Posted By: French Claire Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 05/21/09 02:16 PM
One of the disciplines required to manifest what one wants is Gratitude.

So, this is evidence that ES is working for me. My life is changing in the direction I want it to go. It isn't a hit-and-miss process, but I am a director, a co-creator, and I can do it as much as I want, when I want.

These are a sample of the wins / gains / successes that come to mind since starting ES a couple of months ago.

My goal is to generate €500,000 per annum. To do this I need to change my job (leave teaching). Since creating this goal (pro-actively, rather than as a vague wish previously), the Dept Education is throwing work opportunities at me (desperate to keep me in their system). They even wrote last week to see if I shouldn't have a supplimentary income because my husband is in full-time education and not earning an income.

I am pretty busy with work and often feel as if I have no time for myself. Since starting ES I am achieving much more - husband and I are decorating my mother's house, I have planted up a wonderful display of flowers in front of our house. Besides this I have released beliefs about not having time, being busy, being too busy, having to work all the hours that are. Hey presto, I don't feel overwhelmed as I used to.

I am much happier. I know what brings me bliss. I have much more focus on being joyful. That is a goal of mine. I want to live in joy as much as I can.

I am clearer about what I want to do - I have clarity and many of my goals are in alignment with my breakthrough goal. This excites me as I know it is a powerful force.

Work colleagues in the two schools where I work admire my philosophy of life. I don't get ruffled. I aim to enjoy my work day. I aim to deliver great teaching. Something must have changed in my vibrations because others want to be/do like me! Their curiosity feels interesting and affirms I am on the right path.

I am losing weight EFFORTLESSLY. I walk for an hour a day (while Holosyncing or listening to ES), but this isn't new. I play tennis with my husband to keep fit and strong, but this isn't new either. So what has changed? My attitudes and beliefs about myself. Also being healthy is now a clear goal, something I focus on positively. Previously I mentally berated myself if I ate the wrong things, or didn't have time to exercise.

My relationship with my husband is better/ more rewarding / more fun. Both of us are working on ES (he much less so, but then he is not in a position to make radical change yet). We are finding ways of bringing our goals into alignment. I think this is why we are achieving more. Two intentions in alignment result in concrete action.

I am back in touch with my true self after many years of being incommunicado. That brings me real joy. I am constantly inspired. I am being creative at a high, useful level.

As my French isn't particularly good yet, well not good enough to discuss ES processes with friends here. So I rely on the forum as a communication point. This is working for me. I relish contact with others here, and what they say is of genuine value. Now I have exactly the outlet I need without having a language barrier.

I am starting to realise that everything is just perfect as it is. That feels very liberating. Also life feels like a great experiment, a fun game to play.

I wanted to try out some Paraliminals - without investing in a whole library first off. A kind fellow-forum contributor told me where to get a free download, and I contacted LS where they have another. Now I have invested in another 4.

I know where I am going. That is worth so much.

That isn't a fraction of what has been going on for me manifestation-wise. But don't want to bore you. Or write a huge post.

Let it be known that I am blissfully grateful for all that has come and is coming to me. I acknowledge that this is not coincidence (my previous explanation), but that I am working the Law of Attraction. The universe is abundant and that abundance flows to me.

Happy manifesting and I wish you all a massive dose of bliss!
French Claire
Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 05/22/09 04:06 AM
Thank you, French Claire, you are an inspiration to all of us!!!
Posted By: Stevers Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 05/24/09 05:58 PM
French Claire,

Good for you for posting all the ways the Law of Attraction is working for you. I'm not quite ready for that yet, myself, this moment, but I now have it on my radar to consider all of the ways the ES Course has been working for me thus far. My intent is to report back on that by the end of the coming week.

Thanks for your example!

