Posted By: RichardS The Secret works!!! - 04/25/07 07:39 PM
Hey everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well this week!! I just wanted to let everyone know that yes the secret does work indeed!! I'm writing this because for those who feel like its not please don't give up! I know it works because after watching the movie I did a couple of things like make a vision board, write in my journal and meditate on what I wanted. I originally wanted some extra money into my life, a lot of it..and I just found out that my mother was given a settlement that appeared out of no where. I will get a small amount of the total!! I believe in my heart that the universe gave the idea to my father to settle the case with a large settlement going towards my mother. PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP WITH YOUR GOALS!! I know life is hard, but stick through it and I know you will triumph and become victorious.
Posted By: Publius Re: The Secret works!!! - 04/27/07 02:49 PM
It absolutely does work!

Last week, I created a Vision Board with all the material items I desperately wanted and posted it on my wall. Every morning and night, I focused on the board with intent, clearly visualizing all the items coming into my life.

Well last weekend, I went to the mall, maxed out 6 credit cards, and now I have absolutely everything on my Vision Board!

As I was going through all the boxes and bags from Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn, Banana Republic, and others, I looked up at my Vision Board and recognized all the products on there were now strewn across my living room floor. Uncanny, amazing experience!
Posted By: Unis Re: The Secret works!!! - 04/27/07 04:05 PM
I wouldn't exactly call that "Law of Attraction" kind of receiving, unless you consider that you attracted the credit cards (and the subsequent higher bills you will now be paying) to you. Only if you're able to clear those balances within the month you put them on your cards (which most people who max out their cards cannot), would it be considered that the Universe had provided you with these items.

I would suggest you now strongly start visualizing a way to pay for all of them - running yourself into debt is NOT part of the program. I am speaking from experience on this when I say that if you have the opportunity to take any of it back, get a refund on your credit card, and do it a better way (the way it was intended, with intention, visualizing and action of a "certain" way), you'll really do yourself a big favour and teach yourself a strong lesson in responsibility. Harsh! Nah - just tuff love !


Posted By: Publius Re: The Secret works!!! - 04/27/07 04:29 PM
I'm visualizing Unis developing a sense of humor (or humour in Canadian) and grasping the concept of 'tongue-in-cheek." Focusing....visualizing with intent....concentrating.....
Posted By: Bjhn Re: The Secret works!!! - 04/27/07 04:58 PM

I'm visualizing Unis developing a sense of humor (or humour in Canadian) and grasping the concept of 'tongue-in-cheek." Focusing....visualizing with intent....concentrating.....

I'm visualizing Publius making it more obvious he is using tongue in cheek humor in his posts, not that he makes it looks like he is ridiculing other posters.

Visualizing and concentrating...
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