique in all the world."

Do it, because you are...


Posted By: Kaiden Re: parliminals and antidepessants - 12/07/02 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Texas Bob:

When you're depressed or have anxiety your brain is doing all it can just to survive.

I never looked at it that way, but in retrospect it makeas perfect sense. Thank you for this insight.

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