Posted By: Pete Bissonette Too Much on Your Mind? - 11/01/17 08:54 AM
We pile a lot on our mind and usually without thinking about it.

Concerns about the weather and what might happen next.

More projects at home than you can possibly do yourself or even afford.

A friend is drinking too much.

A family member has a chronic health condition.

Pressures keep building at work.

On and on.

When you have too much on your mind, listen to the Letting Go Paraliminal.

The problems don’t necessarily go away, but the load feels lighter. Your emotions are not so thick or tangled. You can get a good night’s sleep.

You’re not letting go of any responsibility. Just those hooks in your psyche.

It becomes easier to live on purpose, to do what you need to do, to be happy, to love, to look forward…

Listen before bed for pleasant dreams. Listen in the morning to start your day off well. Listen midday for relief from the day’s circumstances. It really doesn’t matter when, just listen. Paul Scheele and Hale Dwoskin of The Sedona Method created an amazing Paraliminal with Letting Go, and I encourage you to use it often. You’ll feel more peaceful and energized. You’ll be freed to achieve your desires and best express your highest self in this world. And that you’ll love.

(Other Paraliminals to consider are Overcoming Overwhelm and Anxiety-Free. You are an amazing person, and we encourage you to use these tools to live into your magnificence.)

To learn more about Letting Go and all our other Paraliminal programs, please click here.
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