I've been using memory supercharger for a week now and though I'm not noticing profound difference in my memory I was considering moving on to a course I bought (Million Dollar Vocabulary). Now I was wondering if I continued to use Memory in combination with Vocabulary whether there would be any effects--positive or negative. Thanks.

Yes, continue using the Memory Supercharger. You can mix it in with using the Paraliminal session that is part of the Million Dollar Vocabulary.

Unless your memory is tested, it can be challenging to notice improvements when using the Memory Supercharger. After all, to notice an improvement means you remember what it was like when you had poorer memory, which brings you right back into the experience.

For me, I listen to the Memory Supercharger now just a few times a year--whenever I notice my memory slipping. It gives me the booster I need.

I'm looking forward to noticing my personal long term effects to using what is taught in the new Memory Optimizer.

Hi, Peter, I noticed that you mentioned the new Memory Optimizer, but I don't see it on your web site. Is it available? Hopefully in CD format.


Hi Pete!

So you're gtting the benefit from what is in the "Memory Optimizer"?

When will it be available?

When are you going to share your toys?

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