Posted By: RAYMOND GETTING RESULTS - 02/04/07 06:13 AM

Hi, i have been listening to the self esteem super charger now, daily for about 6 weeks now as per the instructions, how-ever i cant swear that im getting much in the way of results. Should i take a break from it to allow some results to form in time ? Because i work during the day i can only listen in the evening hours; could the time of day be affecting my results ?
Does anyone find a certain time of day to be best for results ?

Posted By: decision2change Re: GETTING RESULTS - 02/04/07 07:52 PM

Could be your headphones. Like I thought, some of my headphones are crap and I was losing the benefits of these tapes. It's not just about listening the right words from the right ear - there is more to these tapes than just listening.

I am still waiting for LS to respond to my headphone question - maybe you can follow through and assess if that is the issue with you too.
Posted By: CPW1 Re: GETTING RESULTS - 02/04/07 10:35 PM
the best time for me is my lunch break I slip right into a trance and wake up at the end usaully I won't remember nothing expect 12345 towards the end try it out. Have you tried sleep track? R U saying it dos not work? Did you tell other people about paraliminals that are making fun of you planting doubt seeds in your head?( that was my problem but now I am the one laughing) R U hanging around hanging around negative people with low self esteem?Is there something in the past U need to let go of?(new history generator and *********Boundless Renewal**********)Do you really want to change or scared of how people are going to view your new self-esteem? This is every thing I was dealing with now I am a totally new person I was using every paraliminal but the one I really needed it was new history I was taking back in a dream to a problem i had when I was a kid and changed the memory strange but true I used the new behavior generater and personal magnitism to develope confidence( be careful with behavior generator ) I would do the boundless renewal course
Posted By: Mike Pearson Re: GETTING RESULTS - 02/05/07 01:46 AM

Could be your headphones. Like I thought, some of my headphones are crap and I was losing the benefits of these tapes. It's not just about listening the right words from the right ear - there is more to these tapes than just listening.

I am still waiting for LS to respond to my headphone question - maybe you can follow through and assess if that is the issue with you too.

You're either hearing the voices clear enough (to understand the words in each ear) or you're not. If you're not hearing the words in one or both ears CAN'T be a good thing! If you have doubts, take your CD down to a Radio Shack or some other store that sells audi equipment and listen to how new, updated headphones allow you to hear BOTH of Paul's voices clearly. Btw, I don't remember the model number but I have a pair of Radio Shack headphones that I bought several years ago with 2 volume knobs, one for each ear. This allows me to adjust my volume for the hearing of BOTH my ears separately which, in my case, is a good thing because my right ear is definitely not as good hearing as my left. Thankfully, these headphones allow me to play the volume at just the right level for EACH ear! These headphones cost me $20 brand new and I've noticed that $20 buys a pretty good set of headphones these days (not just the ones I mentioned). I hope this helps. --- Mike
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: GETTING RESULTS - 02/07/07 02:10 PM
Raymond... What's your purpose for listening? In what area to you have a problems with Self-Esteem that you are working on and tthink you're not seeing results?

Now that you've listened for 6 weeks do give them a break and observe.

Would you normally have posted on a thread like this even to make a comment? Takes self-esteem to do that so that's why I'm asking what area you are working on. Speaking up and asking for help doesn't look like a problem

Posted By: RAYMOND Re: GETTING RESULTS - 02/15/07 04:17 AM
Thanks for responding. Ive been busey and havent checked my posting for a while.
I am looking to improve my general self worth and confidence. To feel more worthy and to be able to speak to people with confidence . I would rather eat broken glass than ask some one out on a date. Soooo, having a higher sense of self esteem and confidence would be a real boost to me.

I listened to the CD as i said for about 6 weeks; then i found your forum and read that i should only listen for a week and then give it a break. Could i have screwed myself up by over doing it ?

I have also tried some other paraliminals ( cassetts ) in past years; such as deep relaxation, memory super charger, new behavior generator, but my results have been any thing but great. Is it possible that i am simply not responding well to them, im sure there is a small percentage of people who just dont get good results.

I have even bought the photo reading course a few years back. And could not get that to work for me either.

I would appreciate any help you could give.

