Posted By: tan those silly light and sounds machines - 12/10/02 01:20 PM
I have several tapes on order. I thought to use a mind machine to enhance the the sessions, and too enhance the quality of my sleep and naps during the next several months. I plan to go into an accelerated full time study mode with a daily schedule to stick to. I was thinking to do the uberman photophasic sleep cycle as well, but decided against it. 6-7 hours a night sleep, with 2 or 3 very relaxed paraliminal sessions throughout the day. This last week I have been playing general motivation tapes in the background during study and I have had a good week (zig ziglar, anthony robbins...)

Anyone have recommendations for these light and sound devices? Do any work particularly well with paraliminals? Is that even a target question to ask in itself? What about binaural beats as well? Any mind machines that take well to binaural beats and parliminals. Are all L&S machines binaural compatible. I plan to convert the tapes into mp3s or waves and play off a portable mp3 player I will keep on most the day, so I am a step closer to being able to add binaural beat tracks as well? I also read machines with more colored lights have more pizzaz. Green, red, and white lights all in one machine. Any such machine like this?

Can anyone just say...get XYZ machine and all possible combinations can be covered?


Posted By: AlexK Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 12/10/02 02:05 PM
I suggest you start your research on these devices at compare and decide what you want from the devices

Since you have already called them 'silly' in your topic header I you seem to have decided that they are useless already.

I use the proteus. I chose that one because it does binaual beats, is programmable and ready to be updated with its flash memory.

Works well on its own and works even better with a tape or CD... for this I find paraliminals an excellent choice. I just choose an appropriate setting. In fact I enjoy listening to paraliminals with the L&S device although the paraliminals definately does not require device. I've even let the voices on the tapes set the beat of the lights. If I want I just listen to the tape or CD and only use the light glasses for added effect. I also like the Proteus for the Audiostobe effect pure entertainment.

I've been using a L&S device since 1992 and upgraded to the Proteus this year (got bored of the 10 settings on the old devise as well as only having red glasses).

Research is the best way to find the right device for you, however if you consider them silly don't bother with it,


Posted By: tan Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 12/10/02 02:27 PM
Thanks for the reply. Use of "silly" was just a catch you phrase for the subject title, not to be interpreted funny.

Proteus seems excellent. Is it basically the same as the Nova Pro? On the website, they seem to promote single light red LED or white LEDs as being most popular/effective with their Nova Pro. They have a combo red/green glasses as well, but down the list. But for proteus at, they seem to prefer red/green combo. Is the choice of which colors to go for a thing to be concerned about for first L&S machine?


Posted By: AlexK Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 12/10/02 09:56 PM
I wasn't impressed with the nova pro. I liked the idea of being able to produce my own programs.

Personally I prefer the coloured glasses. the proteus can be controlled to switch to only single colours during programing. Having used the red glasses for many years I really enjoyed the red/greed light show and now have red/blue glasses... the red green combination is excellent. And quite strong in the proteus. I understand the nova L&S device doesn't put on as stong a light show which would make the choice of either red or white glasses better.


Posted By: focuskid Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 12/12/02 05:30 AM
I used to own a Mind Gear PR-2X which is like the Nova Pro and have done some research on mind machines since then as well as tried a couple of other machines. First, I found out is that virtually none of the manufacturers are (or were at any time) invloved in any research with their local university or hospital. Second, almost all are basing their products on manuals and studies done by one or two serious makers of mind machines. And third, the Neuro-Science community regards most mind machines as entertainment toys.
Forgive me for being so blunt, but I've been using mind machines for a while and I follow the current news on this stuff. I did end up with one machine and m pleased with it. I also use it with paraliminals and hypnosis tapes and I'm painstakingly putting my own tapes together to work in sync with my machine.
My advice to you? If you're serious about this, then get a serious machine.
Sorry for being so forthright, but I've concluded that most of what's out there just isn't worth it. I haven't mentioned the brand I use because I have a strong bias for it and I'm convinced most makers just haven't done their homework.
Good hunting!

Posted By: tool Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 12/12/02 07:19 AM
What is the brand you use?

Posted By: tan Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 12/12/02 12:03 PM
I have spent hours and hours on the web searching. Wasted a couple days researching. Can you not tell what brand you use? Is it a secret?

