Posted By: MIN My 30 Days Goal - 06/29/09 05:21 AM

My 30 Days Goal is to Attract US$100,000 to me within 30 day (Latest by 31 July 2009).

My daily actions are

1.Listen Asking Paraliminal,
2. Mirror Exercise saying "I HAVE US$100,000" 1000 times a day
3. Feel Good.
4. Share with People whoever I can.
5. Strongly Believe it happens. !
6. Receive it.
Posted By: French Claire Re: My 30 Days Goal - 06/30/09 04:40 PM
Hello there Min,
Congratulations on your amazing, outrageous goal to ask for 100,000 dollars!
My initial reaction was to doubt.... so this put me in touch with my limited thinking, making the limitations I hold conscious. Thank you.
By merit of sychronicity, I listened to Napoleon Hill (of Think and Grow Rich fame) on the way back from work in the car. He actually said, "If a person were to ask for a million dollars, what would I say to him? First, where's your plan? Second, what do you give in order to get?"
I love to see ES being put to the test. I wish you the best of success, you certainly have spunk and a clear message to the universe. Please be sure to follow up on this and let us know what bounteous outcomes you receive.
Bonne chance,
French Claire
Posted By: French Claire Re: My 30 Days Goal - 07/14/09 11:24 AM
Dear Min,
I notice that your 31st July deadline is approaching one day at a time. I admire how you threw down the gauntlet and created an action plan to attract 100,000 dollars within 30 days. That takes courage and faith.

I would really appreciate it if you shared your experiences. What success are you having? Are you sticking to your plan? If so, how do you feel? If not, what tripped you up? What is going on for you? Are your attitudes changing?

This forum is a marvellous place to share and learn from each other. I have no doubt that your experience could benefit us all. I wish you every success in your endeavour.
French Claire
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