Posted By: GK a tape for insomnia, please. - 03/27/01 04:02 PM
Hi Pete and everyone out there
Can you please suggest the best tape(s) to induce sleep? My sister has been suffering from stress and insomnia for the past year. I would really like to help her.
My daughter has been using four of the paraliminal tapes with great success. She loves every minute of her listening time! I strongly believe that one of these tapes will help her. Can anybody give suggestions as to which ones I should get for my sister? Thanks much.

Posted By: Curious1 Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 03/28/01 06:25 AM
Originally posted by GK:
Hi Pete and everyone out there
Can you please suggest the best tape(s) to induce sleep? My sister has been suffering from stress and insomnia for the past year. I would really like to help her.
My daughter has been using four of the paraliminal tapes with great success. She loves every minute of her listening time! I strongly believe that one of these tapes will help her. Can anybody give suggestions as to which ones I should get for my sister? Thanks much.

How about Deep Relaxation? I use it sometimes to fall asleep when I have trouble. It is long though: about 35 min. i think. At the end of the session Paul Scheele even gives the listener a choice to transit sraight to sleep state or wake up refreshed. Of course, I have anxiety free tapes to deal with severe anxiety attacks (not that I've had any One more tape that might be useful would be the Prosperity tape- it has so many applications).U can use Prosperity tape to draw an abundance of rest and sleep for instance.

[This message has been edited by Curious1 (edited March 27, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Curious1 (edited March 27, 2001).]

Posted By: Brian649 Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 03/27/01 08:23 PM
Actually Pete, while you're at it, could you create a tape that *induces* insomnia? That is, eliminates the *need* for sleep? I've used the Belief tape before to go back to the beginning--before I was brainwashed into thinking I needed 8 hours. 8 hours is simply a cultural norm--it becomes a belief system at around school age. Well over half of sleep is 'light sleep'--and light sleep gives us virtually no benefits. I say, cull just need to know how.

Say, what are you doing this summer? Maybe we could get together and create a Sleep-Saver program? I've been itching to do that with all my newfound knowledge and exp but do not perceive that I have the logistical resources.

Posted By: Pete Bissonette Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 03/29/01 12:23 PM
New Behavior Generator, New History Generator, New Option Generator, Belief, and Dream Play--those have helped.


Chunyi Lin says most people do not get enough sleep and recommends more sleep to many people who have healing sessions with him.

Posted By: Inchiki Gaijin Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 05/17/01 08:55 AM
An old topic, I know, but if you read "The Einstein Factor" Dr Wenger swears by silent image streaming as a cure for insomnia. Very useful. Try it!

Oh, by the way, another cure I heard a fellow class-mate say was effective for insomnia was revision! I think he was joking, but only by half!

Posted By: JeffC Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 05/18/01 08:34 PM
Honestly, with the three paraliminals I DO have, (Personal Genius, Photoreading Activator, Memory Supercharger) I have trouble staying awake! As soon as Paul starts the whole relaxation bit I'm out. I just have to chuckle because people want a tape for insomnia and I can't HELP but fall asleep with ANY of them...


Posted By: Mayuri Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/18/17 10:34 AM
Thank you!!!! I'll start with these right now!

Deeply grateful and with love and best wishes,
Mayuri :-)
Posted By: dbo Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/18/17 08:26 PM
In my case, I was consistently going to bed late, such as 3:00 AM and often even later, because of all the things I was trying to get done before bedtime. After a while, my body got used to going to bed later, and 3:00 AM did not seem "late" to me anymore....

So, the first thing I worked on was to re-adjust my priorities so that an earlier bedtime and getting a good night's sleep was a high priority. I was using a different Paraliminal for every day of the week, but I usually found a way to set an intention for better sleep as my intention for the different Paraliminals. At some point, I felt ready to make sleep a high priority in my life. When I wanted to get more things done before bedtime, I told myself that I could do those things tomorrow AFTER getting a good night's sleep. Studies have shown that our productivity starts going down after 10 PM, and by Midnight our productivity is at about 50%. So by getting to bed earlier and getting a goodnight's sleep, I am actually more productive.

Once sleep was a high priority, the next step was to get my body used to going to sleep at an earlier time. In my case, I prefer something that eases me gradually into sleep, so my preferred Paraliminals right before going to bed are Deep Relaxation (30+ minutes) or 10-Minute Supercharger (10 minutes). Both of these Paraliminals help to get me into a sleepy state, so that it feels like my regular bedtime. If I am still feeling wide awake as my bedtime approaches, then I use Deep Relaxation, but if I am starting to feel more relaxed then I use 10-Minute Supercharger. If I feel sleepy enough, then I go to bed right away without using the Paraliminals.

I have successfully moved my bedtime back to 1:30 AM so far, and I still want to move it back to 11:00 - 11:30 PM, and maybe even earlier when I get to that point.

By the way, before I made sleep a high priority, I was getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I figured that going from 4-5 hours to 8 hours might be too big of a change, so I started setting my alarm for 6 hours of sleep a night. After I felt I was used to getting 6 hours, then I moved up my bedtime and set my alarm for 8 hours after my bedtime.... Now that I am getting 8 hours rest every night, I have noticed that my body has been going through all sorts of healing crises. I think that when I was not getting enough sleep, my body did not have the energy to do any deep, long-term healing, it was just trying to get through the day. Now that I am getting more sleep, my body has enough energy for long-term healing. If I had tried to get by on 4-5 hours sleep a night for too long, I probably would have crashed and gotten really sick. So, be prepared that things may feel worse for a while before they get better.
Posted By: Mayuri Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/18/17 08:47 PM
Hi dbo. Thanks for sharing. I can relate to a lot of what you've written! It's good to know that I'm not alone in my conflicting behaviour, but I don't wish it on you or anyone else for sure!

