Posted By: Aja Self-Esteem Supercharger having oppisite effects - 06/15/08 05:22 PM
Hi! I have been listening to the self-esteem paraliminal everyday for about a week. Before, my self-esteem was neutral. I didn't feel bad about myself in any particular way, but I was hoping to use this CD to encourage myself to be a bit friendlier at work and to be a little more outgoing so I can have more fun at work. However, since I began listening to this paraliminal, I've had a remarkable decrease in self-esteem. I have been using horrible language to myself - "you're so stupid, no one likes, etc". I feel tense and stressed, and am now easily reduced to tears. I'm supposed to help a friend with a favor, but I keep playing messages in my mind of stuff that didn't bother me before - such as, "you're friend is just using you, she didn't even call you on your birthday, no one visited you in the hospital, no one likes you, why do you even bother."

This is definitely not the self-talk one has when they have high self-esteem!

What am I doing wrong? Does it take longer than a week for results. Why would I seem to have worse self-esteem than when I started? Am I just bringing old feelings to the surface?

I really want the Paraliminals to work. Any advice or insight is very much appreciated.
Often when one changes the first changes are 180 degrees to what is intended. Many issues that lay at the core were dormant and as we nudge them they awaken.And they are now at the surface, which will explain the behavior. This is a positive sign. You may want to change those past memories with much more positive beliefs. You can do this with the New History Generator. There is a book called "The Self-Esteem Guided Journal" And together with those paraliminals you may see magic in your life.
Thanks! This is what I sort of what I thought may be the root of the problem. I will try the New History Generator and look into that book.
Aja- thanks goodnesS you are now realizing the self-talk that has been buried. I agree this is a good thing! It doesn't have to stay so far below the conscious mind now and it is free to express. Remember, when those thoughts drift up, now you are not ignoring them and shoving them back down. Now you can gently and lovingly change your thoughts. "The world is a better place for my being born. I am loved greater then I realize" Before you couldn't choose because you were not aware of them. I sometimes have to do this many times during the day but I give thanks that now I have realization they are there and can change the outcome. Good evidence of growth. I have found it does get better when I get the crap out--but first I have to see it!

This has happened to me sometimes with Paraliminals, or for that matter, often when trying to make a positive change. I think it is just my dark side (ego, maybe) trying to maintain the old status quo.

The negative self-talk/chatter was one of the easier things to eliminate. Eventually I started to catch it, and then rephrase the statement to something positive. So if I heard myself saying,as you did, "you're so stupid, no one likes, etc" I'd rephrase, saying, "I am brilliant, everyone I know likes me, etc."

Although it felt silly at first, and some of the statements were a bit far fetched,it did work quite well.

Resistance is still very active at times for me, but it's just not as powerful. It may have gotten sneakier, but I have good tools now and I can recognize my resistance soon enough to turn things around and let my higher self prevail.

The Paraliminals do work. Sometimes a different order of use will help. There was another reply to that effect.

Treat yourself with kindness.
I want to thank everyone for all the advice! I have not given up - I am exploring all the resources and techniques everyone has suggested. And I just got New History Generator in the mail. I'll keep you all updated on my progress.
Best wishes Aja - I'm experiencing a similar path, and wish you well on your journey.

My wishes for you..... May you discover good friends and be a good friend - may your body and soul recover from whatever sent you to the hospital - may you find joy in hearing each of the thoughts that come to the front because they all have something wonderful and valuable to share with you.

If I understand what the courses are teaching me, I believe you have permission to experience all of your thoughts and all of your feelings in this moment, just as they are, without attaching a judgment to them. If you wish, you may choose to be grateful for each of them, just as they are, as you go forward with your process, and take each step along your path.

Best wishes, and know that you are not alone. As David Simon says, "I recognize you. I know you. I accept you."
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