
What's the best paraliminals (several or 1) that can help block people's negativity to go into your energy/subconscious?

I find myself, when people say something negative, I keep telling myself to not let it affect me, and other things like trying to feel strong and unaffected, but then it does affect me.

I don't want the outside opinions to influence me. What's the best paraliminals for this purpose?
Hi Tiger!

To paraphrase Eleanor Roosevelt, no one can make you feel, believe or internalize anything without your consent.

So what I would look for in terms of Paraliminals would be any that seem pertinent to you for standing in your own power and convictions. A few you might consider would be Belief (because if you think you can or you think you can’t you’re going to be right), Self-Esteem Supercharger and/or Self Love (because they enhance your conviction of your innate worthiness and wisdom), Fearlessness (which reminds you how courageous you can be) and Letting Go (if you have let someone overstep your boundaries).

If this is a chronic situation, the Generator Paraliminals are great for letting go of stuck states. Take a look at the New Action, New Behavior, New History and/or New Option Generators.

I would also recommend taking a look at the complete listing of Paraliminals under the “All Products” link on our website. I find we’re all far wiser than we give ourselves credit for, and you probably have some pretty good inclinations of why you let people overstep your boundaries on a regular basis.

All the best to you!
Wendy Greer
Going to use all of those thanks for stating the purpose so I can say it
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