Hi there; i just wanted to ask some folks who have experienced the paraliminals on both tapes and CD. Please share with us both the advantages and disadvantages of using the CD's and the advantages and disadvantages of using the tapes. Thanks.

Guys and Gals; i posted this post practically 3 days ago a response would be appreciated. Thank you.

I have both the tapes and the CDs. Although I have the tape before the CDs were out myselt but I hardly use them because I had them converted into CDs then transferred them into iPod. I wasn't aware that the sound quality might be degrade through the convertion, that might explain why I wasn't really getting the benefits that I was suppose to get from the audio. I had the CD three days ago and had converted them into AAC format with my mac. I think it was until Alex told me that there might be some degrading with the sound quality if you had it compress to 128kHZ. I took the advice then reconverted them in WAV file/44.1 kHZ. After reconverting the CD in WAV format I went for another listening session. I listened to "Holiday Cheer" and it kicked in. I got a sense of "It's Christmas Everyday" feeling after six hours that I listen to it. I find finding that humming sound embedded into the audio was like a game for me to play when listening to the new Paraliminal sessions. It's really convinent when you have all the paraliminals in an iPod, oh, and other LSC products too.

Thank you Kimax2000 for replying to my post.

I just got a replacement cd for Automatic Pilot CD which haven't arrived yet. The origial that is. Anyhoo... I tried the paraliminal, session 1 and later that day got some of the negative symptoms of Holosync. I felt drained and down. I'm pretty sensitive to Holosync and things like it so I don't imagine many others to feel the same. Anyways... If it was due to Holosync that's pretty cool. Then it's not just the lightest holosync of them all. I think it must be "deeper" than prologue. What does Alex say?


It's not the same Holosync as used in Prologue and I doubt it's "heavier" than Prologe. It does trigger brain entrainment.

One interesting thing about feeling down later in the day. When we experience highs we notice our lows much more. The can even be higher than our usual lows.

Feeling drained is often like having let go of an unnecessary but heavy burden. It's like working all day but never noticing until you finally stop how completely exhaused you are. Seriously I think the combination of Holosync and the method by with the Paraliminals work couldmake it seem that it is Holosync at a deeper level.


That's possible. I remember the days when I was so into the paraliminals that when listening to them sometimes I "regained consciousness" from deeper to lighter level of consciousness. I noticed it by thinking thoughts (my first language is not english) and discovering that they weren't my own but Paul talking in the paraliminal tape. So they do affect me.

Yeah, about feeling down. The best thing is that I'm very aware of it. Great way to not be attached and too deep in the feelings.

It will be extremely interesting to see what the paraliminal+holosync mix will do to me. I've only listened to the autopilot yet and the rest haven't arrived yet.

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