Posted By: Stevers Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 05/29/09 12:16 AM
OK, so I promised to post all of the positive changes I’ve observed since I started the ES course, about 6 weeks back. Here goes:

I’m more disciplined. That is, I am more consistent with the things I do, and spend more times doing the things that work. My Daily Disciplines are rapidly becoming healthy inclinations. My self-esteem has improved. If I get into a negative emotional state, I don’t stay in it nearly as long and I don’t go as far into it as I used to before I come out of it. I am much more appreciative of others and of myself. I feel much more grateful for my life as it is, and, consequently, I feel much more inclined to make my life even better because my life energy isn’t getting splintered off by the idea that there’s a “problem”.

People seem to be both more responsive to me and more comfortable around me. They appear to want to be around me without, I suspect, really knowing why. Folks are looking to me more for leadership and deferring to me more often (although this feels a bit strange when it involves my boss).

I go through my day with much more of a sense of intention, and yet, I don’t feel like I’m “forcing” as much. I have fewer and shorter periods in my days where I am unsure what to do next, fewer “lapses”. My transitions between activities tent to be fast and complete. I would say I am more purpose-driven without really trying to be. I definitely have a much clearer sense of what my Life-Purpose is and that seems to be informing both my decisions and my behavior. I am outcome oriented, but it doesn’t seem fascist, if you know what I mean.

I am happier. I wake up feeling much better than I did before the start of the course, and I feel excited about the coming day. I am more flexible, more able to change course in the midst of a single activity or sequence of activities. I am more tolerant of others, less controlling. I am clearer about what really matters to me and feel more satisfied with my life and myself. Even as I am aware that there are still things that don’t fit within my life, I no longer feel like a “misfit”. Metaphorically speaking, it’s like the clothes I’m wearing are just fine, but I’m looking forward to wearing that perfectly tailored Armani suit.

I am a better listener. I have less of a need for other people’s attention and am more generous with my own attention. I sleep better at night and need hours less sleep. I am enjoying life more without having changed anything major like my work, my home, etc.

I’m much kinder with myself. I take short rests more often. I breathe more deeply. I’m more proactive. I look more to possibility and less to why something can’t or won’t work. I’m more willing to challenge my own beliefs and less needing to challenge the beliefs of others. I make fewer mistakes and am less hard on myself when I do make mistakes. I am more forgiving. I worry less.

I’m physically healthier. I’ve gained 9 pounds of muscle on what was becoming a dangerously thin body. I’ve made key distinctions in terms of my diet that are really working for me. I’m stronger and have better endurance. My eyesight has improved. I have less pain in my body. I feel more grounded and more comfortable inside my own skin.

I am more aware of my finances. I am much more aware of my goals. I am contributing more to others without looking to be of service; it’s coming as a natural extension of my healthier relationship with myself.

I’m both more efficient and more effective at work. I’m better organized. My days go much smoother and they feel both fuller (in a “not too much” way) and more fulfilling. I’m more pleased with my results I’m seeing at work, and I experience less overwhelm. I feel less of a sense of urgency as I go through my days and more of a sense of grace and economy of motion and thought. I enjoy getting things done, both while I’m doing them and after the tasks are completed.

Life feels like less of a struggle and more a fun and challenging game.

I came up with all of this while driving and speaking into a personal recording device. It pretty much came out of my mouth the way I’ve written it, in about 5 minutes time.

I highly recommend this process of looking at what’s working for any of you since you began the ES Course. I got a TON out of doing this. Thanks, again, French Claire for launching the thead!

Best to All,
Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 05/29/09 07:29 AM
Hi Stevers,

Congratulations for your string of successes! They are impressive indeed. Are you concurrently doing other programs (eg Holosync, Paraliminals, other forms of meditation, etc) apart from ES?
Posted By: Stevers Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 05/29/09 12:55 PM
Hi Uniquesoul,

Thank you, indeed!

Spurred by the reminder of folks on this forum, I have returned to using Holosync after about a year layoff. I've used many of Learning Strategies programs, paraliminals, etc., studied many approaches with many teachers over the years, but I'm putting much of my attention on the ES course these days.

