Posted By: Dayfather New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/13/07 05:15 PM
I just moved to a new town to attend university and I'm finding it hard to meet new people.

What would you suggest?
Posted By: scooter Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/13/07 07:06 PM
hi Dayfather...

do you have any paraliminals now?

Your name makes me think of the Beetles song, daytripper... haha

Anyhow, I'd suggest to just go out and do things you like to do. When I do that I always meet someone and it seems like I meet a friend too. Even though I probably won't ever see them again, it's fun that way.

take care,
Posted By: Dayfather Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/13/07 07:39 PM
Yeah I have Talking to Win, New Behaviour Generator, Creating Sparks and Peak Performance. I was going to order some more based on the responses I get.
Posted By: Chrysanthemon Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/13/07 07:51 PM
Dayfather, interesting screen name, how did you come up with that one? Is that in reference to the sun? I feel like an advertisement for the Memory Optimizer Course. Anyway, just wondering about your handle/screen name. So in addressing your question, what do you enjoy doing? What kind of people are you trying to meet? And most importantly, in my opinion, why? How about where are you attending school, or perhaps what are you attending school to accomplish? These answers may help in focusing on your interests, such as people, professional, hobby and otherwise. And in truth I ‘m also interested, if you are so inclined. It’s the little kid/nerd in me, always curious about people and life.

So Dayfather, do you use any of the Paraliminals or courses by Learning Strategies? My reason for asking is, this potentially can help you improve your social situation (in my personal experience, pretty much everything in life). If you feel so inclined, give a breakdown of your goals, potential tools available(as you see it), and current mindset. This way we can zero in on the most efficient way to achieve your objectives. I will be checking back later tonight and do almost on a daily basis, so we can get started and move at a comfortable and efficient pace, only if this interests you of course.

There are some pretty neat people on this post, and I have read some very good replies. I just like to offer whatever assistance I may bring on a total interaction level. So, if you are ready to get down and meet the kind of people you really want to be around, give me your low down, so we can lay the happy smack down on the situation. : -)

You’re already moving in the right direction being involved with the Learning Strategies Forum.

Time to release the social butterfly from within. In reality, if you were social at any time in your life, this will be a breeze. Oh yeah, even if you have never considered yourself to be social, the mere fact that you wrote in on this blog shows you already possess the wherewithal to communicate. Oh Happy Days!

~Ka-ley Mother Earth~
Posted By: Dayfather Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/13/07 11:23 PM
Hey, thanks for the enthusiasm.

The screen name comes from a book I read once that mentioned a technique for getting help with your problems. You ask a question and then open a book to a random page and point randomly with your finger. I used Ulysses by James Joyce and this was the word that came. I like it because Day seems to represent the bright side of life/happier side of life I would like to embrace completely. The 'father' represents a kind of power/authority which I think can be used very advantageously if you have deep insights to help other people.

I enjoy reading, playing guitar, listening to music, going to concerts

Kind of people? I'd like to meet people who share some of these enjoyments, but also people who I can really connect to on a deeper level. So this rules out shallow-level people. Emotionally detached people? something like that. A sense of humour would be very important as would someone to take an interest in my life, and likewise.

I'd like to meet these kind of people because I think they have the most to offer me and me to them. I've seen other people with close realtionships and I'm jealous of how well they know each other and how they can always seem to have a great time together. Just being on the same page.

I'm attending university and I'm hoping to accomplish a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. This comes back to the 'father' thing. I think with the skills I'll develop I can come out of school with the ability to accomplish whatever I want.

I use the paraliminals I mentioned above as well as memory supercharger paraliminal and I've gone through most of the Photoreading course. I'm also a year and a half into the Holosync program.

My goals? I would like to be apart of a wide circle of friends, with one or two very close friends from within that circle. Or more, but I'm not too worried about quantity.

Tools? I think I have an attractive personality, it just takes me awhile to open up to people and it's also hard for me to actually meet people.

Current Mindset? When I first moved here I had a very positive mindset about meeting people but now I feel that slowly slipping from me. I gave up, but I can't say I totally did because i'm here now.

I greatly appreciate your help,

Oh yeah, Dayfather starts with the first 2 letters of my name.
Posted By: Chrysanthemon Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/14/07 03:27 AM

When you mention, “someone to take interest my life,” and “jealous of how well they know each other ,” are you referring to finding a significant other? You also mention, “ I would like to be apart of a wide circle of friends, with one or two very close friends from within that circle. Or more, but I'm not too worried about quantity.” So, are we talking about a large group of friendly acquaintances/contacts with 1 or 2 that know you inside and out? Also you wrote apart, meaning separate, is that a typo? Or were you checking to see I was asleep at the wheel? Wordplay perhaps? Just looking to better my understanding of you and where you are coming from.

A little bit from the peanut gallery. . . I generally make friends one at a time, quality ones anyway. And I really find your response about Dayfather quite interesting. The Father archetype by Jung and your explanation as to using it as a persona, so to speak. Well, here’s a funny thing about this interaction. . .you wrote that the first 2 letters of your screen name and real name are the same. This is a mind freak, as then we would have another thing in common. Hmmm. . .and you are 1 ½ years into the Holosync program huh? Cool! This is very interesting to me, as this is the technology being used in the Paraliminals by Learning Strategies Corporation. And maybe I haven’t looked hard enough, but I don’t recall any such program offered by LSC. (although I know that you said a University) You wouldn’t happen to have any hypnosis experience would you? Just wondering. : -)

Hope you have a wonderful evening, I will check back tomorrow to see what’s happenin’, and I Look forward to your response.

Posted By: Dayfather Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/14/07 07:42 AM
Hey, yeah that must have been a typo. I'm sure open to the possibility of a significant other. In fact the reason why I say I want a wide circle of friends is because with all my previous 'significant others', it's just been about us 2 and this is not something I like. I want to be "a part" of a group, not just me and someone else.

