I finally broke down and did it . . . I have been listening to the same tapes for over ten years. They were worn out, broke down and muffled. I took the plunge last night and ordered the complete set. Paraliminals, I have found, are the most functional tool for immediate change. I am all psyched up!!

Just thought I would share. lol
If you're "all psyched up" from just ordering them, you'll be bouncing off the walls when you get them!

I find them very helpful for all of the information that Paul has put in the little booklets that slide into the jewel-case front. You'll discover, I'm sure, even more ways to use them than you did in the past.

Also, with tapes, it must have been difficult to find a way to repeat the "sleep-track" - with most CD players today, that is relatively easy to do - so you'll have an additional tool in your box to use now.

Let us know what you think when you get them, please.

Hey Golden1101!

Did you notice any change from using tapes and cds, considering the addition of holosync?
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