Hi there,

Just wondering which paraliminal might be recommended for letting go of a "stuck" feeling energy in my solar plexus.

I've felt this stuckness daily for many years and have tried many different approaches, to no avail.

Wondering if there is a paraliminal that might work especially well in dissolving this stuckness.

Thanks in advance,

Use the Letting Go Paraliminal and / or Happy for No Reason.


I apologise of this is irrelevant to paraliminals but have you ever heard of Orbs? They contain the energies of Angels, Archangels & higher beings which show in photos & have healing energies. If your meditate on them, you concentrate & absorb their healing energies/qualities. Apparently, they're one of the fastest ways to raise & heal your energy levels.
Here's some information: http://www.dianacooper.com/books/orbs/
(There's a gallery on that site with lots of Orb photos, here's one:


There's a deck of cards which contains some & there's card no. 3 & no. 30 which I have used to heal shock & trauma from solar plexus chakra (which stores this feelings). Although my concentration isn't good at the moment, i feel they help. You can also place them on your solar plexus & absorb their energy that way also.
Here's the cards: http://www.amazon.com/Orbs-Cards-Diana-Cooper/dp/1844091767
Thank you ipc33 - I will check it out! It's so interesting, I was just doing some angel card readings today with my deck by Kyle Gray. Excellent timing wink

Alex - is there a suggested frequency or number of times to listen to these paraliminals? How long does it typically take for a shift to occur?

Thanks very much!

You are most welcome. That's amazing how the Universe works. Probably the Angels wanted you to know something.

Originally Posted By: cameronwilliams

Alex - is there a suggested frequency or number of times to listen to these paraliminals? How long does it typically take for a shift to occur?

If you use it once a day for 3 days, take a break and notice the shifts. If you'd like more you can adjust your listening purpose. You can notice a shift after one listening. If you just feel good that's a start aim for more by adjusting your listening outcome goal.

Everyone is different, has a different reason for listening so it's different for every person.

Some listen with the purpose of being less anxious. And while they experience less anxiety, they still experience more anxiety than they would like. In this case a change of listening goal would be to be cool calm and collected, in the situation where one experiences anxiety. So that becomes the next listening goal.

That's very helpful - thank you Alex.
Alex, I have one more question about setting an intention for listening.

This solar plexus stuckness is related to a trauma I experienced many years ago.. would it be appropriate to set an intention for "healing this trauma"?

Or is that focusing on the negative? If so, could you suggest an alternate wording?

Thanks in advance,

Letting Go of. Give yourself permission to let go of the stuckness and allow new energy to flow in.

Hi Alex,

I've listened to letting go and happy for no reason a number of times, and still the stuckness persists.

I've studied the sedona method off and on for 10 years or so, and I still have not been able to let go of this stuckness, despite the hundreds of releases I've done.

Do you have any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

When do you notice this "stuckness"? What are you trying to let go of?

I need to understand what you're working on. I can think of a number of Paraliminals that could help for different situations.

Hi Alex,

I notice it almost every time I pay attention to my solar plexus. Usually it feels stuck and/or numb... Sometimes it feels like an intense pressure. Every once and a while I feel a nice relief and energy flows in this area, but very rarely.

I'm trying to let go of the stuck feeling. It feels very oppressive and draining. I would bet much like to feel a warm energy flow in my solar plexus insead of this stuckness that's been here for years.

It all started with a traumatic incident that happened about 15 years ago.

Is that a useful explanation or do you need more info?
When you use the letting go Paraliminal consider using it with, Could I let go of wanting to change this. Often what keeps us stuck and in this case energy stuck is we want it to be something else.

You could also use the New History Generator to work through the experience of 15 years ago. PM me if you would like to talk more about how to use the Paraliminal for that experience.


I apologise if I'm intruding. It's just that I've had a lot of problems with my solar plexus & wanted to share my knowledge.

This chakra can be energised & healed by using the Sun's energy also. The best way is to allow the Sun to shine on it when sunbathing (hence the name "Solar"....if that's not possible, then imagining the Sun shining on it. Or even better, imagining this chakra itself as a beautiful bright shining Sun.

I've also come across Donna Eden's work (she has videos on YouTube & has written the bestseller book Energy Medicine) on working on energy blockages within the body (which this is sounding to me as).
i highly recommend getting outside help with this as its a highly sensitive chakra which picks up a lot of energy (often unconsciously). I highly recommend Prana healing. Depending on where you are, you can find a practitioner by typing Pranic Healer in Google.

Donna Eden has an energy zip up exercise which is good to use daily as it helps to seal in one's energy as to not be affected by others' energies & negative vibrations (which the solar plexus picks up). You should be able to find it on YouTube.

Hope this helps! smile

I found this from this online iBook article which I thought might be helpful. I think Black Pepper essential oil would be very helpful.

"....The essential oils that resonate with the solar plexus chakra are mainly "protector" oils. They include Vetivert, Juniper and Fennel. Vetivert is a protector and balancing oil, as seen with it's affinity with the root chakra. However, it's most important role within the chakra system is to act on the solar plexus chakra to protect from over- sensitivity. Applying Vetivert to the solar plexus chakra prevents one from becoming a "psychic sponge" and taking on other people's "junk". If you find that you were in an uncomfortable situation where you felt other's energies intruding on you, Juniper will help clear them. Fennel acts as a protector oil, similar to Vetivert. Rubbing Fennel oil over the solar plexus chakra can help when you feel the threat of "psychic attack".
It is through the solar plexus chakra that we are called to action. An imbalance in this chakra may result in a feeling of being "stuck". Black Pepper moves one into action at such times. It helps move blocks that prevent movement of energy between the chakras, especially the solar plexus and the heart.
Lavender, with both a calming and energizing action, has a strong affinity with the solar plexus chakra. Lavender's role in the solar plexus is to help calm extremes of emotion...."

The link for all chakras & more info:

Thank you ipc33! Sorry I just noticed this response now. Thanks very much for sharing
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