Posted By: Parvinder Memory supercharger - 04/13/01 10:40 PM
What can I do to maximise the results from the memory super charger paraliminal?

Posted By: Pete Bissonette Re: Memory supercharger - 04/16/01 11:41 AM
There are many posts on the Forum for the Memory Supercharger. Search for them.

People tend to find the best results when they listen to the tape before bed on days with a lot of learning.

Posted By: Parvinder Re: Memory supercharger - 04/22/01 09:04 PM
Any thing specific or new? Those old threads merely are a repeat of what you just said.

Posted By: Pete Bissonette Re: Memory supercharger - 04/23/01 02:51 AM
Nope, nothing new.

As a matter of fact, everything that we've been learning putting together the new memory course, which will be out this summer, supports what we've been saying.

Posted By: Parvinder Re: Memory supercharger - 04/24/01 05:18 AM
Why do you need a memory course if this paralinimal tape works?

Posted By: Wallace Re: Memory supercharger - 05/02/01 07:29 AM
To make money, silly!
Haven't you caught on yet?
The course will just contain all the same stuff like the "loci" the "link and peg" and mnemonics BUT they will also give you a Memory Supercharger and say that "...even if you already have this tape the coaching session will make it worth your while...", or something like that. Then you will get a typed letter through your door with fake highlighter all over it from Pete and what's more, you will be told that if you respond within 21 days you will get an X amount reduction so you order straight away thinking you are getting a great deal. Not a bad business - repackage tapes eveyone has with a coaching session and a "playbook".
Does that answer your question?

Posted By: Parvinder Re: Memory supercharger - 05/10/01 05:21 AM
Your probably right. Virtually all memory courses are the same.

Posted By: Pete Bissonette Re: Memory supercharger - 05/09/01 09:43 PM
You are right: most memory courses are pretty much the same.

There will be a some peg and mnemonics stuff in our course, but very little.

We will be presenting a metaphor for memory that is significantly different from the other courses so that you understand how memory works and doesn't work. As a result of the program, everyone should see an increase in their ability to remember.

Those that do the work we suggest will see a greater improvement in their memory.

The course will go beyond the material on the Memory Supercharger--they will support each other.

I haven't decided whether I'm going to use a fake highlighter for this mailing. It depends on how I feel when I'm writing the letter. And a 21-day special introductory price? Could also be 14 days or 30 days. You'll know when you get it in the mail.

Will we make money with it? You betcha. But only if you like it and keep it. Every business has to make a fair profit; otherwise they will close their doors.

Posted By: weight39doug Re: Memory supercharger - 05/10/01 01:53 AM
Call me crazy but I kind of like the fake highlighter.

Posted By: Inchiki Gaijin Re: Memory supercharger - 05/10/01 05:17 AM
Hi Pete!

This new course sounds very interesting. I am looking forward to seeing it. By the way, when do you think you will be ready to offer it to the public (with or without fake highlighter, it's all the same to me!)?

By the way, will there be a new paraliminal created for this course as well as the Memory Supercharger?

Posted By: Parvinder Re: Memory supercharger - 05/10/01 10:25 PM
How much will the course be on sale in UK pounds? When will it be available in the UK? Like the PR and NB systems will it be available in a book and separate audio version? Will it get its own separate discussion forum?

Posted By: Pete Bissonette Re: Memory supercharger - 05/17/01 10:16 PM
• Haven't finalized the price.

• Don't know the release date. Still waiting to finish up a couple of pieces.

• I'm sure either LifeTools or Nightingale-Conant UK will carry it.

• There may or may not be a new Paraliminal session. Paul and I talked about it again today. We don't want to do a new Paraliminal unless it can be of value.

• If a book comes out it will be next year. We anticipate publishing several books by Vera, but I don't know if one will be specifically on memory.

• It will get its own Forum if the discussion warrant it. Time will tell!

Posted By: Inchiki Gaijin Re: Memory supercharger - 05/19/01 07:17 AM
Hi Pete. I'm sure you must be sick of memory course questions, so for that I apologise, but I am intrigued: who is Vera? I'm guessing she is a memory expert. Could you tell me more about her and what sort of things she will be bringing to the course? Also, what would the oter books she will be writing be on?

Originally posted by Pete Bissonette:
$BI(JHaven't finalized the price.

$BI(JDon't know the release date. Still waiting to finish up a couple of pieces.

$BI(JI'm sure either LifeTools or Nightingale-Conant UK will carry it.

$BI(JThere may or may not be a new Paraliminal session. Paul and I talked about it again today. We don't want to do a new Paraliminal unless it can be of value.

$BI(JIf a book comes out it will be next year. We anticipate publishing several books by Vera, but I don't know if one will be specifically on memory.

$BI(JIt will get its own Forum if the discussion warrant it. Time will tell!

Posted By: Pete Bissonette Re: Memory supercharger - 05/24/01 11:36 AM
Vera F. Birkenbihl has sold over 2 million books in Germany on learning. We do not know yet which books we will translate and publish in English.

We've searched for a memory expert for years who offered something different. While others intrigued us, Vera captivated us.

She is as much an eccentric as either of us have ever met. A little weird but brilliant.

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