First i wanna know if this is a correct usage of memory supercharger

i lie down on the bed close my eyes and open the tape. during the tape i pay attention only to the first 5 minutes which is understandable because there's only 1 voice after that i pay little attention to it. after finishing listening i feel relax but not sleepy and i can't get any knowledge from the tape . is this correct? i listen to it for around 1 hour (too long?).

my hope is to improve my dream recall and induce lucid dream.can this paraliminal do these things for me and if yes how long does it take?

You're not going to like what i'm about to write. Looking for results the way you are, will only produce frustration. Your approach needs a different type of focus.

I have had significant success using all of LS products. There are only a couple of paraliminal tapes that have not been agreeable to me. For instance: I have been lucid dreaming for years. I purchased the dream tape & really messed myself up. Probably i was just too greedy. Or, maybe i needed to recognize that it's important to know when i don't need to mess w/ a good setup. In any case, there was a lesson there for me to learn. I certainly did not return the tape or get my $$ back even though Dana told me to. I want my personal power to stay intact. Some day that tape will come in handy. Maybe i'll give it as a gift to the right person, at the right time, for the right reasons

Success comes in many ways as long as one is doing daily life. This means taking care of business; doing your duty. Just listen to the tape & go about your daily life as though you had NEVER listened to the tape. This will allow your other than conscious mind a chance to show you a thing or two.

Your question is a conscious type of a question. When will it ....? But all paraliminals work from the other than conscious mind that knows more than a thing or two. You do not need to be consciously involved in the success of any paraliminal tape.........other than to turn it on & listen & set clearly worded goals.

I took a test, a very hard test for me, & i answered questions correctly from an other than conscious level of mind. IS IT INTIMIDATING to take a test like that???? YES

I have no idea what memory supercharger has to do w/ lucid dreaming.

Go to for lucid dreaming stuff.

How do you get to that other state of consciousnees, Margaret?
Did you get lost on the way to the test room?

thank you magaret .
i believe "memory supercharger" has something relate to lucid dreaming because Sidis said that listening to it 2-3 hrs a day dramatically increase his dream recall and then he can become lucid in his dream.

As far as lucid dreaming \ dream recall and memory supercharger go, my experiences show that it can be the result of the tape. Though I was listening to Dream Play before Supercharger (with no success might I add), I switched over to memory and right away practically I began recalling my dreams with great clarity. I admit, at first, my sleep was a little disturbed when I realized I was in a dream because it almost felt like I was awake when I wasn't, but now it's no big deal really. I remember all sorts of dreams, depending on how good of sleep I had. But as for remembering facts and things, I myself, after using the tape for somewhere around two weeks, still had no success. And that's why I bought the tape! Dream recall is only an added bonus to a goal I've yet to acheive with the tape. But I suppose that's it. Good luck

thank you tall_sided.that's really cool.i'm interested and curious about how did you do it. here are some questions

1) how do u use the often do you listen to it? and how long?
2) do you employ any other Lucid Dreaming techniques such as MILD WILD Reality Check or you just used a tape?
3) what's your lucid dream's frequency?
4) how long does it take to induce first great dream recall? does it involve very high motivation or it's natural?

Thank you in advance.

To be honest theerapun, I'm as amateur of a Paraliminal Tape user as anyone on the board I've only really been using the tapes for a little under two months and I'm having my share of frustrations in getting any results out of them. Out of the three tapes I've used to date, only dream recall has resulted. Now a run down: -I started with Self Esteem Supercharger (no noticeable result), than went on to Dream Play (remembered one dream out of around two weeks of using the tape) and than started using Memory Supercharger. I listened to the tape once a day, always at night and an hour before going to bed. Now whether dream recall was the result of combining Dream Play and Memory Supercharger or listening to the tape an hour before I went to sleep...I don't know. It just happened the first night after I listened to the tape. And from there on, I remembered more dreams with greater clarity each consecutive night I used the tape. Now I remember at least one dream a night with clarity (even without the tape)! But as for your other questions, I'll attempt to answer them now:
1.)Answered above
2.)I have absolutely no idea of any lucid dreaming techniques...I don't even know what Mild Wild reality check is...perhaps you can enlighten me
3.) I find this whole frequency thing interesting but have no clue about...would you mind sharing some knowledge and providing some insight? Thanks.
4.)I listen to the tape, spend an hour getting ready for school and than go to bed. I wake up in the morning remembering dreams that I was in direct interaction with. It's a neat feeling.

But as I said in my earlier post, I purchased memory supercharger to improve my recall and retention of information and facts from school and reading. Dream recollection has only been a fluky development that just happened. Once again, good luck and I hope you have more luck with paraliminals than I've been having.

