Posted By: ShaneXEdge Yet another question for KAIDEN - 11/14/03 06:23 AM
Still not confident in these tapes. What exactly is this building the magic self? NLP Affirmations? The three learned limiting beliefs?
Also could you describe whats involved in the Instant Fear Banisher. It seems to me like it's just another way of releasing.
I already have natural brilliance and use sedona method. I don't think there's a refund at Speed Seduction.
I'm an A-shole, Any info. greatly appreciated

Posted By: Kaiden Re: Yet another question for KAIDEN - 11/14/03 12:56 PM
Yes, there is a refund.

Building the magic self is building a persona that embodies the attributes you want without any cultural bagage surrounding those attributes. The limiting beliefs are "can't," that the past determines the future, and that you have an "essence." The instant fear banisher is changing the way energy flows through your body.

Posted By: ShaneXEdge Re: Yet another question for KAIDEN - 11/15/03 06:45 AM

Thank you so much. It seems like it really does kind of repeat a natural brilliance kind of thing. It looks helpful, I sleep on it because I already like myself I don't really see a need to build a magical self but it might be good for insight anyway. Thanks a bunch.

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