My job requires me to work long hours and sleep on average of 4-5 hours per night. As a result, I'm chronically fatigued. I know the obvious solution to this is to quit my job and sleep more. Assuming that not being an option, can anybody recommend a paraliminal that may help with the situation?

I have the 10 minute supercharger. Is it worthwhile to get up 10 minute early in the morning to listen to it? Is the 10 minutes of rest with the 10-min supercharger more restful than the last 10 minutes of sleep in the morning before I get up?

Thanks in advance for your input.
Did you realize that many professionals have stated that a good meditation can actually give you the same benefits of a good night sleep in a fraction of the time? Myself have been caught up in the lack of sleep trap also. I have now taken the time to get power naps 20 minutes during lunch break. And after work when I finally get home I first drink a nice cool glass of Water or even a Perrier then I use the Deep Relaxation or Dream Play Paraliminals. I use dream play to help me balance my life. To me this works extremely well.
Thanks! I'll look into the DreamPlay paraliminal.
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