Posted By: Vickie Listening Only to Sleep Track? - 08/23/08 05:25 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am new to the Paraliminals and LOVE them. My husband shocked the daylights out of me and has started listening too. He is usually resistant to this type of thing so it is a good thing \:\)

He doesn't want to listen to whole CD though and opts just to go lie down and listen to the sleep track. Will he get the same effect doing it this way as he would listening to the full 4 tracks?

Thanks for your help,
Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Listening Only to Sleep Track? - 08/24/08 12:24 PM
I think the sleep track only helps to reinforce the entire track. There is no goal setting in the sleep track. I am not sure how useful it is when listened without the rest of the part A or B.
Posted By: Mike Pearson Re: Listening Only to Sleep Track? - 08/26/08 04:59 PM
Vickie, the meat of the program is in the sleep track section. In other words, that's where the dual induction/stories/suggestions are. Sure your husband will get results. He's not using the CD as it was designed but he is receiving some very powerful programming in his abbreviated "short-cut" way. I would rather have him do it his way than not to do it at all.
Tell him though that if he would like to increase the power of his efforts, he can simply state to himself (aloud or silent) what he desires (in his own words to himself) from his listening session before he starts listening. "For this session, I desire to become a better listener to Vickie and the kids. It'll help me to become a better husband and father and that's something I want." Clearly, that's just an example but it covers the essence of what Paul asks at the beginning of each disc and it does so in a way that's easy for your husband to answer. My guess is that your husband is sometimes put off by the questions asked by Paul. I find that I am sometimes too. Still, if he'll give a reason or two (or more if he feels led to) as to WHY he is listening to the program, his subconscious mind will do a search for all the ways it can use the words on the program as well as your husband's inner resources to make that happen. Even if he just wants to use the sleep section to relax and unwind that's fine. "I'm listening to this recording to relax and unwind." Your husband has found a way to use these recordings that works for him. My little suggestion is in accordance with the earlier paraliminal tapes and also the photo reading book. It's a very easy way for your husband to accelerate the results of his listening. More importantly, it's something he can do on his own in a few seconds. Like Peter Bissonnette says, "Many roads lead to Chicago." Best Wishes to you and your husband! --- Mike
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