Posted By: Annabella Mental Toughness that melts away trouble - 09/29/17 02:40 PM
Which paraliminals would one recommend to develop Mental Toughness - the kind that is fearless in the face of trouble and scares away enemies / those that would harm you.

I have an abusive ex that just will not leave me alone. We have an ugly history of court cases when I have stood up to him and checked his abuse and violence temporarily. But recently he appears to have upped the ante again and is using various methods to distress me. I cannot go no contact completely (as much as I wish I could) as there are children involved.

I don't know how to make him go away completely (which would be a dream come true for me and my children), but at the very least I need to become stronger and more immune to his head-working and covert abuse. It's gone beyond affecting my peace of mind and is repeatedly causing dam problems, anxiety, *<. loss, nausea, severe abdominal cramps, etc etc
Weird - the above should read physical " H E A L T H " problems but keeps coming up as "dam" despite numerous edit attempts

Okay, so here it is, I’ve refined my goal somewhat and can articulate better. Perhaps what I’m looking to develop is the kind of Presence that lets any would be perpetrators know that I’m not the kind of woman they want to mess with. That makes them intuitively back off and run in the opposite direction.

Does this help any? How do I stop being the kind of person that has this kind of trouble in my life (assuming that if this guy is hanging around in my/our lives then there must be something within me that I can shift to be free of him (Forever) (sigh).
Use Positive Relationships and Power Thinking. You can also add Sales Leap to that, (the message you're selling, you don't get to mess with me).

This makes complete sense, thank you Alex. I’m on it.
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