I've just been working on really clarifying this goal with crystal clear intent before I go through the combos suggested by Pete above. I've just gone through the New Behaviour Generator Manual and for the first time put down on paper and in black and white, a whole shedload of beliefs that shine a lot of light on my conflicting behaviours. It feels good to know these for some reason.

You are so right, sleep has always been a low priority for me too! I was taught that work came first and you put in whatever hours you needed to, to get things done. That's okay in extreme situations, but it sure isn't healthy when you're living like this on a daily basis!

Right, I had actually planned to go to bed 2 hours ago, and have been procrastinating on listening to the New Behaviour Generator all day.... hmmmm... maybe I know this one's going to have a big impact on me.... lets see. Signing off now and calling it a day....

...(hmmm, I'm having trouble calling it a day.... )....

PS I love Deep Relaxation and have been following Pete's advice and listening to daily since the start of August. I've really noticed a difference in just how much more relaxed I am in general during the day. I like to listen towards the end of the day when I get in bed - but is it the one that really makes a huge difference for me getting a good long night of deep sleep...????......, probably not in my case... - but then I have never set this as the purpose for listening to this paraliminal.

I've used Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed and Break The Habit and had some success, but not the consistency I need. But then I haven't applied the consistency in listening to all of these on a daily basis...

This weekend, I'm setting this as my highest priority for change work. Its just as you said dbo, not getting this down creates all kinds of unnecessary issues and holds me back no end.

You know, you've just reminded me of a couple of times in my past when sleep was a super high priority for me and I used to get into bed for 8pm every single day without fail. I was super disciplined!

Hmmmm.... let me look into what my driving forces were then, this could be a major insight to map forward into now...

Tell me dbo, have you also tried the Paraliminal combinations suggested above by Pete yet?

Posted By: dbo Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/19/17 05:18 PM
I listened to New Behavior Generator, session A for the first time yesterday evening. Before listening to the Paraliminal, I looked at the manual, and identified three conflicting behaviors which are all big factors for me going to bed late. I chose the following conflicting behavior to work with for the Paraliminal last night:

Doing lower-priority tasks / activities during the day ("prime time" for getting things done) ... and then feeling pressured to complete the higher-priority tasks before going to bed.

At first, the Paraliminal did not make sense to me, but then I got it -- this Paraliminal is about resolving the conflict between my will / conscious mind and my subconscious mind, and getting these two parts of me to work together in harmony towards a common goal. I think this is going to be a very important Paraliminal for me to work with, as I can already see other important areas of my life where this will apply.

That's all for now, as the Internet is one of those lower-priority activities that uses up a lot of my time....
Posted By: Mayuri Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/19/17 07:10 PM
Lol, your last line made me laugh!

Great work dbo. Inidentified a number of conflicts, but when I listened to the Paraliminal I think I was too general with my purpose. Maybe I need to get more specific like you. I'll try this. Thanks for sharing 👍
Posted By: dbo Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/19/17 09:32 PM
The manual for New Behavior Generator recommends: "Listen to this session for each behavior that prevents your success."

So, I am going to go methodically through my list of conflicting behaviors, one at a time. (And I expect my list will grow as I work with this Paraliminal.)

Is there a Paraliminal for patience? hahaha
Posted By: Mayuri Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/19/17 09:45 PM
Yes, you're so right it does, I remember reading that now.

Funny you should say that about patience, Alex already mentioned it to me in one of my other posts. I thought I'd worked on Letting Go of impatience, looks like I need to address it again. Thanks for the insight!

I'll definitely try it your way, I'll go through my list and see which intuitively stick out as biggest offenders. If the 20/80 rule applies, homing in on the key pillars should bring the rest of them tumbling down like a pack of cards also.

Dbo, this is really helpful to share this exchange with you. I'm confident I'm going to nail this sleep thing once and for all!

New History Generator next...
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/20/17 10:32 AM
As a side kick, you can use the gratitude Paraliminal when you feel impatient. When you're grateful for what you have the mind has no room for impatience.

Use the New Actions Generator to shift your evening activities once you decide what you prefer them to be.

Posted By: Mayuri Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/20/17 11:52 AM
Ah great new angle to come at it from!

...,,I've just checked and see I don't have the Gratitude one as part of the Ultimate You library. I can work on this consciously though of course. Do you know if there is another Paraliminal in the Ultimate You library I could use to perform a similar function to the Gratitude Paraliminal?

I will use the New Action Generator though. I'll listen to this one today.

Thank you Alex 👍
Posted By: dbo Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/20/17 03:45 PM
Mayuri, do you have the Happy For No Reason Paraliminal in your Paraliminal library? I listened to that Paraliminal once a week during the month of June, and when Alex mentioned Gratitude, I thought of Happy For No Reason immediately. In the manual for Happy No Reason, one of the Benefits is:

"Cultivate gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion for others, and let the love in your heart lead your actions."

Alex, thanks for the recommendation of the Gratitude Paraliminal to help with cultivating patience. I read the description in the Gratitude manual, and it sounds fantastic!
Posted By: Mayuri Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/20/17 10:29 PM
Yes I do dbo, thank you, great suggestion! I have not listened to it at all yet, so this will be a first. God knows I could do with being Happy For No Reason, my family would definitely appreciate this!!!

Plus, the benefits that you listed are Awesome. I definitely want to be this person!! Double thanks for the recommendation! 🙏😊
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/21/17 10:20 AM
Happy for No Reason, for patience, I also recommend Simplicity.

Posted By: Mayuri Re: a tape for insomnia, please. - 08/21/17 07:58 PM
Super, thanks Alex 👍
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