Posted By: AlexK Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 12/12/02 12:41 PM
This link might clue you to which L&S focuskid is partial to.

You don't really need a L&S device for paraliminals.


Posted By: tan Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 12/12/02 10:59 PM
FocusKid, would you kindly review why you feel the David Paradise XL is a better machine? I haven't seen much on it? Thanks.

p.s. I am not interested in matching L&S machine specifically with paraliminal tapes, but as another tool in my bag of tricks for enhancement.

Posted By: Grant Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 12/15/02 12:37 PM
Hi Tan

I'm glad FocusKid uses the David Paradise XL and gives a very sound recommendation for them, because the importer for life enhancement tools that I'm connected to, here in South Africa, is very decided on only importing that range of L&S machines. It just proves that it's not an uncommon favourite that FocusKid has.

The website is with a direct link to the Paradise XL at

The David Paradise, not the XL, was my choice before I read this thread, but the same quality runs through all the David products.


Posted By: tan Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 12/15/02 09:36 PM
Thanks. Still, I would appreciate reasons why David is better. Features, specifications, personal anecdotes, reviews.

Posted By: vandons Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 02/01/03 10:41 PM
I've got a Proteus and I find that it helps me go deeper into hypnosis with paraliminal and other hypnosis tapes and cd's that I have. The Proteus is also relatively cheap. I bought mine for $169. I like it much better than the David Paradise I previously had. It was very unreliable and finally quit working completely so I bought the Proteus and have not looked back!

HI folks.......could you please let me know if the Proteus can work effectively with the Brainwave Generator BWGEN??

Posted By: AlexK Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 02/19/03 09:13 AM
Why would you want it to? It is a portable version of bwgen. With the added light effect.


Is it worth getting a proteus and a thoughtstream if bwgen has absolutely no effect on me.

Plus i used a orion for a few weeks and that did'nt work for me either. Would it be better to wait for the thoughstream 2?

So is there a way hook the proteus up to a PC to import alternative .bwg files to play...or are you limited only to the presets??

Posted By: AlexK Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 02/20/03 12:53 AM
Light and Sound devices don't just magically do something for you you need to have a purpose. Ususally for learning with tapes and relaxing.

Bwgen files are a different format to the proteus files. Yes you can hook up to the computer and write/add new ones. It has a program available to write new light and sound effects. You can test it before you download it to the proteus.


I had purpose to relax when i used a light and sound machine, but it didnt achieve this for me. It was the orion machine the one before the proteus, so maybe that could be a factor.

Could it be possible that maybe for some people binaural beat technology has no effect.

I have been using holosync for years on the basis of over people telling me to keep on with it and something will happen; plus someone told me that the pressure in my forehead was dorminant pyschic ability which sought of inspired me. However nothing ever did.

Posted By: AlexK Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 02/21/03 12:45 AM
Often they take a few goes and it isn't only the binaural beats that 'help' relaxation. I've used my proteus and always found it relaxing even when I don't use a binaural beat setting. It's the decision to go with the flow rather than worrying if it will work that helps. I find it much more effective than my old single colour light and sound device since the proteus plays with duel colours.


Posted By: JustMe Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 02/25/03 10:54 AM
Would these L&S devices aid in memorisation of say a langauge or poetry playing in the background? Or have i missed the point about what L&S are about?

Do you recommend using these L&S devices in conjunction with the natural Brillinace course or other paraliminals? If so how would you suggest they be used and what solid benefits has anyone had?

Posted By: AlexK Re: those silly light and sounds machines - 02/25/03 01:11 PM
If you just want to sit back and relax while listening to language learning tapes. Yes the Light and Sound Device can be used in conjuction. The relax the mind and guide into an appropriate state for learning. On the proteus you just select one of the learn with tapes presets. You can even produce your own tapes.

You can use them in conjuntion with paraliminals and Natural Brilliance. An added entrainment value however not necessary. Any additional benefit is hardly noticable. I don't see a point of getting one just for paraliminals.

The proteus (and others) can be used as an entrainment device on its own, to aid sleep, meditation, used in conjunction with tapes or CDs; for moving ordinary learning tapes/CDs closer to accelerative learning mode, paraliminal, hypnotic, self created and purchased affirmation, soundscape music for relaxing and even ordinary instrumental music tapes/CDs. Plays audiostrobe (light show is triggered by the music) with some relaxing music CDs.


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