I dropped into a little grumpy forum, while surfing the Net, and ran into their outrageous blurb against beer companies "abusing big breasts"...

So I checked out the advert, and it definitely wasn't "abuse", to me...
It was pleasant entertainment and soft-reality...

I'm thinking that this culture treats breasts like breasts are a cancerous disease... That alone should tells us that we've got to get started fixing things up, before our mass insanity destroys us... We hide tids like they are a horrid frightening disease, yet we drool copiously at the sight of 'em... Some kind of goofy double standard here... and those with tiny boobs or none, or who get none, are found defending the mindless morality issue leaning on big boobs as marketing and entertainment tools...
Myself, I can't get enough of looking at big firm boobs... To me they represent health, and virility, and beauty, and the great mother of our Race.. and they feel real nice in my caress... from both sides... two of my most favorite toys...

Maybe thousands of women should just wear fake rubber huge boobs silk screened on the outsides of shirts, to force an issue, for at least a year, to force North American Insanity to relax its laws regulating nudity, to thereby begin to crumble Insanity's insane rules into brown-dust and fertilizer...

Give tiddies a break! Heck! We're so hung up on nothing, that even that forum's word-check couldn't allow the word "tid" to show, spelled with a "t"... It got "asterisked" out...

Sung... "Let my tiddies go..." (to the tune of "Let My People Go"..)


Re: The Female-Breast Controversy...

You're right in that our society is quite guilty in the practice of moral double bookkeeping.

On one hand, we harken back to our puritanical roots and medieval attitudes toward success. On the other hand, we're willing to use sexual appeal to sell any product under the sun.

One thing is for certain, however. Coors Light commercials suck. "


quoting: "One thing is for certain, however. Coors Light commercials suck."

Can you accurately detail the wrong within that particular advertising... that which really stokes your fire...

If you can convince me... then I'll write up some extremely highpowered script, that will likely push the government to eliminate that particular offensive advertising off the air...

Did you know there are highpowered WebPages, out there, of powerful groups who get things done... then push it a little more, and add Willpower... and some Magic... Word your complaint as high and powerful as your whole Being can... and just before you finale, push your whole Being just that little more... till you feel a "click"...
(at this point: the bully will likely burn... while the master will likely giggle...)

Transformation energy is "Kundalini", is sexual energy...
Without it, we fail "immortality"...
To deny "sexual energy", is too suicide the soul...

Great caution is advised in denigrating human sexuality...
for that would be like you shutting heaven's doors in your own face...

Sex in the media is a problem. The last post made about trying to put down human sexuality, is just silly.

It comes down to America. No where else in the world will you find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy...I mean...

America is the only country that has the kind of sex appeal advertising it does, and it's also a nation with one of the best economies in the world. Good health = sexual expression in culture and society. My U.S. History teacher remarked, "It's crazy how when the economy improves, the skirts get shorter. Has anyone ever noticed that?" The class laughed, but it was true. Since 1900, the skirt level has gotten longer as things have gotten worse, and gotten shorter as things have gotten better.

But sexuality itself, and America itself, are two things that don't seem to mix. Most of the rest of the world understands how sexuality plays into being a human, not sexuality being separate from humans themselves. Sexuality is a part of everyone. To use the phrase, "human sexuality," just doesn't work - sexuality is just part of the single word: "human."

I think the original poster from this forum had the right idea about how body image has become something of an obsession in the United States, but was wrong about the entire paradigm of how things ought to be thought about.

Sex doesn't belong in advertising, unless sex itself is being advertised, which is another issue all together.

Edit: I just noticed this is in the Abundance for Life forum. It belongs in either the Beyond Human forum, or no forum at all here.


[This message has been edited by youngprer (edited November 27, 2004).]

And I thought Busoms in advertising or Mayan artwork symbolized Abundance not sex, silly me.

Originally posted by youngprer:
[B] "The last post made about trying to put down human sexuality, is just silly."

Is that Fact?... or opinion?...
Show proof.

Originally posted by Life:

Great caution is advised in denigrating human sexuality...
for that would be like you shutting heaven's doors in your own face...

Is that fact? Or opinion? Show proof...

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