Posted By: French Claire Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 06/02/09 04:52 PM
Hello one and all,

My ES breakthrough goal is to earn / generate €500,000 by 27th April 2010.

To do this I have several strategies.

I need assistance, support, brainstorming on two issues. Can you help?

I want to sell my house which is worth €1.5 million. How can I do this? Are there internet sites that work? House-selling fairs? I am willing to travel. Willing to get up and do all the marketing and selling myself. The wonderful Georgian house (like Wuthering Heights) is on the Ring of Kerry, Ireland. Help me please!!

Secondly, I need to become my very own financial wizard. Who has info, contacts, web sites, free downloads, books to recommend, or would be in a position to mentor me?

Let's see what the universe and forum members deliver.
Yours financially,
French Claire
Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 06/04/09 11:35 AM
You may like to subscribe to Joel Bauer's web site with 26 free lessons through video clips:

I saw him live... he is a scream! Of course, he may not be anybody's cup of tea!
Posted By: Sage Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 06/09/09 11:27 AM
Greetings French Clarie, as I read your post images of a large network of people and organizations came to my thoughts.An integreated marketing and communications program would help. I find local libiaries have very good information to jump start or further advance planning and efforts.....Being part of this post is part of the network. Have you thought of an auction for your house or marketing it as a destination place to an investor who offers interesting travel?

Posted By: French Claire Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 06/09/09 01:36 PM
Dear Sage,
I am a beginner here. Please translate what you mean by "integrated marketing and communications program"? Sounds great. Where can I adopt one of those?

Destination to an investor who offers interesting travel.... this also sounds perfect. Scart House is in a magnificent location - one of the most beautiful places on earth, amidst mountains and the ocean, perfect for retreats, personal growth, workshops....

My question is (as I am NOT an internet guru and lack skills) how do I access these experts, get their expertise, sell a house in Ireland while I live in France?

Sage is a good name. I like it. Thank you for sharing some of your wisdom. Just chunk it down for the uninitiated (= me \:\) OK?)
French Claire
Posted By: 77times7 Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 06/24/09 01:37 AM
Hello Claire fontaine,

Why dont you try

The science of getting rich, by Bob Proctor (with Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith, I did not try it myself as I still have to finish the little book "you were born rich" Bob Proctor offered me at one of his seminars in Toronto (more than a year ago!).


Posted By: French Claire Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 06/24/09 11:59 AM
This IS exciting. Almost everytime I look at this forum, there is exactly the next step I want to take. I have yet to take the Five-A-Day action steps that Jack suggests, and to be honest it would create such fast change that I know I probably couldn't cope. However I have been taking at a very minimum One-Step-A-Day, that means a step in each of my four main life arenas, and the effects are astonishing.

I want to say thank you to all of you for continuously drip feeding new inputs just when I want them. This has been one of my biggest wins in ES. I am now in no doubt that I can manifest the next action step to keep on track towards my goals. In fact, I am pretty sure that that is what ES is all about. Getting there one step at a time.

Regarding creating all the lovely money that I put out for in the first posting above, an amazing amount has happened. While I have noticed it all, it occurred to me that I wasn't being fair to forum readers as they have no idea of the wonderful things that have happened since I started working on attracting sufficient income to realise my plans.

Well, we have clarity on selling our house in Ireland. We have found out about better, more active estate agents. Now is the time to sell as 2 million people will be passing our iron gates and seeing our truely magical house. In effect we are exchanging one dream for another. We bought an amazing house ten years ago, it is full of windows, gables, chimney stacks, a real gem of a house. We no longer live in Ireland so that dream no longer serves us.

We have another little house here (France), vacant as we need to work on it. Well, we have found someone who wants to rent it as is. He has a passion for heritage stone buildings, and he wants to help us with essential restoration work. He (a stone-cutter) has offered to pay €300 per month. Not a fortune, but we get that money month in, month out and don't have do any extra labour/time to get it. So that is an income boost, quite unexpected but welcome indeed!

I am being offered work more and more often (unfortunately not in the field I want to work in). However it is a sign of people being prepared to pay for my services.

If we sell our Irish Georgian home, it will generate enough interest to take care of our future, so we can reside physically and mentally in the present. The idea of living wholely in the present is so attractive that it has given new impetus to all our plans. All we need do is take care of the present. That is so uplifting and life-affirming. Powerful stuff.

