Posted By: AK74 Belief - 09/13/06 03:57 PM
When installing an enhancing belief is it necessary to get get rid of a limiting belief first. I.e. Is it necessary use Session A to elliminate a negative belief to be replaced with and enhancing belief using session B.
Posted By: Grant Re: Belief - 09/13/06 08:54 PM
No, it does not matter, you can plant positive beliefs without weeding out negative beliefs. Weeding out the negatives just helps to prepare the soil.

Sometimes my mind got into a weeding out the negative mode and for a couple sessions all I could think of was negatives to eliminate. Another time I would get stuck in planting positives. Sometimes a mode is nice because you get a chance to get to the real essence of what you are trying to achieve.
Posted By: Jeanne Re: Belief - 09/14/06 02:26 PM

No, it does not matter, you can plant positive beliefs without weeding out negative beliefs. Weeding out the negatives just helps to prepare the soil.

Synchronicity: I was just reading something by Sonia Chocquette that talked about this. She suggests several methods of dealing with mental weeds, and my favorite, the one that really works for me most often, is to transform the weed into a useful plant by fully informing the subconscious, which has most likely only been programmed with half the story.

For instance, if you have a mental weed getting in the way of increasing your earnings that says money is dirty or evil, etc., just remind yourself (often, if necessary) of all the good you could do with an increased salary. After all, you can't really help others if you're too busy trying to keep your head above water. Your subconscious has to agree that this is so, just as (logically) it is also true that money or the pursuit of it can be destructive if carried too far.

It doesn't necessarily challenge the "money is bad" programming--just expands it to cover all the good that can also be done as well. What's that saying on that one cable news channel? "Fair and Balanced"? It's kind of like that. Half truths can be harmful.
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Belief - 09/15/06 04:00 AM
It's difficult to identify a limiting beliefs in the first place so weeding them out can be difficult. It's easier to plant new beliefs and keep nourishing them. Since some of those limiting beliefs may still be necessary to keep harmony with you values. It's wise to check that beliefs you want to adopt are also in harmony.

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