Posted By: SteveBCA Beliefs CD Question - 03/27/07 01:05 AM
I was wondering, for those who use the Beliefs CD , if you do this:

In advance , before pressing the Play button on your CD player, do you think of at least a couple of past memories that you might think are good memories to "re-write" in support of changing the beliefs ?
So that way, you already know where to "go to" during the live playing of the CD.

Without doing this, sometimes, as Paul guides me to think of any past incident related to the negative belief, I struggle because there are soooo many possible incidences in my memory I could think of, that I should revisit.

So it's almost funny. By the time Paul says: "okay, now lift yourself back up into the air"... I've only just then found a memory to revisit, but I should be done
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Beliefs CD Question - 03/30/07 02:45 PM

So it's almost funny. By the time Paul says: "okay, now lift yourself back up into the air"... I've only just then found a memory to revisit, but I should be done

That means the conscious mind has just connected with what the non-conscious mind picked. Usually when I listen to a Paraliminal I'm don't even notice the ins and outs till they are done.

Posted By: Renee987 Re: Beliefs CD Question - 05/16/07 06:01 PM
I am new to the Paraliminals and have been listening to Auto-Pilot and Positive Relationships but felt that Belief was going to address more specifically issues that I was focusing on... mainly the belief that I will always be rejected and therefore should guard myself and basically adhere to the 'fight or flight' mentality. That of course was easy to identify on side A of the Belief session...but yes on side B I have found it most frustrating to locate a 'good' memory when I'm travelling over my timeline. It is easiest for me to locate and remember the not so great memories. My memories of childhood have always been fuzzy at best. So..yes... any input or advice as to why its seems such a challenge to connect a past memory with the values and characteristics of being loved and accepted??

If so, Alex, could you explain a little further about your comment above on the conscious mind and the non-conscious mind?

Also have noticed that it is harder for me to relax during the Belief sessions and any 'dreams' during or afterwards are more vivid and sometimes angry.??
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Beliefs CD Question - 05/16/07 08:08 PM
An odd question for you. What do you want to believe instead of

the belief that I will always be rejected and therefore should guard myself and basically adhere to the 'fight or flight' mentality

In the above I'm saying that we have conscious and non-conscious blocks that defend our beliefs. So consciously you won't find times that qualify as a good memory but the non-conscious mind is going to and at the same time it's going to honour any other beliefs you have got going like the one that says it has to be frustrating to find any good memories. So now the non-conscious mind does the best it can with the information but also serves to frustrate because you've come crashing into another limiting belief. That's why you experience anger too. you're running into walls of many beliefs that need to get out of the way to get the results you're after. As long as you haven't pinpointed the opposite belief you're going to have barriers

And to

guard myself and basically adhere to the 'fight or flight' mentality'

is not really a belief but a habit in action. I'd use the New Behavior Generator and use the Belief one when you can identify the opposite belief that you would like to have running. Like one that goes I always overeat... it's kind of obvious in most cases that is not entirely true, the individual does not always overeat therefore it stands to reason we will find evidence that on many many occasions the individual only eats enough to satisfy their hunger. Then the Belief Paraliminal is the one to use.

Another example. These Paraliminals never work for me.. well chances are you haven't used them a lot and you're probably zoning out listening to them so there is evidence your belief may not be entirely true so. You could use the Belief Paraliminal to say. Paraliminals give me fantastic results every time. Works for PhotoReading too.

Posted By: Renee987 Re: Beliefs CD Question - 05/16/07 08:30 PM
I want to believe and consciously do believe... not sub consciously yet lol.. that I am a beautiful person and worthy to be accepted as I am. Without having to 'do' anything.

I am accepted and can be myself and take risks and embrace myself and not depend on others for that acceptance.

would that be a specific enough belief to replace the other with? in your opinion?

I've grown increasingly aware of habits... responding in frustration, anger, fear... and recognised them as that..habits... learned behaviour from years of living in fear...

i guess i've just become more aware of the process since beginning to use the paraliminals and they have been incredibly helpful and all my co workers have stated that they can see a difference

i realise after reading your response that more than anything i just habitually do not cut myself enough slack... or stay focused on what i know to be true..but let the feelings of the negative beliefs dominate....knowing consciously this is a mistake...

it truly is about being faithful to the truth and getting it from my conscious mind to the subconscious so that new habits can take place..

seems to help just to bounce things off people and get input from time to time so thank you so very much for your time
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Beliefs CD Question - 05/16/07 09:11 PM
The belief ... I am a beautiful person with nothing to prove is a nice belief to adopt. I also believe there are good memories connected to that. The time a stranger asked if you're ok. Or when someone says are you being served? or even the remark.. thank you you've made my day

I wouldn't add the without having... the mind doesn't understand without so it has to look for the with having to probe.

As Paul likes to say... go easy on yourself.

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