My emphasis in the past few years has shifted from "personal growth" to what I will call "Awakening". I have worked with a number of approaches featuring the Law of Attraction: Lynn Grabhorn, Bobbie Stevens (Abundance for Life), and Abraham/Hicks.
At some point there was a recognition that I had more interest in waking up out of the dream state than dreaming better dreams and attempting to make them come true (something I was never actually very successful at doing with any of those past attempts and approaches). I had pretty much sworn off the whole personal growth game, but when the ES course offering showed up in the mail, my intuition (despite what my thinking mind was telling me) signed me up.

On some level I know that so-called "awakening" and "manifesting the life of our dreams" are not necessarily mutual exclusive, but still, I have found it both ironic and strange to have re-entered this territory of vision, goals, and daily disciplines. I guess I have been using the course more with the intent to de-program than to re-program, if you know what I mean.

Again, it has been strange even as it has been fulfilling.

Posted By: French Claire Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 05/30/09 08:45 PM
Hi Stevers,
What an impressive list of successes. If I weren't doing the course myself and experiencing major change, I would have difficulty believing anyone could create that much positive change in just six weeks.
Yet I now know this is possible.
Congratulations. I can see by your contributions that you are investing in generating tangible outcomes. It is inspiring to read how much you have attained.
Just imagine what our lives could be like if we sustained this progress for, say, 12 months.
I am actually managing to apply the rule of five - no procrastination, no self-sabotage. I'm not doing five actions daily on each goal, more like a step or two in the right direction. This is generating change and progress at a pace I feel comfortable with. I think I can take the steps now (which I previously found I had no time for) because my goals and life purpose is clearer.
Take care,
French Claire
Posted By: Stevers Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 05/31/09 03:34 PM
 Originally Posted By: French Claire

Congratulations. I can see by your contributions that you are investing in generating tangible outcomes. It is inspiring to read how much you have attained.
Just imagine what our lives could be like if we sustained this progress for, say, 12 months.

Thank you, French Claire,

Yes, this is where my curiosity goes. What would happen, indeed, if we were to sustain this kind of progress over a full year? Even as I celebrate what has shifted (mostly within me, although there has been some external confirmation) in 6 weeks, I am aware that if I truly want to manifest a different experience, seeing huge changes on the outside (finances, career, health, relationships, personal, contribution, etc.), it will require both time and consistency. So I find myself both impressed and unimpressed at the same time.

I am aware that the visioning part of the course is where I feel a bit "sparse". In the past I was able to imagine all manner of possibilities for myself, but holding the vision was not sustainable. My hunch is that without a direct sense of vision arising out of a relationship with a deeper aspect of being, what you have called "True Self", I had no real staying power, beyond the "will of the mind". This area of vision and goals is clearly where my attention needs to be now, within the context of doing the ES course.

Good luck as you continue forward!

Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 06/01/09 02:16 AM
I believe the steep learning curve at the beginning will start flattening after a few months. That will be a time to consolidate and embed the changes to insure we will not fall back into old habits and believes.

No course is meant to cover all aspects in life and solve all the problems. Maybe what is left out through ES can be addressed through another program which will assist with the most serious issues at that time. So the cycle will repeat itself as the new program will increase the awareness and make our lives feel rich and fulfilled.

It will be our choice if and when to stop our evolution towards higher level of awareness. Challenges will always come our way since some of them are inevitable.
Posted By: French Claire Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 06/02/09 04:42 PM
Hiya Unique Soul,
Interesting thoughts you have there. If we believe Canfield, and why not?, the curve does not flatten out.... no sir, our ability to manifest what we want just accelerates and accelerates.

Judging upon what I have experienced in ES to date, this seems to be true for me too. As I make progress, and as I do my Five-A-Day (five actions to achieve our goals), and as I practise my daily disciplines, I find more and more synchronicity, more ideas emerge, I am vastly more creative about my life purpose, I have exponentially higher goals.

