Are there anyone in here that used "The Effortless Abundance DVD" that I purchased today and recieved great results from it? Would you tell me your success story with it if any with it? And how to used it correctly and successfully? I am on Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid and I lost my job. I have no job references for future employment because I literally have zero friends due to having a major speech impediment and bi-polar disorder. I am hoping to graduate with an Assoicate degree in Liberal Arts next semester. Hopefully, my music publishing company will take off. It is literally impossible to run a business on Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid. I would like to do sound design full time if I ever get enough money to do Song with my ASCAP Membership and get money from my music from licensing my Electronica songs in film/tv/internet/commercials. I am getting an Indamixx USB key - Thank God - this Christmas with three DAWs or Digital Audio Workstations that is comparable to Ableton Live 7, Propellerhead Reason 4.0, and Digidesign Pro Tools 7 for mixing and mastering. Would anyone in here would be kind enough to give me a job reference?
Hi nextdoorbillions,
An interesting post you wrote there!!! Why call yourself 'next door' billions when you want the billions to reside with you???? Are you trying to scare money away? In a different forum I call myself makin-millions-n-lovin-it. Why? Because I want to attract wealth, not repel it!

I don't have the Effortless Success DVD you mention, but am the happy and enthused owner of the entire Effortless Success course. It was long enough to keep me busy and focussed for months and the prolonged focus effected lots of changes for the better. In fact I love this forum and have been very active on it. See all my posts under French Claire.

If you want to attract friends, wealth, a perfect diction, mental stability, a special job YOU NEED TO FOCUS ON THOSE THINGS. Look at your post. You are focussing on speech characteristics, bi-polar mannerisms, unemployment, zero friends, and a full-on experience of poverty. WHAT YOU FOCUS ON AND THINK ABOUT AND EXPERIENCE IS WHAT YOU PRODUCE. Change those thoughts fast, nextdoorbillions.

Two suggestions that may just kick start your 2010. I wholeheartedly recommend "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. It was a life-turning book for me and I wish I had bought it years ago. You can order it second-hand and free-post from Amazon (see the universe also delivers to those with little income). You see..... when I read your post I see all kinds of mixed messages (IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT, HOW CAN THE UNIVERSE DELIVER?). You say you have "no job references for future employment" - this suggests you want to be an employee. Then you write about "running a business on social security" - this suggests that you intend to be self-employed. Which is it to be?????? When you read the book you may opt to become neither an employee (fast ticket to a fixed love income) nor self-employed (one way of being a one-person do-it-all-alone income generator). Now I choose the business route!

Effortless Success is a process for finding your passions. And you will need to be passionate in order to have the stamina and energy and resistence to follow the path of your dreams. So find your passion and take five steps every day towards attaining this passion of yours. Do this for a month and I promise life will be moving so fast you may have to scale back your actions - I know I couldn't handle the rate of positive change!!!

Second thing to do is go to and sign up for Simpleology 101 - another 100% free course. See the Universe is responding to your call for solutions - you put a request onto this forum and you got two positive leads that both can change your life. I have been working on Simpleology 101 for about a month. It is precisely that. A simple, step by stem methodology for hitting your targets.

And a final point in how you express yourself that hit me like a sledge-hammer: you seem to confuse an opinion with a fact. You appear to hold the opinion that you have zero friends because of a speech weakness and bipolar mannerisms. If this were a fact, then 100% of those with speech and mental difficulties like you currently experience would have zero friends. Look around you. Is this really true? Is it a fact? Or is it a cheap fiction (opinion) that you have sold yourself? Oops, nextdoorbillions, CHANGE THOSE OPINIONS OR THEY WILL BECOME FACTS - FOR YOU, THAT IS!

May you have a Christmas which delivers you a sack full of change for the better, and I feel sure that 2010 will be the year when you overcome your negative-polled thoughts so you can come out and play in the sunshine all year round. I hope this helps and here is a cyberspace hug glitter-packed and all the way from France.

French Claire
P.S. You need never think you have zero friends (unless that is what you truely desire, of course). This very forum is a fountain of the greatest people that ever walked the planet. I have communicated with them and been uplifted and cheered and supported. Your speech and bipolar mannerisms are invisible in print..... so who cares? This is NOT your primary defining characteristic unless you choose it to be.
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