Thank you very much tall_sided.
i recommend you to read Lar's Lucid Dreaming FAQ which can be found on
alt.dream.lucid.* if you wanna know about lucid dream techniques maybe it'll help you to increase your lucid dream's frequency) .

I think you misunderstand me about 'lucid dream's frequency' (sorry if i used incorrect word). i meant how often do you have lucid dream? 1 per week or 1 per month?

I was using lucid dreaming long before LS paraliminals. One thing i have found recently that has helped my dream control is the Silva dream control method. By using this method exactly, i now have much more control over my regular dreams & lucid dreaming. Also my working dreams are easily figured out. I have 3 types of dreams: regular, lucid, working.

But since i do listen to Memory Supercharger, which is one of my most favorite paraliminals, maybe it does have something to do w/ my overall success. I'd never thought of it that way though.

Thank you Magaret
I heard so many times about Silva ***** control. What exactly is it? i try searching on and found the book "The Silva Mind Control Method".is that what you mentioned? and what's in the book i'm considering buying it.what will it do for me?

sorry Magaret i forgot to ask some more questions. as i consider you one of the proficient PhotoReader. i want to ask you if Lucid Dream can help in activation ?

If it worked they would not need the Memory Optimiser course.

It's the little blue book, the first one & only one by Jose, that sells for 7.99 or 6.99. There a few more books by the Silva people but this one is excellent.

Using paraliminal tapes like Personal Genius & Memory Supercharger & even Prosperity & Silva mental programming, you can get a handle on lucid dreaming fairly easily...i should think. I was trained to lucid dream by my teacher, so i don't really know about all the items out there that teach one how to do lucid dreaming. 30 yrs. ago, we did not even have that terminology. I called it astral travel or dreaming a dream where i wake up & it's like normal consciousness till i really wake up.

I like the Silva methods because i now program for dreams for information & help w/ all kinds of things. I am positive that if i needed to activate stuff from PhRing, it would work easily & efficiently. I'm not in school & have not needed to use dreams for activation.

The Silva stuff is very simple & i follow it exactly to the letter. I memorized the statements Jose said to use. I don't improvise b/c i really think he put tons of insight into choosing the words.

My feeling is just call Laredo, TX using their 800 number & ask for the book & a list of their other stuff. They are the cheapest. I mean absolute cheapest. The Silva people are not out for making money in the way fancy organizations like LS and Nightingale Covenant are. Nothing wrong w/ this. I love LS products. Silva started in 1944 & tried to give his research to the government in 1965 & they turned it down. Guess what? Some guys from Princeton who had done the Silva Course, changed the name to Remote Viewing & put in lots of mathematical statements & the government then spent 20 million for a product Silva tried to give to them for free. He was truly quite a wonderful & special man.

Originally posted by theerapun:
Thank you Magaret
I heard so many times about Silva ***** control. What exactly is it? i try searching on and found the book "The Silva Mind Control Method".is that what you mentioned? and what's in the book i'm considering buying it.what will it do for me?

I have never had perfect control over what i will have lucid dreams about.

I have had perfect control over programming for dreams to offer me information for...

The key here is to have a tape recorder next to your bed that you can just turn on & speak the dream into. Then when you wake up, you transcribe it. Then sometime later, you relax, go to level (deep alpha), & go over the meaning for the dream. Believe me, at alpha level all kinds of information will present itself for use. Learning Strategies setup is very similar, but Silva's is better.

That said, i really don't bother any more to speak into the tape recorder b/c i usually just wake up in my dream & analyze it right there. Then i give myself specific instructions if needed. When i wake up, i use, Anna Wise's method of dream recall that she has in High Performance Mind. << excellent book btw. I usually recall it easily b/c of having been awake in the dream but i allow myself to check it out & get a couple "keys" to hang onto for discursive consciousness.

Hey, this message alone shows you how i have used PhRing to further my interests I have PhR huge numbers of books for things that interest me. I then go into alpha & decide what exactly i want from the books & usually find the info quickly. I'll do a quick MM, a messy MM & go back over it w/ some color later in the same day at some point. I also have a tendency to put MMs everywhere, on doors, my bed, walls, pc, etc. Really anyplace where just by walking by, i may get a flash. They're colorful & in a matter of seconds i can go over one when i'm walking by.

Originally posted by theerapun:
sorry Magaret i forgot to ask some more questions. as i consider you one of the proficient PhotoReader. i want to ask you if Lucid Dream can help in activation ?

[This message has been edited by Margaret (edited October 16, 2001).]

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