Posted By: tzabuja Beginner experiencing adverse affect - 07/11/07 06:22 PM
I have been listening to Memory Supercharger and Personal Genius for the lasst two days. this is what I have experienced as a results. On the first day, I went to my bank to take care of a business matter. I have arrived and parked my car and realized I have misplaced the paper with details I need. For couple of minutes I searched my car and finally concluded that I left it at my desk. I just could not remember whether I left it behind or it had fallen off the seat in the car. This was disturbing experience.

That night I listened only the Memory Supercharger, and come the morning, the second day, I had get gas for my car so pulled into the usual place I go. I paid for the gas to the cashier first before pumping which I always do, and walked back to my car and got inside and started the engine and drove off without getting the gas! Before the next block I realized what happened, so went back and filled up the gas tank.

Additionally, I have been extreamly tired each morning.

What's happening with my brain? Does anyone know or experienced similar affects?

Here is my own conclusion:
I have been chanting (am a Buddhist) for the last 20 years and perhaps I suspect the Holosync is short-circuiting my brain? May be interfering with my own brainwaves? Chanting conditions and procduces natual affects such as Brainwave synchronization, Brainwave coherence, Binaural beats and more.

I am thinking to stop listening the paralimials but keep all other learning materials. I think those are excellent tools for me.

I would appreciate your sharing insights.
Posted By: Unis Re: Beginner experiencing adverse affect - 07/12/07 01:14 AM

I wouldn't consider the Holosync as something that would "short-circuit" your brain, even if you had been chanting for 50 years. The Holosync incorporated into the paraliminals isn't all that strong, generally doesn't go below a mid-Theta range at the deepest, and if anything, would enhance your memory, used over time. Used only a couple of times, it's not likely to have any effect other than it's intended one - to aid in relaxing you into a more optimum level of receptivity for the program on the CD's.

I've been doing deep meditation and deep trance work for almost 27 years now, and the only changes I've found with using the Holosync (I am in the program, Purification Level 1 presently) are that my non-holosync meditations are consistently more deep with each successive level, and my trance work has also improved beyond anything I could have imagined.

If you are listening at night, maybe you are stirring up too much subconscious material just before going to sleep, and this has perhaps disturbed your sleep cycle, thus the tiredness and subsequent forgetfullness. It might be better if you listened at a different time, several hours before bedtime, and just do your "normal" routine at bedtime.

Posted By: tzabuja Re: Beginner experiencing adverse affect - 07/12/07 01:29 AM
Thank you for your experience and suggestion, Unis. I will try listening other than at bed time.
There is another way of looking at it.

You could have walked right into the bank without realising you forgot that piece of paper with the information.

You could have driven home and forgotten to fill the tank till the next day and wondering why the gauge was so low never actually realise that you didn't fill up.

It can seem disorienting however you could have been saving yourself from meeting with an even bigger mess up. Who knows?

Posted By: Eliz Re: Beginner experiencing adverse affect - 09/07/07 12:02 AM
I have been using holosync for 2 months now and I know all of the literature that I receive talks about yoru subconscious resisting the changes. So maybe you are so resistent to these changes that it caused you to do the opposite.

The resistence to change is a safety mechanism to your subconscious.
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