Posted By: ph0t0reader In deep trouble - need suggestions - 07/21/03 11:28 AM
This is going to sound utterly crazy, but i am at breaking point. And i don't need a shrink to tell me i am crazy.

I just passed my law finals, acquired training at a law firm. This will involve frequent visits to the court, interviewing, handling clients etc.

Problem is i suffer from autism and dyslexia. I find it hard to speak in public, keep eye contact, have not much self confidence. The thought of entering this profession scares me, i always thought i would cross that bridge when i came to it now i am there. At the same time i really want to start work and have a decent opportunity at a career.

So can anyone give me some suggestions on how to handle this situation perhaps.

Posted By: AlexK Re: In deep trouble - need suggestions - 07/21/03 11:44 AM
First of all give yourself a pat on the back. You've crossed a lot of bridges already to get this far (you may not have noticed them but there will have been a few). People obviously have confidence in you since you're in training at a law firm.

On the score of finding it hard to speak in public... join the rest of the world. Fear of public speaking ranks higher than fear of death. How can you handle it? I suggest the paraliminal Sales Leap. This is a confidence building tape when dealing with other, making presentation, Talking with people you don't know and making a good impression in general.

As for being scared... well it's human nature to be anxious or scared when faced with something new. The paraliminal Anxiety Free would be my choice for that.

Your problem with autism and dyslexia seems to be under control. You recognise where you are having problems which means you can find a why to work around it. Automatic Pilot is a good paraliminal to keep using the good skills you have learnt.

Keep taking it one day at a time. Not every problem needs a solution immediately, they are often learning experiences. You do what is necessary at the time. Trust yourself that you can do it. You've gotten this far so keep up the good work.

BTW I don't think you post sounds crazy.


Posted By: ph0t0reader Re: In deep trouble - need suggestions - 07/21/03 01:18 PM
Thanks Alex, i always had sales leap but never used it. Will try it out.

Also been listening to self esteem supercharger every now and then, but the feeling i get from it seems to wear off after a few hours.

Anxiety free always helped me when i listened to it before advocacy and interviewing assignments. Seems like now it is different though, because people will be relying on me thus more pressure.

Posted By: AlexK Re: In deep trouble - need suggestions - 07/21/03 01:25 PM
Combine Anxiety Free with Sales Leap and Self Esteem Supercharger. Trust your instinct to guide you to use the best one at the time.

I also suggest you see it as a different level of play rather than pressure. It's a new experience, you don't really know yet what will be the norm... NOPS is a good way to handle it.


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited July 21, 2003).]

Posted By: DAVIDAR Re: In deep trouble - need suggestions - 07/23/03 07:12 PM
Perhaps try belief as well?

Posted By: Rachel Re: In deep trouble - need suggestions - 07/30/03 05:56 AM
Dear Photoreader,
I would investigate sound therapy from the book Superlearning - they have a chapter on curing dyslexia. A French doctor, Tomatis, discovered that your reading and speaking ability is intimately connected to your hearing. By improving your ability to hear high frequency sounds, you can eliminate many reading problems. They sell the tapes on - I've tried them, and they've definitely helped. My speaking voice is more melodious and my hearing has improved.

I bought a load of stuff from Superlearning a while back and found it to be a total waste of money! The only benefit I got was to satisfy my curiosity. Not only that, but when I tried to contact them about a problem I had it took me several e-mails to get a response. When I finally did get a response, it was decidedly abrupt and evasive. They must get a lot of complaints. My advice - do not deal with them!

Posted By: Rachel Re: In deep trouble - need suggestions - 07/31/03 04:06 AM
I didn't buy the superlearning tapes - I bought the sound therapy tapes by Patricia Joudry that the company sells, and they definitely worked for me. They're classical music tapes with special high frequency sounds mixed in - they're designed to improve your hearing and improve dyslexia. Re: their other tapes - I can't comment, as I haven't bought any. Sorry you had a bad experience with them.

I have heard of the tapes by Pat Joudry. In fact, one of the books I ordered from Superlying...sorry, Superlearning was the book written by her, about her experiences "Sound Therapy for the Walkman". It was an interesting, yet dated, read! Before anyone rushes out to buy the tapes, which cost an arm and a leg, I would suggest a visit to the Centerpointe site to check out a tape called "Silent Stim" which, it is claimed, produces the same effect (Tomatis effect) as the Joudry tapes, and I believe was also created well after them. Notice the price diference! I have "Silent Stim" and I like it!

Posted By: Iam2 Re: In deep trouble - need suggestions - 07/31/03 12:56 PM
ph0t0reader, I would suggest joining Toastmasters. I believe they are world wide. The idea may be scarey, but you seem familiar with doing the scarey. Consider this, most of the people at Toastmaster join for the same reason you will. Namely, a fear of public speaking. It a freindly support group for public speaking. A place where you can practice without fear.

As for paraliminal I recommend the Personal Magnetism. You can incorporate any personal trait you want to acquire. I personnally like it better than Belief and truckloads better than Sale Leap, although I appreciate that each tape will make a different quality of connection with different people. Consider the Personal Magnetism tape.

My other suggestion is pick one of the tapes an listen to it each day, with the same objective, before a week before adding a new trait. Then schedule a once a week booster to that trait. It's very important to keep your goals present in your thoughts, until you achieve some lasting success.

Dyslexia and autism I can't help you with. However, if you've gotten this far you've must have developed a pretty good set of coping mechanisms.

Good luck in reaching your goals,


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