In fact the progress-overload is the very reason why I keep writing new threads. Every time I deal with something, space opens up. I either take a giant leap forward in consciousness (which feels like bliss and joy) or I hit a road-block. I tussle around with my roadblocks and wins a bit, and then I share them on this forum. Some generate lots of response, some almost none at all.

As you probably know, I am in France and just beginning to learn the language, so inputs at a high linguistic level are rare. Still the universe is finding ways to deliver. I have found this forum for sharing, growing and discussing. And literally, and I mean LITERALLY, every time I open a book or listen to a CD, exactly the information I sought arrives. Never, ever again will I consider synchronicity to be a coincidence. My spoken channels are pretty limited due to the language barrier, so I am being inundated with just the information I need next via other channels.

My breakthrough goal (one that is hugely life-changing and will affect all the other goals) is to earn €500,000 by 27th April 2010. Time is ticking. I have never been particularly money-focused. Since doing my financial affirmation frequently (but not daily yet), I have received tons of information and ideas on how to achieve this goal. Honestly, two months ago, I created this goal a bit tongue in cheek. A major breakthrough came when I listened to ES course III. One of the questions I had to ask myself was, "Is it possible for me to earn €500,000 in one year? Could such a feat be done/achieved?" The answer is yes. Since I admitted that, ideas for creating large sums of money have flowed and flowed.

So, Unique Soul, I believe I am just at the beginning of the ES process. What lies ahead are huge leaps and bounds, leaps of faith, bounds in progress. Success is assured. How much success depends on how much I put into it.

I do so value your regular input.
Let's fly.
French Claire
Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 06/03/09 04:36 AM
In an old posting you were seeking advice from the forum about selling your heritage home in Ireland. I am sure that sale will allow you to earn your half a million euros without much trouble. You stored lots of value in it through renovations. So this "investment" will be unlocked by a new buyer. It is a different story to be a half a million or better yearly income, but anything is possible.

Anybody who buys a product from LSC gets an automatic reminder to join the forum. LSC products are heavily endorsed by Centerpointe because of shared technology. So there is no real magic to come here and find like-minded people willing to exchange ideas about experience on common products, like ES. You put efforts in seeking new ways of communication, so they come to you. This is now called "Law of Attraction"; I think this is just a promotional name for events in life which have been happening ever since.

Life on earth is based upon cycles so I believe we are bound to this pattern too. Growth and development can go on for years, but there will be setbacks because we cannot control everything around us. It is how was handle setbacks which makes a world of difference.
Posted By: 77times7 Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 06/24/09 02:29 AM
Dear claire fontaine,

Au revoir et non Adieu!

Ce n'est qu'un aurevoir mes frères
Ce n'est qu'un aurevoir,
Oui nous nous reverrons mes frères
Ce n'est qu'un aurevoir!

In the Bob Proctor's book I just mentionned (you were born rich), he says Poor people are in fact rich, they are just short of cash, and that lifted my self-esteem as an African, condamned to be poor, my "tribal" group is said to mean "wealthy by essence", from the time I started to read B. Proctor's book, I am convinced I am rich, the riches you are, note the one you have, and Since meeting Jack Canfield (on my birthday eve in New Jersey, NJ, slowly but surely the law of attraction is sinking in my being!.

My S.pecific M.easurable A.tteinable R.ealistic T.imely goal? live life in the present moment!

(French and English are my second and Third languages, n'hésite pas à aiguiser ton français sur moi, je suis une pierre ponce!)

Today is another of those blissful days of having met you!