Thanks, Ray :
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: GETTING RESULTS - 02/15/07 01:36 PM
Well part of the problem is the goal "improve my general self worth and confidence" they are rather vague and not very measurable. and a higher "sense of self-esteem" does not give one the skills that would make you want to ask a girl out.

Now that you've pointed out a specific problem area your goal would be better to have the confidence or audacity to ask a girl out even though she may say no.

The Paraliminals that would work best in this case with a specific focus to talk to a girl as a first step perhaps. (You might need a smaller goal like even going out to where the girls are, I don't know. Point is that this is a biggie for you so you need to give yourself markers that point you in the right direction by breaking down to a series of subgoals. This why you can see yourself making measurable progress and not undermine yourself with negative self-talk because the goal still seems out of reach.

Self-Esteem Supercharger is an excellent all round Paraliminal. However lets use some other options.

Anxiety-Free. First of all work on the underlying anxiety of working with the Paraliminals to move you towards your goal.. Probably need only one session each A and B.

Sales Leap with the premise that you're going to sell yourself (as a nice guy who could be terrific company and would like to "sell' the opportunity of having someone get to know you.

Talk to Win self confidence booster and covers some more communication skills. Confidence is much easier to have when you know how to do something like how to communicate with someone. How to sell an idea (Sales Leap).

Use Instantaneous Personal Magnetism two or 3 times interspaced between the other suggested Paraliminal think of someone who approaches women (or men for any one else following this )in a way that gets results and that you would like to be able to do. (don't pick a personality that is just not going to be you)

Go out try and make it a goal to say hello, do you know anyone here I feel a bit lost myself or something to get someone else talking. Or you might just lower your goal and just allow yourself to smile at someone when they notice you looking. You work out your goal and set to achieve that.

After your evening out whether you succeeded in having a conversation choking down a hello notice it up as an experience to move beyond next time and listen to the Self-Esteem Supercharger Paraliminal.

Then do the process again for your next goal. And as you move ahead you'll notice that your general self worth and confidence have improved as a by product.

PhotoReading questions you can post on the PhotoReading thread. Funny thing about most courses is that they work most brilliantly when you get to a point where you don't care whether they work or not and because you have no emotion invested in the outcome you're not driving with one foot on the brake you just get on with it and do it.

Posted By: RAYMOND Re: GETTING RESULTS - 02/16/07 02:53 AM

Thanks for the information Alex, i will try the other paraliminals and use a more specific goal / purpose for each.
Posted By: celestite Re: GETTING RESULTS - 02/18/07 12:32 AM
My problem is being over weight. I bought The Ideal Weight paraliminal in early December. I called learning strategies to ask how to use the CD. I was told that this works very quickly and after 7 to 8 days I would only need to listen once a week or so. Well, I did lose six pounds listening to the CD, but then I stopped listening every night and listened to both A and B once a week.. The weight just came right back

I called again and got a different coach. She said that my experience was common. people lost the weight as long as they listened daily, but gained if they stopped.

So I am listening to the Ideal Weight CD in the morning and then at night I listen to Perfect Health at night. I look forward to my time with Paul, as I call it, and the weight is coming off! I guess for me it will take longer to change my beliefs about my weight, but until i do, these two paraliminals are working great!

Posted By: danielcgordon Re: GETTING RESULTS - 02/24/07 04:18 PM
Things take time. Just listen to the people who have the results and belive that its working.
Posted By: Grant Re: GETTING RESULTS - 02/28/07 12:54 AM

For me, accepting that humans are mistake makers, and putting that in the right frame, that is, not stepping all over others, but apologising easily and quickly if necessary, means I can interact more freely, expecting to be forgiven as much as to forgive, allowing grace to others, and thereby freedom to myself.

You are already cognizant of such freedom by your posting, try to bring this understanding to your interactions with seemingly out-of-reach attractive ladies.

Read through these insightful messages by Michael Hall, developer of Neuro Semantics:

How to Strengthen Your Ego-Strength
How do we go about strengthening our ego?
What patterns and processes allow us to do this?
What frames, beliefs, values, expectations, etc. support this?
The following are offered as beginning guidelines—processes which we have incorporated in our basic Meta-States training, Accessing Personal Genius. If you have experienced that training, then you know these processes and can keep refreshing the meta-stating patterns until you not only strengthen your ego-strength, but actually super-charge it. This will empower you to face life on life’s terms and to develop a sense of self-efficacy in the face of changing times. It will enrich your powers of optimism, resilience, and creativity.