I have three career plans for myself that really do harness my core skills and passions. All I need to do is take actions on each of these plans and see which comes to fruition. Then I have the money I need for the present, a job that I know I can live and love, plus a future that looks after itself.

Doesn't that sound enviable? So if you haven't set a fine financial goal yet, get to it, you are wasting precious time.
Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 06/25/09 01:06 AM
WOW.... very inspirational indeed, French Claire! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Posted By: French Claire Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 07/14/09 11:45 AM
I want to report more progress on my breakthrough goal.
We have engaged a new estate agent, and I feel they are dynamic and responsive to my marketing ideas - good, clear, uplifting people who want to sell houses!

It has been a bit of a struggle for me to undertake all the steps (decide on the right agent, find out tax implications, get photos, organise for the lawn to be mown, exchange contracts etc. None of it difficult but I felt alone with big decisions at times, and often dragged my feet).

It's done and my reward has been two-fold. I suddenly had a great insight into how to market the property. The agent will allow me to write the sales blurb myself - and I am going to market this unique house in a totally different way. I feel sure it will attract attention at a minimum.

Second, Noah St John used a house-selling afformation (correct spelling). Page 69 of "The Secret Code of Success": "I suggested the vendors go through every room in their home, bless it, and begin afforming "Why is this house now easily sold to the right party for the right price?" [Note an afformation asks a question demanding creative solutions from the unconscious, rather than just affirming something we find difficult to believe.]

This takes me one step closer to selling this magnificent, historic home.
Posted By: French Claire Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 07/24/09 10:07 AM
Another insight yesterday.
I need to change my house-selling / Euro 500,000 per annum strategy slightly following data I absorbed while reading Joe Vitale's "Expect Miracles" book. I am always fascinated at how questions left insufficiently answered by one author are better addressed by another. Then synergy takes over, I put two and two together and that makes 10 (or more!). Now that is what I call abundance.

My previous plan:
I aim to earn Euro 500,000 by April 2010. How? One simple solution is to sell our magnificent, historic home in Ireland.
The income so generated would set us financially free - wow, the thought of living 100% in the present because our future would take care of itself (through generating comound interest) is the strongest motivator I've ever conceived. Imagine having ones future assured so that all I have to do is concentrate on looking after the present.

Joe's input: I have to get out of the way in order for the universe to create (adapted from page 11).

Deciding that the BEST or ONLY route for generating my goal of Euro 500,000 within 12 months by selling our family home is a cognitive error, or, certainly a strategic one. The universe cannot deliver in any other way because I am insisting on the route whereby the income shall be delivered. Instead of opening up to abundance, I merely shut out other avenues, closed my reticular activating system in my brain to potential other routes of delivery.

"It's equally important to understand that you can't be connected to the outcome. You can't have tunnel vision and insist that what you want be delivered in a certain way and according to your specifications. Occasionally, divine inspiration will show you the way and when it does, you should pounce on the opportunity." [page 17].

So, French Claire, stop playing God.

Insight 2: The danger of becoming desperate.
A great temptation of mine is to become obsessive (which actually translates as determined or desperate here) about attaining my goals/dreams. I can empathise with Joe when he describes himself thus: "everything in my life was cluttered and I had no real direction." I seem to vacillate between being intensely focused, performing affirmations (or afformations since I read Noah St. John's Code of Success book).... and then lapse back into the old routine where it takes too long for something significant to happen so a rudderless state of affairs takes over.

I can't find the exact quote now, but Joe expresses himself so aptly about desperation. He says something on the following lines: If I am DESPERATE to attract X, then instead of attracting X, I draw more DESPERATION to myself. Makes sense, doesn't it. If I have a strong feeling of must-have / must-happen / desperation, then that vibration is uppermost, and reflected in what I attract. Believe me: I DO NOT WANT TO ATTRACT DESPERATION.

So, French Claire, step back, relax, give the universe the power to deliver or not, but have faith that the best outcome for me will occur. Actually my act of determination/desperation is evidence of not trusting the universe. Rather than trust it, I force it to deliver.(Blush, blush, blush. Dammit, how could I be so stupid).

