Posted By: cindyjp Ideal Weight - 05/19/08 11:22 PM
I have been trying to get motivated to lose and maintain a final ten pounds that I have been gaining and losing for the past year. First, I listened to Ideal Weight, but then realized that I have other issues to deal with. So I began listening to Break the Habit and then followed up with Self Esteem Supercharger and New Behavior Generator. After a month, I must say that I am less determined than ever, and have even put on an additional 5 pounds. I am feeling very frustrated and feel that these cd listenings are doing the exact opposite of what I desire. Anybody have any suggestions? I don't want to put on any more weight!! Thanks. Cindy
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Ideal Weight - 05/20/08 08:56 AM
When you answer the questions that Paul ask are you focused on what you don't want rather than what you do want?

Can you give an example of your goals for the listening session? PM me if you prefer not to post it on the forum.

Posted By: MikeJoyous Re: Ideal Weight - 06/08/08 06:56 AM
My suggestion: Don't rely on just the paraliminal for weight loss. Check out the book "The Shangri-La Diet" by Seth Robert. It is about using extremely simple methods to lower one's weight setpoint. For full disclosure: I tried a number of Robert's methods with limited success thus far, but many folks have actually lowered their setpoints successfully. In any case, I'm still trying:)
best wishes,
Posted By: rosanagreco Re: Ideal Weight - 06/10/08 04:13 PM
I've also experienced weight gain with the Paraliminals, I have called several times to seek for help and I have used a different combination of CD's to address the problem but I'm not sure it is working the way is supposed to. I guess changes are not that easy to make... honestly is a little disappointing.

Best regards

Posted By: Harvene Re: Ideal Weight - 06/12/08 01:57 AM
In answer to the weight gain, I want to use that tape but I was going to work on Belief tape first. I have to believe I can get there first. might want to try it. I will soon and get you feedback.
Posted By: cindyjp Re: Ideal Weight - 06/22/08 03:01 PM
Thanks for the advice on using the Belief cd. I will give that one a try.
Posted By: So-So Re: Ideal Weight - 06/22/08 07:57 PM
By listening to Paraliminals or working with the Learning Strategies courses, perhaps we sort of peel back the onion, the gauzy layers of our self-induced trances. In this way, we may encounter the deeper problems and fears that underlie them. And we may have a bit of a bounce as we adjust to facing the new feelings and fears that surface.

If it were me, I'd continue to acknowledge and experience my feelings just as they are, without judgment, and with gratitude for the personal power that those feelings represent... and then listen in the moment, and let the results take care of themselves.

And I would continue to listen.

For me, weight is NEVER about a number. For me, health and vibrant physicality are important (but elusive following a serious car accident). Numbers are irrelevant to me. So I have nowhere to get to, no reason to be dissatisfied or resentful. Living in the present moment assists that.

I hope this is encouraging to you, and I wish you well.
Posted By: Tana Re: Ideal Weight - 06/23/09 02:54 PM
I have been listening to the paraliminal Idea Weight now for 2 weeks. I haven't lost a pound. How long does it usually take for them to work?. Another question is what CD would you suggest to use, I was sexually abused as a child and I no that has hindered my weight loss goals. Its a protection thing and my body hangs on to it. So I was wondering what Paralimal you could suggest that would help with that problem
Posted By: French Claire Re: Ideal Weight - 06/23/09 03:32 PM
I have lost almost all I want to over the course of this year. I was fat and dumpy from too much sitting in front of the computer while I was getting my psy. degree. It is great to be almost where I want to be. Really great, I celebrate that.

I am surprised when I read your postings - do you really expect to lose weight just by listening to a PL? Well either you have the wrong end of the stick or I do. I see PLs as a tool for speeding things up, for clearing out old patterns that don't serve us well, not as a miracle cure for obesity.

Just as I drove home from work today (=synchronicity), I listened to Napoleon Hill's recordings based on his "Think and grow rich" book. In it he said: 1) first you need a PURPOSE (lets say to lose a specific amount of weight each week); 2) second you need a PLAN (mine is to eat my way through as much greens and fruits as I want plus I eat a fist-sized piece of protein at each meal (boosts the metabolism and keeps hunger away) and keep any fats to a minimum. 3) Hill says TAKE ACTION (my action consists of walking for an hour each day or as often as I can.) I can promise you that this works. Now add your PL and you'll shed weight joyfully.

Looking forward to hear how you get on Cindy. PL may help us lose the 'brain fat' i.e. faulty programs, but the body needs TLC too in the form of good, healthy food and avoiding all the processed stuff. Good luck.
Posted By: Inchiki Gaijin Re: Ideal Weight - 06/24/09 06:51 AM
I stopped listening to Ideal Weight, because the 'ideal' as stated by those height vs weight things is impossible to achieve unless you happen to have a very slight build and are very unlikely to be overweight anyway!

It's far more effective to think in terms of 'ideal shape' rather than try to attain a level, and struggle to keep it there, when you're supposed to be a bit 'fatter' anyway, especially if you're an endomporph.

Moreover, if you have any aspirations to a more muscular build, and you use weights, you are going to go 'overweight' as muscle weight twice what fat does. Therefore, you're precluding, and even sabotaging, any body-building attepmts by listening to it. Of course, if you're a chick, that might not worry you so much, but then there's the diet myth of 'weight loss' vs 'fat loss' to consider.

The usual low-fat diets, that tend to be high-carb, are useless in terms of actual fat loss. Sure, you lose weight on them (and struggle not to eat even though you're starving!), but the weight you're losing is muscle weight, NOT fat, because you're body is going into starvation mode and saving the fat for later.

So, ideal weight, my arse!

Get Charles Clark's 'New High Protein Diet' and enjoy the journey, while the fat drops off, and you get ripped.
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Ideal Weight - 06/24/09 07:03 AM
Tana, If you are carrying weight as self protection the Ideal Weight is the weight you have. That Paraliminal alone won't help you to reduce weight. You need to determine if your weight is really protecting you and if it is then you are at your ideal weight.

Some part of you does want to lose some excess so you might consider a mix of Paraliminals to help you with the various challenges. To feel safe and protected at a lower weight.

Anxiety Free. You'll discover anxiety when you try to lose weight. It can trigger anger that you're not losing weight along with,, knock your self confidence and self esteem. So for that I recommend anxiety Free.

New History Generator - your past experience led to using weight as a way of self protection. You actually had and have other resources. The New History Generator will help you to tap into those resources.

Break the Habit. At some point you may find Habit of eating when stressed or depressed becomes apparent. That's when you need Break the Habit. Use it and perhaps the next day use the New History Generator or New Behaviour Generator. You might even need the New Options Generator for coming up with ideas to replace the habit with better ones.

Posted By: Tana Re: Ideal Weight - 06/24/09 11:42 AM
Thank you Alex (hugs) that's what I wanted to no what other ones would help with my situation.Thank you. I ordered the self-Esteem one it should be here in a few weeks. I no a tape is not a miracle cure as the one user stated, I have done conseling and everything else. I was more curious as the ones that would help me the most. So again Alex thank you so much

Posted By: Tana Re: Ideal Weight - 06/24/09 03:11 PM
Don't get me wrong I have lost weight about 20 lbs. I lost it on the Isagenix system,but how I have gained back 12 lbs of it. So I figured the Idea Weight would work. The Isagenix works but its just to darn expensive at over $300.00 a month I just can't afford it anymore.
Posted By: Jeanne Re: Ideal Weight - 06/24/09 10:04 PM
I love the program--and consider the "ideal" weight to be what is ideal for ME, not some chart someone dreamed up. Maybe that's why it works for me when I use it.
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