If I were to do 30min image streaming a day and my IQ is currently 120, does that mean I'll have and IQ of over 200 in about a year?
Or does the rate of intellegence, decrease?
Have you heard of people with this kind of increase?

it hasn't been proven as of yet.. although some claims have been made.. more needs to be done to verify this effect.. and also remember that all IQ tests have a level at which validity lacks correlations.. most above 140 are very shaky

IF your IQ was really 120, you wouldn't be so niave as to believe your question.

IQ is subjective and socio-economically skewed. The speed you accompish things does improve your intelligence as much as how much you read.

The increase in brain activity is attributable to the fact that via image streaming you are "exercising" the grossly underutilized sub-conscious or right side of your brain. Einstein would initially use his sub conscious brain when pondering a theory by means of visual and action thought...example...out running a beam of light...is E=mc2. It was after the concept was conceived that he would engage his left analytical brain to mathematically work out the rest of the puzzle.

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