1st Acceptance
First and foremost, we strengthen our ego-strength by meta-stating ourselves with acceptance. Access the state of acceptance and apply that feeling to your “self.” Think of something small and simple that you simply accept. You could get yourself worked up about it, even furious and frustrated, but you have learned to just go along and accept it. It could be something like the rain, the traffic, changing the baby’s diaper, taking out the garbage, etc. Think small and simple.
What is that like when you are accepting something? Feel that and reflexively turn that feeling back onto yourself—your sense of self, life, the cards that life has dealt you, when and where you were born, your aptitudes and lack of aptitudes, etc. As you do this, you’ll experience a quiet and tender feeling, one that may not necessarily feel very positive. It’s just a feeling of welcoming something into your life but not with any particular thrill or liking. To do that is to experience appreciation. Yet acceptance also is not resignation or condoning. Acceptance is just welcoming something into your world without any negative fanfare.
In this, acceptance can be a truly magical state. In it, we simply acknowledge the world for what it is regardless of our likes or dislikes. We simply acknowledge the constraints that exist and that we have to deal with.

2nd Adjusting Expectancies
Second, look at your self-expectancies and expectancies of others, the world, work, etc. and adjust them so that you have a fairly accurate map about what is, how things work, and what you can legitimately expect. What have you mapped about yourself, people, relationships, fairness, life, etc.? Every unrealistic expectation sets us up for a cognitive and semantic jar and for a possible disappointment. If it is unrealistic, then we are trying to navigate and work in a world that is ultimately an illusion of the mind. A more effective approach is to set out to create a good and useful map that will enable us to go and experience what we desire.
This explains how learning and developing greater understandings about things increases ego-strength. Knowing what is, how things work, the rules and principles of people, relationships, careers, etc. gives us the ability to adjust our thinking-and-emoting to such and this increases our ego-strength. It takes the surprise and shock out of being caught up short. It raises our level of frustration tolerance.

3rd Stepping into Our Power Zone
Weak and strong ego-strength is related to our sense of personal power or the lack thereof. We increase ego-strength when we accept our personal powers or responses of thinking, emoting, speaking, and behaving, meta-state them with a frame of ownership and then by welcoming and practicing the use of our powers, step more and more into our power zone. This increases our self-efficacy, activity, proactivity, etc. The more resourcefulness we have, the more willing and able we are to face reality and to master our world.

4th Meta-Stating Flexibility
A fourth process for strengthening ego-strength involves replacing rigidity and closedness of mind with flexibility, willingness to accept change, and an openness to the flux and flow of life. In weak ego-strength we strongly feel a sense of insecurity. Then that we don’t want things to change we want things to stay the same. As we develop more personal security, we are more open to change and to adapting and to using our resources. Openness to change, which supports personal flexibility, enables us to face the world and our future with an optimistic attitude. Then, if things change, we feel fine because our security lies in ourselves and in our strength of ego to figure things out.

5th Optimistic Explanatory Style
A fifth thing that increases the strength of our ego to face reality is the ability and attitude of interpreting things in such a way that we put a positive spin on things. We call this attitude, optimism. It stands in contrast to pessimism.
Martin Selgiman identified both the pessimistic and optimistic explanatory styles in his research with laboratory animals and then with humans. The pessimistic style consists of three P's: personal, pervasive, and permanent. We take a “bad” thing, an unpleasant or unfortunate event and make it about ourselves (personal), about everything in our lives (pervasive) and about forever (permanent) and that’s a formula for pessimism and clinical depression.
Conversely, when we index the specifics of an event, we contain the “evil” or “badness” because then it is about the event and not us (non-personal), it is here in this situation and context (non-pervasive), and it is today (non-permanent). This frames the negative event so that it doesn’t contaminate us with the “evil” and infiltrate our mind so that’s all we can see and feel. It enables us to then think about other things, what we truly are and what we care about, what we can do and how we can take positive action to make a difference. This begins to create the attitude of optimism as it operates from a position of strength, confidence, possibilities, and taking pleasure in what is going right.
It is in this way that we develop sufficient ego-strength to face reality and to not be overwhelmed by frustration, disappointment, hurt, etc. We do what we can with what we have and we enjoy the process everyday.