My new goal:
I am continuing to take actions to sell the house (won't bore you with those details).
However I am now focused on the SPIRIT of what selling the house / having an income this year of Euro 500,000 means to me. What I really want is security = money for the future so that I can enjoy living every second of the present in a joyful, creative, useful way. By saturating my consciousness with glorious feelings of security, the lack of worry, seeing my future assured, and living in contentment in the present has a strong appeal to me. It isn't desperate at all, it's liberating. If I concentrate on the SPIRIT of what financial security will bring me, I remain open to however the universe chooses to deliver. And really, I don't just want to sell the house, I want a useful, rewarding career too.

French Claire
Posted By: Brendann Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 07/24/09 01:51 PM
Hi Claire
You are speaking clearly about a phenomenon that has repeatedly played out thru my life.If I set a goal, focus, desperately want something to happen- it remains elusive. If I think- it would be nice to have 'x'- then I forget about it- it certainly arrives in my life. A few years ago, I wanted to find a different house- nothing special came to mind- I just thought it would be nice to have a bigger yard. About 2 months after the idea occured to me- I was running some errands & noticed this house for sale- & it is perfect for me.But if I had devised a plan of what I wanted, where I wanted it to be, filled in all the details- I would have never imagined this place - and probably would have missed out on it.
In the Sedonna course, Hale talks about becoming 'hootless' about what you want- just keep releasing on it until there is no emotional attachment to it- you still want it, but you don't need it. This technique has really helped me. When I feel that I am obsessing about having something in my life- I release, release, and release until I don't give a hoot- then it appears- or something much better appears. So maybe you shouldn't limit your future income to 500,000 Euros- the universe may have something much greater in store for you!

Posted By: French Claire Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 07/24/09 09:11 PM
Thanks for that Brendann!
It is good to read your personal experience. So it looks like I have to ease up on the enthusiasm - I think all the extra energy I put into it is actually tiring me out. I could relate 100% to your generic idea of a house with a bigger yard. How does this relate to Canfield et al telling us to get really specific in our visualisations?

In a way I have had a similar experience. We are currently renovating my mother's village house, built sometime in 17xx's. I have my focus on it as we want it to be comfortable for her and her guests, but the focus is emotionally mild. It is positive and upbeat, simply a task we want to get done to give her pleasure. Yet whenever I go to buy supplies for the renovation we keep finding people reducing the prices. We bought a parquet floor in an unexpected sale. We bought lighting, it was vastly reduced because it was the last in stock and when we arrived at the check out, the manager felt he really liked us and he knocked the price down a further 20% - unasked. We needed some plasterboard, and my husband was given it for free. These aren't people who know us, so it is interesting how many people are giving a helping hand without even asking.

I will do lots of releasing on my current goals, as you suggest. Yes I remember being impressed about Hale's 'hootlessness' but for me it didn't quite strike the chord of taking a relaxed attitude to manifestation. I also am excited at the idea of 'forgetting about it' post asking - a difficult task for me - that would equate in my current attitude to being negligent in the ES disciplines! Another cognitive error, thanks for pointing it out.

I notice your phraseology: "It would be nice to have x...."
One of Joe's case studies puts it this way, "Wouldn't it be cool if ....." Sounds playful. Much better than my pushy, demanding, emotionally intense affirmations/visualisations.

I'll let you know what happens.
French Claire
Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 07/25/09 02:11 AM
The problem I see is that this discussion seems to contraddict the routine which is recommended in ES. Jack tells us to rehearse our goals twice a day... not all, but just the essential ones. Of course, if you stand in front of the mirror and eyeball yourself to push you towards the five steps in achieving a certain goal, that goal needs to stay fixed into your mind.

I believe that you and your husband have shifted lots of negative energy away over the last few months. People will feel naturally inclined to help you in your endeavours, which are very noble since you renovate your mother's house for no financial reward. As both of you have aligned yourself with a goal, all the rest falls into place. What you describe is not just luck as it repeats itself... free items, double discounts, etc.

Keep moving as you do.. things are happening in your life in the way you want them to!
Posted By: Brendann Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 07/25/09 05:44 PM
Hi Uniquesoul
I don't think this discussion contradicts the ES suggestions. I think that obsessing about the goal or outcome can block you from receiving it. By removing the 'desperation', you allow room for the perfect outcome to arrive. The ES course is about learning how to receive your success without having it 'feel' like work- getting into the mindset where you easily take the next step, and allow the universe to participate in helping you reach your 'genius'. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves to get out of the way- so the magic can happen.