What is this other thing in common?

Holosync can be accessed at

I don't have any hypnosis experience, why do you ask?

I think the most mind-freaky thing about all this is that I went out tonight and made a friend, and I've already got plans for next Saturday to attend a party. mm-hm.

Posted By: Chrysanthemon Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/14/07 09:51 PM

Sometimes we just communicate with the right person at the right time. So, maybe having your mind on meeting people, coupled with taking your mind off of the actual “task,” while doing so writing in this forum opened you up to what looks to be new abundance in the social sector of your life. Whatever the reason, I appreciate the serendipitous meeting as you have helped direct my next steps toward the achievement of my goals. Yes, I am aware of my part in this, however that is what makes this even sweeter.

How about this one. . . Are you a guy? This may seem funny to ask, however my screen name gave the outward appearance that I was woman, when in fact I am a guy. I mention this as the topic came up a few days ago in a thread. I have known many people with the name Dana, some were guys, and some girls/women with the name as well. This activated a deep memory thread about an ancient named Dana (pronounced Donna) a Celtic Mother Goddess in the times of the Tuatha De Dannann. And then we add the part about “Father” into the equation, and you have a dandy of an inquiry. A man shooting for the stars or a woman embracing her masculine aspect, from a goal oriented viewpoint, archetypically speaking of course.

The reason for the hypnosis question stems from me having my mind on mind expansion and awakening. Ironic, since after reading your post I went on the holosync website and found that exact approach to achieving my goals, Thank You! What makes this more interesting, is the link between Bill Harris and Paul Scheele. Also, I have listened to 8 paraliminals from LSC in a day before and am looking to continue branching in-mirrored-out on all levels, Johnny 5 style. The hypnosis question came from being intrigued by the life path of Paul Scheele, sort of a silent mentor/awakener for me. Anyway, he had worked doing hypnosis earlier in life, and I was just scratching an itch with that question.

The “other thing” in common is the screen name and real name. . . my first two letters are also the same, go figure. Also, I played the drums for quite a long time, so the music aspect is another similarity. We may not have a tremendous amount in common, but for the sake of this encounter, I felt like I was looking into a mirror for a moment. And that was one of the coolest experiences I have ever had! : -)

I am totally out of my shell now, so here’s some nerdities that reveal a little about me:
~Cailleach~ an original spelling of 1 of my names~ owl~ Crone~ goddess of death~(Kali-Father Time)
~Cael~ Governor or the 4th house of home & family(astrology)~ I'm a Cancer~
~KA~ Egyptian word for spirit, one of my many nicknames
~Kaili~my favorite Hawaiian word (Kaley is one of my names)
~Kali~Favorite Hindu Goddess (Ditto)
~Green Man~ screen name I used 4 the Trump blog (I have had a door mount of Green Man since I was 17, I am 34)
~Kale~ Scottish for money, very old nutritious plant in the mustard family~(both are also green~American money anyway
~Father Time~(a.k.a. Cronos & Saturn) my old email address, brings back memories, really old ones. : -)
~God pronounced in Church Latin~ similar to Jamaican~ a helpful reminder
~311~ good band, #’s of ascended master guidance, 3 sets of 11 in birth name(Ch-ch-K)~ Irony with the 311 being “Indecent Exposure,” and for me this is the most decent exposure(revealing)of my life
~Lugh~ beginning of 1 of my names and reminds me of many things (Sun, Chakras,Celts, etc.)
~Chrysanthemon~10 pages if detailed. However, relates to Christen the Mon, Egypt, Christ, Crown(chakras-king-thorns-etc.) mummies, mum(Mother Earth), and is a monster Thank You to Paul Scheele- Chrysanthemon in Latin is Paulownia Imperialis. I am here to fulfill a promise. . .and in spirit, it is already done.

In keeping to the forum topic of Paraliminal Learning, I really get a tremendous benefit from using the SF Qigong paraliminals; always feels wonderful to be in alignment. Just wanted to share that as it was the first thing I did today. : -)

Congratulations on your new mind freaky social experiences, and best wishes!

Posted By: Dayfather Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/17/07 12:36 AM
Yes, I am a guy and yeah I assumed I was talking to a female.

I'm glad I helped you discover holosync. Sometimes I wonder whether it's really as good as they crack it up to me, but I have enough faith in it to keep at it for awhile.

I have never really looked into my name all that much. All I know is my grandparents were Danish and Dana means "man from denmark" in Danish. I like it because it's unique to my gender.

I've never researched Qigong at all, there are so many products and they all cost a little too much money it seems.

Thanks for the assistance you have been a great help,

Posted By: Chrysanthemon Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/17/07 05:25 AM

From my personal experience, the Spring Forest Qigong is easy to learn and the benefits are instantaneous. I recommend doing it for an hour the first time to really get a handle on what I mean.

The whole air about the definition of your name is cool, maybe because I’m kind of a linguistics nerd. I appreciate your willingness to share with me as well. Thank you! : - )

Until next time,

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/23/07 12:40 PM
For making friends Instantaneous Personal Magnetism.

Posted By: wrp Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/24/07 04:26 AM
Finding myself in a bit of a similar situation as Dayfather. Moved to a totally new city about 3 months ago. Strongly feel the need to find social life and new friendships.
Is Instantaneous Personal Magnetism also recommended for that purpose for someone who is married? I mean, wouldn't want to get into trouble...if you know what I mean. Thanks!
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: New In Town, Feeling Lonely - 10/24/07 10:59 AM
Yes perfect for that, it isn't just about intimacy, relates to public speaking as well. Good for job interviews too. Just consider your purpose for listening.

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