Vince in Toronto!
Posted By: Beingness Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 06/25/09 11:12 PM
 Originally Posted By: Stevers

Yes, this is where my curiosity goes. What would happen, indeed, if we were to sustain this kind of progress over a full year? Even as I celebrate what has shifted (mostly within me, although there has been some external confirmation) in 6 weeks, I am aware that if I truly want to manifest a different experience, seeing huge changes on the outside (finances, career, health, relationships, personal, contribution, etc.), it will require both time and consistency. So I find myself both impressed and unimpressed at the same time.

I am aware that the visioning part of the course is where I feel a bit "sparse". In the past I was able to imagine all manner of possibilities for myself, but holding the vision was not sustainable. My hunch is that without a direct sense of vision arising out of a relationship with a deeper aspect of being, what you have called "True Self", I had no real staying power, beyond the "will of the mind". This area of vision and goals is clearly where my attention needs to be now, within the context of doing the ES course.

Good luck as you continue forward!


I just want to say 'thanks', Stevers, for these two very insightful paragraphs. I think you nailed the very essense of the ES course.

Nothing more I can add to this. I hope you continue to post. Looking forward to it.

Posted By: ChrisMoon Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 06/28/09 05:45 AM
Just want to thank you all for the wonderfully inspiring posts. I bought ES about 5 months ago, started off but the enthusiasm gradually faded and disappeared. Reading the posts here have inspired me to start again and I have a couple of questions I hope someone might help me with.
Holysinc was mentioned a couple of times would you advise buying it?
How do you stay on track when old habits take over again and good intentions get forgotten?
Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 06/28/09 11:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: ChrisMoon

Holysinc was mentioned a couple of times would you advise buying it?
How do you stay on track when old habits take over again and good intentions get forgotten?

I do Holosync and find it most useful.

ES teaches you how to stay motivated in the Q&A section of Part A.
Posted By: French Claire Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 06/28/09 09:29 PM
Hello ChrisMoon,
And welcome back to ES.
I certainly recommend Holosync. Just imagine lying back (though they recommend you stay sitting up) and listening to calming sounds while your both hemispheres of your brain get synchronised.... and all you have to do is absolutely nothing for an hour. I have made huge changes in my life in the past 18 months and the credit goes to Holosync. I can claim this because prior to Holosync I knew things were wrong but I didn't know what to do about it and I tended to get more entrenched. Post 6 months of Holosync I just found making change easy and obvious.

Regarding staying on track and making changes permanent......
I think persistence and determination are the keys here. Determination comes if the changes one envisiges are so worthwhile and exhilerating that nothing is allowed to get in the way. Persistence comes with practice. It takes six weeks for form a new habit, but just one day of missed practice to break the habit.

If you look through the forum postings you will find postings littered with doubt, self-sabotage, negativity, fear. Obviously these are the arch-enemies of achieving one's goals: those little satans who work away to pull you off track, even when the chosen track is sound, healthy, rational and promises all manner of good things.

I guess that is why so many people stumble at the various hurdles. I, however, am determined not to play those games any more. I am on this forum to succeed and succeed I will. ES works, it really does. I am changing for the better and finding the courage at last to aim really, really high. Previously self-doubt, bad habits and scepticism undermined my good aspirations. This time I am on track, I am taking things one step at a time, one day at a time, and subsequently I'm being rewarded richly for my investment in my self.

I wish you the best of luck. I commit to supporting anyone who is willing to embrace these principles. May ES bring you joy and bliss as it has me.

