Yeah, I remember reading on the relationship articles auto-pilot can be use to wash your X right out your mind. Problem, isn't working. I am doing something wrong. At the begining Pual Scheele asks three questions. Whats your goal-stated to myself to get over my x-girlfriend. Tried various methods. Stating goal of wanting true love-since its a strong desire that will weaken small desires like getting my heart broke again. I obsess over her all damn day, and night. Not even trying. I tell myself think of others girls. It really sucks to be so close to someone than bam! their a total stranger. Its like someone dying real close to you. Theres nothing I can do but accept it now. But I really have to move on. Just want this darn auto-pilot tape to kick in.

I have that tape & regardless of what anyone says, i do not think that is the right tape for what you want or need. In fact, that would be practically the last tape i'd choose for a relationship problem.

Do a search on the user purjo. Use for search words: Falling alseep rapidly. & the other is: Anxiety Neurosis/Tension Headaches.HELP!!!! He has some great stuff there for you based on nlp.

You know, your relentless quality is & will continue to work against your peace of mind. Blaming a tape for your problem borders on ridiculous. Shape up! BTW, it's also unhelpful and unkind to blame the girl or YOURSELF.

Please check out this guy's posts for getting rid of unwanted thoughts.

[This message has been edited by Margaret (edited May 24, 2002).]

You mentioned that it feels like someone dying. That's because what's happening is you are in a grieving process over the loss of someone you love. Grief isn't necessarily predicated on just death. Grief can be experienced over most any type of loss. Whether your relationship ever took off or not, you had a dream of a great relationship with this person that has not come about. What's happening now is that you're grieving over the loss of that dream.

There are stages to grief - anger, denial, bargain, depression, and acceptance. They don't necessarily occur in that order and some of the stages may even repeat until you're finally able to reach acceptance.

Once you understand that what you are dealing with is grief, you will have a much better go of it because you will have an understanding and can at least recognize why you're going through those feelings.

Hope this helps!

I've used the Personal History tape to get over X's.

I think moving onto other women might be a bit premature at this point. It's not easy to start a new relationship when you have the emotional baggage of past relationships to contend with.

Texas bob,

Well said! I'm pasting your comments into my journal ... so that when my children experience 'grief' that they will understand the process and what it is they are feeling!

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