Posted By: Pete Bissonette Need More Time in Your Day? - 07/13/17 10:34 AM
What if there were a Paraliminal that unlocks the 25th and 26th hours in the day?
Super cool, huh?
Imagine, two more hours!
But there isn't, so drop it. You have 24 hours.
If you feel you never have time to do what you want… to spend time with loved ones… to get done what you need… to take a vacation… to change the batteries in the smoke detectors… to read a great novel (like mine!)…
…find 25 minutes to listen to the Conscious Time Paraliminal.
It will help shift your relationship with time, how you think about it, and how you spend it. Almost automatically. All you have to do is listen daily for a week. Since you're going to listen to a Paraliminal each day, you may as well listen to this one.
You'll still have 24 hours each day, but stress about time will diminish (you will be removing that calendar noose), and you'll feel happier about how you do spend time.
Paraliminals give you a great way to rejigger how you respond to what is going on in your world. They help you look at things differently. They give you options, ideas, and clear ways forward.  All you have to do is listen.
To learn more about Conscious Time and all our other Paraliminal programs, please click here.
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