6th Consciously raising our Frustration and Stress Tolerance Level
If you look around the human situation at all the things that can and does trigger “stress” in people or that frustrates them and make a list—you will eventually make a list of everything. And the very things that frustrate the hell out of some people thrill and excite others. What one experiences as a stressor, another enjoys as excitement. In this, both stress and frustration are in the eye of the beholder.
The strength of your self develops by framing things in such a way that we endow it with empowering meanings. Positive framing and reframing then allows us to take a new view of things which then effects how we actually feel about things. In this way, framing and reframing things can enhance our ego-strength to face, cope with, and even master the challenges of life. We often do this by developing the kinds of frames of mind that allow us to develop the insights, distinctions, and skills so that what would frustrate others gives us opportunities for development.



The meta-state structure of openness to vulnerability, openness to being real, to being what we are, fallible, to being accountable, responsible, etc. is a very wonderful and magical state. Here's how I've put my richly textured state of openness to vulnerability together.

1) First I access my power-zone of my basic God-given responses: thinking, feeling, speaking, acting, and writing. These are mine... fallible, yes, but my fallible responses.

2) So I accept them ... and then go further, I appreciate and esteem these fallible powers as the powers I have to influence myself, others, and my world. Fallible? Sure, and that means that I have lots of room to grow. It also means that I stubbornly reject any toxic idea about being flawless or perfect. "Hell no!" I welcome warmly into my mind and emotions my right to make mistakes and to learn from them. Feedback is what I use to keep growing and developing.

3) I then use these fallible powers to esteem myself as having worth and dignity as a given and this self-esteeming foundation then allows me to not be afraid of being what I am. It, in fact, gives me the freedom to use my vulnerability and neediness to be real and authentic in my relationships. Now I can present myself as "just me." I need to put on no airs of being a "somebody" because of my money, status, degrees, intelligence, looks, fame, etc. Non-sense! I have been a "somebody" since I dropped from the womb (Oh, so that's what happened!) completely naked and having no control over my bladder for a long time! I arrived in this world a human being ... a somebody ... and I haven't had to prove anything to anyone since!

4) I accept and welcome being a response-able person who can take actions and I welcome the corrections of others. I even appoint people to "hold me accountable." In my case, I have appointed Bob Bodenhamer and Carl Lloyd to do that. I want to live up to my own goals and values and I know that they will help me to be a better person.

5) When I make a mistake, I welcome correction so that I can quickly learn, proactively make corrections, and get on with things. I refuse to wallow around feeling bad, feeling guilty, feeling inadequate. Of course, I'm inadequate. I'm human; I'm not god. And guilt - true guilt, means that I have done wrong and need to correct something. Like a "Wrong Way" sign on a highway. No need to feel bad, just turn around - go the other way!

6) I access the higher state of un-insultability based upon my innate dignity and therefore can matter-of-factly explore insults, criticisms, and rejections. Along that line, I give myself permission to be rejected. Of course, everybody won't like me. What was I thinking? Of course, everybody is not going to like everything I say, do, believe, write, etc. So I grant myself permission to be disliked. It's not that big of a deal. What, I only have 6 billion other people on the planet to relate to? That's not enough?

7) I set a frame of openness and vulnerability and trust as my basic "way of being in the world." So I live my life like an "open book." Some will want to read and hang around; others won't. If someone comes into my life and decides to use my openness and vulnerability against me, I give them a chance or two and then I do what the great Nazareth teacher said, "Don't cast your pearls before swine.. Lest they turn and tear into you and trod your pearls underfoot." Jesus' statement is in the context of relationships, "Do unto others as you want them to do until you," and "Judge not lest you be judged" (Matthew 7:1-12). It's a passage about getting along. Be open and accepting rather than judging, but also be as wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. If someone is hurtful and ugly, get the hell out of there! Don't put up with it.
© Forum for PhotoReading, Paraliminals, Spring Forest Qigong, and your quest for improvement