I really love this course, it is beautifully designed. I really wished they had added some more information about the three paraliminals that come with it. I was just left with listen to it. My You Library has a nice book explaining the paraliminals. I wish I could get some more information on each paraliminal.

Therefore, Paul, could you please write something describing each in a downloadable PDF. I eat, live and breathe this stuff. I can't get enough of it.

I have just purchased and recieved this course. Pleased to find another person who is doing it. Tell me more!!
Well, I have found my life purpose. Seems quite generic at the moment. But, it is true to me. "I like to help people get exactly what they want." I realized this today. I have already written a life purpose before and when this came to me today. I was like, yeah, that's it. I look on back my life and realize that's what I've been doing. I've gone through sometimes where I would give and would not be able to receive. It was all cause I didn't think I deserved it. I fixed someone computer, or do something else and they would offer me a reward. Almost all of the time I would turn it down. Now, I give as well as receive. Staying in alignment.

Side notes. Things really started to change with the AFL course. I have already noticed difference with this new course. Like, yesterday, I thought about one of my 101 goals. It was about going out to restaurants and why I love doing that. I live being with my family at a nice restaurants. I like the scenery. I like the warmth. Just brings a warm feeling to me. Minutes later, my wife calls me and wants to go to lunch to get a bowl of soup. The thing is it's been a long time since we ate lunch together. But, the kicker was when I took my son to an after school learning center. They had a gift certificate of $50 to a restaurant that I've been always wanting to go. And, they said it was because we referred another kid to the school. I was complete surprised by it. But, I know it was the Law of Attraction at work.
Another thing, I was looking to work at home for some extra income. Now, the job that came to me was health and nutritional career selling products for weight management, health and fitness. I was weighing 188. I've been trying to get to 170 for the longest time. I'm a long distance runner and play a lot of sports. So, I had to use the product to see if they work. Cause, I wouldn't want to sell anything that I cannot believe in myself. My self-esteem is important to me. Well, anyway, I way 168 as of today. I look and feel great. Being 36, this is amazing.

By the way my goal statement was: "I choose to be living a healthy lifestyle enjoying being at 170."
I am attracting an abundance of health, wealth and love into my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, Paul R. Scheele and everyone who contribute to these wonderful learning programs. I truly hold Paul as one of my Role models. I can see what he means by Effortless Success. I can see how it all shines through him. I want to live in this beautiful world. Excuse me. I'm sorry, I forgive you and I love you. "I am living in this beautiful world surrounded by beautiful, loving and caring people having fun making life a joyous celebration."
hi there,
Thanks for sharing your experiences - great to hear!! I have only just started the course, still on course 1, upto stage 3. I discovered my life purpose thru reading success principals about a year ago. But recently i have been feeling dispassionate and non directed in relation to how to fulfil my purpose and recieve the financial abundance i want and deserve.

The most amazing event happened to me yesterday - i was quietly eating lunch, and not really thinking about much (like Jack in the shower i guess) when a huge idea literally popped into my head. Now i have no idea how to achieve this dream, but as in the programme - if i can dream it i can do it - I am going to do it!!

Thanks for sharing your experiences - talk soon
I recently recieved the course and have been able to listen to the first two CD. However, I am seen changes in my life. My wife and I are experiencing more harmony asnd at work things are flowing a thousandfold better. I decided to go slow and let everything sink in.
I am just starting my course, and really loving it. Right now I've done the Prelude and the first CD, but like many here, I'm noticing changes already. One particularly lovely change is how my dreams are now different. I used to dream in color, but now I'm dreaming in really vibrant color--and not just color, but taste, scents, and sounds are like some celestial multi-media artist was at work in my dreams. Just gorgeous. I'm just so glad I finally went ahead and bought this great course.
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