French Claire
Posted By: ChrisMoon Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/03/09 03:59 AM
Thank you French Claire for taking the time to write such an informative and usefull answer.
You truly are an inspiration.
all the best,
Posted By: Margaret Ida Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/03/09 06:11 PM
Hi ChrisMoon -
I have been using Holosync and am staying with it in spite of what I probably consider 'slow' progress. Bill Harris speaks of many different responses and encourages clients to accept whatever happens as the right thing for them. He also does not encourage moving into deeper levels until you get all you can use from the first one(s). Impressive to me from somebody who is making an income from product sales.
As far as staying on track is concerned, I would highly recommend taking things in 'baby steps' and most definitely having an 'accountability partner.'
'Baby steps' means only committing yourself to one small, do-able step at a time. It means putting yourself in a position to succeed. (It doesn't mean you can't take more than one step - or a bigger one, however.) And your accountability partner is somebody to whom you report your progress, with whom you evaluate your difficulties, and - most important - with whom you celebrate your successes. Somehow when we do our accounting with another person, our motivation and objectivity is positively affected.
Best wishes with ES. May you create a beautiful day!
Margaret Ida
Posted By: Successful Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/06/09 10:54 PM
Dear French Claire,
I am in my first week of ES. I have read several of your forum emails. I am in agreement with your principles. You stated you would support anyone who was in agreement with the ES principles. I have listened to Holysync. I have a background of following different studies. I have grown much over the years. I want very much to be where you are now. If you feel like you would like to support me, to be a responsibility partner for me, please let me know. I can only promise that I will do my best for where I am right now. I do so enjoy this forum. It is the first forum I have ever enjoyed. I believe it is because there is so much openess about how one actually feels, and about how one is actually doing or not doing at the time. This has made me feel more secure and able to write this. I think your goals are great! I do not have that kind of courage yet, and have not even discovered a life purpose, but I will. I am totally enthused about this ES program. It is top-notch as far as I am concerned.
Thank you for sharing. \:\)
Posted By: French Claire Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/07/09 04:16 PM
Dear Successful,
I am smiling all over my face! Here are the smilies: \:\) \:\) \:\) .
Yes, my commitment to support others is certainly valid - so Successful, you have got yourself an accountability partner! I notice with interest that you call it a 'responsibility partner' - I love the idea of us sharing the responsibility to do whatever it takes for both of us to get to where we want to be.

Where am I at? I have worked through ES for the first time and I am poised to rework the whole program again. I am a person who wants to know WHY. So I have been listening to and reading other personal dev. experts to help fill in the blanks. I want my ES canvas to be a blaze of colour and with a strong foundation. I loved Laurel Langemeier's money-making advice and she really opened my mind to how much fun it is to make money. Gay Hendricks is always beside my bed. "The Big Leap" to train me to spend more and more of my day in joy and bliss. I also have his "How to love yourself workbook" as it rattled me to hear Jack Canfield point out we can only receive love from others to the extent we love ourselves. On a scale of 1 to 10, I have a lot of self-love steps to take. Napoleon Hill is my current mentor and I listen to him every time I get into the car. He does my soul good.

That's the theoretical side. On a practical level...
1) I have been working through negative facets of myself but I am turning the corner here. My unconscious is demanding I focus on the positive now = definitely the right way to go.
2) Got about 5kgs to lose. Am working on motivation here. Have committed myself to walk an hour per day (again) and am just about to start some weight training. No point in having a fine ES mind and an unfit, flaccid body, eh?
3) I have committed to repeating/feeling my affirmations until I get to the point where I glow. I'm about 10 days in. My aim is to keep those new, budding neurons growing and not miss a day (my psychology research indicates skipping a day makes them die off!)
4) I am turning myself into a profitable persona. This area is really working for me. I am starting to genuinely believe the ES promise: you attract what you focus on. I think much more inspiring money thoughts now. My income is going up.
5) I am in the process of commiting myself to living permanently in my genius zone (another Gay Hendricks concept).

So Successful, you have made my day. I am sending you my cntact details so we can co-achieve. Look at the top of your menu bar: you will find a flashing envelope beside "My Stuff", click on it and you will find out how to contact me.

