The work of Carlos Castaneda is somehow pulling me like a magnet. Couple of days ago I was waching DVD film with clips that had been removed from the actual film, normaly I skip them but this time decided for some reason to go them through.

In one clip a man was reading a book by Carlos Castaneda and it somehow rang my bell. It was familiar name and shortly after remembered that couple of years ago I was given this dame with message that his work could be something that I would be interested.
I didn't dig into this information and had no knowledge of him, then decided to check from the web and found a lot of information. But still I didnīt put my whole mind to the matter.
Last night I saw a dream where my friends knew his work and their lives and businesses where very powerful.
Just couple of hours ago while waching a movie, his name was ringing in my head continuously. It was almost hard to pay attention to the film?
Still I have somekind of resistance (it feels almost like I would be pulled to this agains my own will...) to study his work deeply?

Could someone help and make short summary on his work, is there interesting connections to meditation, paraliminal learning, whole mind thinking, etc...?

I have never experienced this kind of magnetism into some specific issue? Could you help?

Carlos Castenada's work is very popular among those seeking a more intense and personal spiritual quest. His work is a collection of stories that center around his experiences with a Mexican Native Shaman during and after his life.

I was on such a quest years ago and I was close to a few Natives that were knowledgable of the "old ways". They recommended the books to me as a way of understanding their way to spirituality and to help explain what I was experiencing.

Like you, Carlos Castenada's work drew me like a magnet and I devoured three or four of his books. The best way I can describe his work is that it is like a gateway to spirituality through intuition. If you've never experienced this, it is very difficult to explain. I do remember though, that a door opened for me through his books and my world was never really the same since. The world does not work as advertised and we are not alone or without helpers in this life.

Read the book and you'll see what I mean.


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