Posted By: ZMasterNCreator let your unconscious mind take over - 01/20/09 04:27 AM
so if i were to act like i did before i've done any self-improvement (which is to quit thinking in terms of self-improvement), will that be better? I heard it's better, but can someone explain this?
Posted By: Yukala Re: let your unconscious mind take over - 01/20/09 08:23 AM
So what was the thought that preceded this thought?
I've heard from NLP that you should let your unconscious mind take over.

I have a problem being a self-help junkie. I want to live my life instead of always thinking in terms of self-improvement instead of saying to myself:

"Oh what technique should I use here?"

And I know that you need more than just techniques to get success. All that i've learned should come out as easily as getting out of bed in the morning. Everytime I listen to a self-help program i have the urge to listen to more recordings and have been giving me adverse results instead of the results i desire. I think part of the problem is being self-conscious of all the things i do in communication.

Photoreading would really help me because it would save me a lot of time having to listen to this damn tapes. Now i've been photoreading for 2 years and i've been going to the library everyday photoreading and photoflipping books trying expose my mind to as much text images and ideas as possible. After experimenting with the photoreading system I was curious on the effects magic mushrooms would have on my photoreading due to the studies that have been done on mushrooms and human consciousness.

So is there something I should do to let my unconscious take over? Because it seems to me that there is because i can remember that i've been really happy in the past with higher results, and this was all done with less knowledge too.

I've been doing self-help to get outstanding results not less.

So what can you say about that? Anybody?
Posted By: Yukala Re: let your unconscious mind take over - 01/21/09 01:44 AM
Resources abound, call them what you will, however conscious evolution is sublime even demanded. A nurturing confidence of each ones finely honed conscious wisdom and power.

Do not let any influence 'take over', no matter its call to credibility. Spirits in the dark, God, unconscious or non-conscious mind, utilize them consciously to advantage by test and trial, however navigate by the application of your own will, power and imagination.

My opinion of course!
Posted By: Jacktuff13 Re: let your unconscious mind take over - 01/21/09 02:11 AM
Here's what I would tell you to do.
And what I would do myself.

I'd stop for a minute, and consider what "self help" techniques are made for. No author of any program or book wants you to spend your whole life stopping and thinking, what technique should I use here? If they do, they're in it for the money.

The whole point is to get you to just integrate it into your life and use it whenever you remember to use it, no matter what technique.

Just live your life, do what you love/want to do, and what you have to. Self help is there to HELP, but the best way to go about a problem is to solve it for yourself.

All those authors out their solved problems for themselves and are now giving you the answer. Why? To make your life easier, because they know that the problem they solved will come up in your life at least once, for example, Photoreading because they knew you'd have to read sooner or later.

They solved it for themselves, you can too. Self help techniques are not there to tell you how to live your life, only to aid you.
Maybe quitting self-help would be a good option because I haven't tried doing that yet. Quitting may help me focus on my own life rather than just continuing to get information from books. I need time to apply them. I've already had several people that think i should be an actor, and that my thinking is amazing so i should just stop the books so i can keep focused more on my life.

The only reading i'm going to do is the kind of reading brian tracy recommends and that is reading for 1/2 hr a day in the morning on material that is related to my work. Reading like this will keep my brain sharp for the day.

I've done lots of photoreading, but i think i need to start conventional reading material after i photoread so i can recognize that i've retained info from photoreading.

In the movie indiana jones, i remember harrison ford saying:

"If you ever want to be a good archeologist, then get out of the library." (something along those lines)

So in order to be a good photoreader stop photoreading and go do something else. I'm not saying to stop it completely, what i mean is to stop being so attached to it.
Posted By: Yukala Re: let your unconscious mind take over - 01/21/09 02:48 PM
Sounds good! Go act!
Posted By: Jacktuff13 Re: let your unconscious mind take over - 01/21/09 11:06 PM
Do you feel that's what you should do?
If yes, go forth and do it.
Today, I was just doing what I felt like doing without thinking in terms of self-help or techniqes and noticed some interesting stuff as a result. I was just walking home and it seemed like the universe was talking to me. Whatever I end up focusing on is actually a metaphoric message sent to my innermind. Where ever i end up being is a result of my behavior and behavior is unconscious. So the stuff in the places i go and the things i do all have metaphoric messages because whatever i see brings back memories or whatever. So when I was walking home this is what i saw.

A sign saying:

"Use the trail and stay off the rail."
(this seems to have some significance to me)

"No transit"

basically whatever i look at has a metaphor that needs to be decoded. By having something in my focus it must mean it's important.
Posted By: Yukala Re: let your unconscious mind take over - 01/22/09 06:29 AM
I have found it always satisfying to keep journals of such thoughts and moments when possible. For this reason I carried small notebooks in my pockets and filled them up time and time again. Going back and rereading them over the years also very gratifying!

Great walk!
Does anyone have anything else to say about what I posted on here?
Posted By: Faune Re: let your unconscious mind take over - 02/16/09 05:53 PM
'Simply remain present as you are. Fully accept what occurs as it occurs, just as it is presently occurring. Totally let go into your own being. Be fully centered in the now-presence of your own being, prior to what is occurring and just let it occur. It's all occurring in your presence. It's occurring through you, or from you as an expression of you, but not you as an 'individual' , rather you as the One Self'. Ramana Maharshi

We all seek and strive but it seems that to get to where we think we are going, we must stop chasing after happiness and peace and avoiding pain and simply accept what comes without desire or fear, give up all control and responsibility to Universal Energy, God, Source or whatever you believe is the Mover. If we do not resist then we find we are living in the present moment without being attached to anything.

' Are we not wasps who spend all day in a fruitless attempt to traverse a window-pane, while the other half of the window is wide open?' Wei Wu Wei
The struggle to find inner peace is a result of looking outside for what we want inside (inner peace). Bit like looking for the keys you dropped in the car park under the light pole because it's brighter there but that's not where the keys are.

Looking at your post. I feel that maybe the greatest growth and peace can come to you in states of no thoughts. Wayne Dyer in his program Getting into the Gap should be extremely effective to achieve this.

I also like the High Performance Mind Series from Anna Wise.
I am new to the forum and the universe has lead me to you post and I realise that it is in the same spot that I am in. I have come that point that I need to trust that I know what to do and just get out and do it. While I will never stop being open to new ideas and learnings, I am going to stop wait until I feel that I need to know everything before actually getting started ad be comfortable with learning along the journey. Thanks for the inspiration to take the next step.

warm regards
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