Posted By: ColinM Paraliminals for Share Trading - 07/27/03 01:14 PM
Hi there,
I would be interested to know what Paraliminals could be used for Share Trading.

There is a lot of emphasis on the Psychology of trading that successful share traders use. They follow their trading rules, exercise patience getting into trades and cut their losses quickly and let their wins run.

I have found I do the opposite Ie I dont follow the rules correctly and exercise impatience waiting for the right trade to come along and so get into the wrong trade, and usually stay in a losing trade too long hoping the share will go back up in price.

What Paraliminals could be used? Could Natural Brilliance be used? Ie Use my inability to follow the rules as my stuck state? Or would you need to use something like Belief or New Behaviour Generator? Could Prosperity be used somehow.


Posted By: Rachel Re: Paraliminals for Share Trading - 08/08/03 10:10 PM
I think your best bet would be to listen to a tape that emphasizes the power of intuition. There really are no "rules" when it comes to trading, because people have made money under many different sets of circumstances. Also, you might try the abundance tape.

Posted By: businessguy Re: Paraliminals for Share Trading - 08/09/03 09:16 PM
ColinM, I understand your situation exactly. It is as if there is some terrible form of self distruction going on. Or as my wife used to put it, "just tell me which direction you are trading and I will go the opposite".
As far as I can tell there is no magic bullet. There is no intuition pill or anything else beyond the bounds of ordinary logic.
However, ther are a number of ordinary things that you can do.
1. If you are depending on trading for income then stop trading. Get a job and then trade. The pressure is much to great.
2. If your ego is invested in trading positively then stop trading. The markets do not care about you. You will just be eaten up.
3. If you have a system them when you want to trade ask someone for "permission" based on the solid logic of your sytem and how it applies to the specific trade.
Something you may find helpful is the newly advertised ebook called Personal Power. I liked it alot.

Good Luck

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