I wish you a glorious adventure. May we take the next steps together!
French Claire
Posted By: Successful Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/07/09 09:31 PM
To My Partner,

I am aware that I left out the word

RESPONSIBILITY. All of sudden it seems to frighten me. Ha, ha. I will overcome. I am writing you an email. This is just to let you know, I read this and I am so impressed. I don't have the courage to be that open with everyone yet, but I will get there under French Claire's guidance. WATCH OUT WORLD - WE ARE SURE TO BE AN UNBEATABLE TEAM!
Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/08/09 03:26 AM
Is an accountability or responsibility partner going to create a sense of guilt in ourselves, if we fail to comply with our daily, weekly, etc plan?
Posted By: French Claire Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/08/09 08:07 AM
Morning Uniquesoul,
Interesting thought to ponder. Will I feel guilty if I don't live up to my expectations? Don't know yet. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. However, I already know I would prefer to accept some disappointment at not reaching all of my goals, than to know what I should be doing and yet choose not to do it!

Right now I have a bit of mental space (I'm free of my official work commitments). I am ready to make even more positive changes in my life!
A bientot,
Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/08/09 09:40 AM
We are all disappointed if we do not meet our goals. Do we really need a boss named "accountability partner"?
Posted By: French Claire Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/08/09 10:30 AM
I can only speak for myself. I don't need / want a boss. I have gone through ES once already, so newness effect is over. The second time working through ES, I imagine sharing the experiences with a 'partner' who also knows / understands the ES processes could be a motivator. Without motivation there is no action, and I need to keep my courage up and keep taking action consistently.

Successful is motivated so that is great. He / she feels an accountability partner is right for him / her - and this is the advice of Jack Canfield.

Consequently, I am happy to cooperate with others if this keeps me on track. Likewise, if I can assist another in even a small way, then synergy is at work. Synergy is definitely part of my 'genius zone' and I get a great buzz from putting two minds to work and getting more than we put in.
Posted By: Margaret Ida Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/09/09 09:09 AM
Uniquesoul -
The concept of 'accountability partner' is not intended to work as a 'boss' and create guilt. The relationship is intended to enhance our efforts and create synergy. There should be a sense of exploration and discovery in a totally non-judgmental way. Your accountability partner is a person with whom you are working to forward your progress. In such a relationship, your partner should be one with whom you feel able to open yourself and explore what happens as you form intentions and goals. 'Accountability partner' is a challenging 'job' because it needs to be done in such a way as to end the 'guilt' response and facilitate progress. It needs be done in a true partnership without any sense of hierarchy.
Personally, have tried to do my personal growth stuff completely independently for a long time, but I have found that I get distracted from the activity changes and goals I set way too easily when I am accounting only to myself. Then I procrastinate and rationalize my behavior, judging myself and feeling guilty. It works for me very well to have a partner with whom I meet and discuss what happened, with whom I rejoice when I am successful, and with whom I explore what I have learned when I have not completed my plan. My accountability partner facilitates my reviewing process and helps me remember that whatever has happened since our last visit is 'OK', that 'guilt' is not productive, that what happened since we met last was a learning experience, and she acts as a springboard to aid me in moving on to my next experience in a timely manner. I am extremely grateful to have such a friend.
While I am aware that everybody does not think, feel, act, and respond alike, an accountability partner is a really effective way for many people to create synergy and forward their own and another person's progress exponentially. If it doesn't sound like something that would work well for you, that's OK too.
May you create a happy day today!
Margaret Ida
Posted By: Stevers Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/09/09 01:53 PM

Thank you for articulating this so beautifully!

Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 07/09/09 02:28 PM
Thank you, Margaret Ida. I can see your point. I feel it is not easy to find such person. It may come to you at the right time though.
 Originally Posted By: uniquesoul
... I feel it is not easy to find such person. It may come to you at the right time though.

A comment came to mind when I read that. I wasn't going to post it but here it is anyway.

'As you believe.'

Posted By: RobynWanda Re: Generating Success - I'm doing it! - 08/05/09 12:24 AM
Thank you for sharing. I have tears in my eyes, and this is confirmation to me that I am on the right track. I have to say thank you again because I am communicating with others who understand, and that means a lot to me. \:D
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