Posted By: Margaret Ida Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 07/26/09 05:55 AM
I really appreciate the observations and interpretations I am reading here. I, too, have repeatedly experienced the negative aspects of setting myself up with very specific goals and definitions and pushing myself to 'do my affirmations' to bring them to pass. It feels like pushing and I put a lot of effort and work into finding ways to make it come to pass in the way I have specifically designed it to happen. As I think about it, here are a few of things that feel good for me and have come from a combination of mentors.
One is to form and write out a dream that relates mostly to the way my ideal feels (rather than how it manifests). Example: A few years ago I created a very specific picture of my ideal for a house, found a picture to put on a 'vision board', chose a location for it and described how it would be if it were 'perfectly manifested.' I put it up there and saw it whenever I looked up at the board. I even did some research in the area I had chosen for the property I might acquire for the purpose. I told various people a bit about that goal.
But, not seeing it as an immediate 'have to', the picture became a reminder of how I felt my dream life would feel.
When I was doing ES, the 'next step' picture that appeared on my 'movie screen' was a picture of that house. But when I asked what it meant, the answer was not that my next step was to go about acquiring the physical location - it was that my next step should be to relax and enjoy the peaceful approach to living that was represented by the whole dream. My current affirmation is more like: "I live in a modest home with sufficient resources to relax and enjoy using time as the spirit guides."
And do you know what? My current circumstances allow me to enjoy time doing many of the things I love to do - as long as I relax and don't push myself into 'working' on things that I 'should' be doing. [Effortless vs. Effortful living!]

Another is additions to the specific affirmation idea that leaves the way open for Heavenly Father (or 'the universe') to do it His own way are 'in the best way for the benefit of all' and 'this, or even better.' Example: I put on my vision board an account summary that showed $0.00 balances on all my credit/liability accounts. I also determined that I would accomplish this by bringing in $50,000.00 from each of two different enterprises I was working on within a year's time. - But I had (and still have, I'm afraid) some lack of faith that I could really pull it off, and I kept the above two statements ['in the best way for the benefit of all' and 'this, or even better.'] in the background. Well, the property investment I had counted on providing half of the income became a losing proposition for me, but got a young family into a good home for a price they could afford. And the entrepreneurial counseling work and programmed teaching that I hoped would provide the other half of the income have yet to get off the ground. But another idea for interim income through personally provided services provided me with enough income to keep paying on my obligations - and a partial distribution from my aunt's estate combined with that to make just over $50,000.00 by the end of the calendar year. And the final distribution from the same estate was $64,000.00 - received almost exactly one year from the time of the initial goal setting. These amounts allowed me to put $0.00 balances on every account (except my home debt, payments for which I have made other arrangements).

A third thing that has recently been very positive is the idea of 'afformations'; but I find that they are more useful to me if I substitute the phrase "What am I doing so that.." in place of the word 'Why.' So my card says on it, "What am I doing so that I am quickly reaching my goal of loving to be a healthy and beautiful 135 lbs?" [It will take a loss of 50 lbs. to get there.] I can't tell you about full success with this yet, because I have just started with it. I can tell you that I have been noticing a sense of being really full and not wanting to eat any more after very little intake - and an exploratory feeling about what I need/want to be doing with dietary and exercise factors in my life.

I definitely believe that treating oneself with goal statements that work gently within the limits of one's own faith rather than 'in your face' types of 'pushing' disciplines are more effective and enduring ways of moving towards effortless success. However, 'different strokes for different folks' is one of my guiding principles. Above all, I support you in choosing and using the styles that work for you.
May you create joy in your journey today.
Margaret Ida
Posted By: Brendann Re: Breakthrough Goal: Help wanted - 07/26/09 10:34 PM
Hi Margaret Ida

It occurred to me, while reading your post, that it is possible that learning to 'receive' rather than pushing towards our goals might be a small step towards learning to co-create with God, the Universe, the Spirit...

I know that one of my goals is to grow enough that the Universe can put me to good use on this earth- whatever that might entail. Learning to relax and accept the guidance and gifts that amazingly arrive in my life, while I am looking in the other direction , might be a baby step to a grander outcome.

I started Noah's book, then got sidetracked with the 'should be doings' in my life. Your post has inspired me to quit the busy work, and move on with the important work. Thank you.

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