Hi Everyone!

It's been quite a time since my last post, but I think something has happened...

First, I've owned the NB Course for some time, being excited by the model, but had no success (just tried it once).
Last autumn I was so down, I thought, what the ..., and gave it a second try, this time following every step. And voilą: Got some success! Found the right priorities for myself.
Last week, I did it again, this time on my procrastination problem. On Thursday (I had taken two days of vacation) I just went into overdrive and reorganized my appartment - brought kilos of books, comics and just-stuff into the cellar, ordered the remaining books and comics, generally cleaned up - WOW!

Then I thought: OK, Natural Brillance works, but why don't I have such success with other Accelerated Learning and Self Development techniques? And I turned this into the next Natural Brillance session. My answers are of course only my personal ones, but I got some! So, if you got any problems with Paraliminals, PhotoReading, ImageStreaming, Spring Forest Qi Gong or whatever - use Natural Brillance on it. Heck, even if Natural Brillance doesn't work, use Natural Brillance on it - a bit of ambiguity won't hurt you.

For those interested, here are my personal answers:
I got an identity issue with all this stuff, thinking, believing, that using it with success will alter my personality somehow, making me another person, perhaps a lonely one.
If all this works, I have no excuses for not taking responsibility for my life. Talk about fear of success...
The functioning of all the other-than-conscious and Qi stuff just doesn't fit into my rather classical scientific world view.
And, last one, I feel out of control.

So, parallel to Natural Brillance, I tackeled all this with some Paraliminals: Anxiety Free, Belief, New History Generator.

Yesterday, I returned to Spring Forest Qi Gong, and had my first success: A rather nasty itching subsided to an manageable level.
Other effects observed: My dreams have become rahter vivid during the last days, I began generating alternative responses to a study/work problem that has been bothering me.
One last thing I have to do is to Get Around To It regularly, so, after posting this, I will get into some serious playful Previewing...

Take Care,


[This message has been edited by Jens (edited February 24, 2002).]

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