Posted By: tool Neo-Tech? - 11/28/01 09:22 PM
What is neo-tech?I've been getting mail from these people for a while and would like to know if anyone else has heard of them.After reading some of the mail it strikes me as something simialar to Dianetics, in a cult kind of way.

Posted By: ThomasK Re: Neo-Tech? - 11/28/01 10:31 PM
I did some research a few months ago after recieving literature in the mail about them. Here's a few sites I found concerning this group and after reading much information, I do believe it is some sort of a cult like group. I decided to stay away, looks too expensive and the leader seems a bit crazy. -- I think the groups homepage

Posted By: Godchild Re: Neo-Tech? - 11/29/01 01:56 AM
Neotech.... hmmmm.

I got a letter from them saying that they had located the god-factor, or some mess like that. They represent an extreme....EXTREME deviation that casts an anathema on all who honestly and seriously endeavor to understand the mind. Remember, people, this is science, not science fiction, and not religion. Let's keep it all in perspective.

Posted By: Agent23 Re: Neo-Tech? - 11/29/01 02:59 PM
T H E Y A R E T H E I L L U M I N A T I !!!!! run for it!!!!!!! you'll never hear form me again.................... gasp... gag....

Posted By: jonah Re: Neo-Tech? - 11/29/01 09:35 PM
I have gotten two letters soo far from "neo-tech" so far. Yes, I believe it's a cult or at least a demonic deception used to brainwash people. The people who produce this should be ashamed to market this as 'self help'. I mean, to have the "Dr" say he and everyone else is a "God-man" is blasphamy.

Posted By: noodlebrain Re: Neo-Tech? - 11/30/01 06:38 AM
They are the illuminati, I bought the book, was disgusted and threw it out. They want businesses to take over the earth, the "work ethic" being first and foremost importance in evaluating human rights. Therefore, if you have more, you can screw over the little guy. Basically, exactly how things are right now. Struck me very much like some hoodoo bogus secret fraternal society with a bunch of crap diagrams on how to better your performance. I can't believe I bought it, but I had extra cash and am a very curious sort.

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Neo-Tech? - 12/02/01 05:22 PM

I purchased the NeoTech book fifteen years ago. It is not for religious or new-age-people. (with a mystical orientation)
I learnt quite a lot from them. Thru N-T I came in contact with Ayn Rand's philosophy
of objectivisml.
Neo-Tech promises a lot, incredible wealth,
non-aging body and biological immortality.

I don't think that most people will get much
out of N-T. It requires hard integrated thinking and a lot of honesty. Honesty is a key word in N-T. Unfortunatelly, I discovered
that the N-T Organization is not honest when it comes to marketing. Perhaps the marke pressure causes them to cut corners.

I lost interest in N-T some years ago but still retain the basic N-T values.
Yes, probaly one can become powerful and rich
with N-T but it requires a lot of work, honesty and integrated thinking.

[This message has been edited by Jodokus (edited December 02, 2001).]

Posted By: noodlebrain Re: Neo-Tech? - 12/03/01 01:48 AM
Yes, the hard work and honesty form what's basically a good ol' boys network. If you think about the fact that NeoTech isn't honest in their marketing (the history of a mysterious book being discovered seems a ridiculous lie, unless somehow connected with secret fraternal organizations)... what's to keep any successful businessman honest? It's a crock. I believe it is a recruitment device for secret organizations that probably do have a great deal of wealth. Yippee, I'm so glad they exist.

Posted By: namrekca7 Re: Neo-Tech? - 12/06/01 05:05 AM
I am glad you asked that question. Neo-tech meaning Fully Integrated Honesty. Neo-tech is not based on dogmas, fixed ideas, or rules. It is a way of thinking that lets anyone profit in any given situation.

Yes they do guarrantee wealth. No wealth however can come without action, effort, and honesty. Its an philosophy, a no limit philosophy based on removing limitations that are a given in our world.

A good analogy is Neo-tech is like a puzzle of knowledge. You got bits and peices of knowlegde here and there. One peice doesn't quit make sense or look like anything, but when you start integrating and putting the peices together you see the whole picure who it is supposed to be. With such an wide view of knowledge you can more wisely choose actions that will bring about more rewarding results.

All godman means is being your own authority and calling your own shots. But having the knowledge to create values like a god.

Neo-tech does not have a fixed criterion or cook book recipe for wealth. It is just education. It can teach you how to grow to your full potential. Give a man a fish and he can eat today, teach a man to fish and he will eat the rest of his life.

It removes the lies this world has propageted us with, the lies that break up the peices of the puzzle, so without those lies the puzzle becomese one picture.

Its really about knowing life on a honest worldly level.

All I could say is don't knock till you try it. Its an experience that you would have to go through on your own. Like Neo on the matrix, no one can quite tell you, you just have to experience, its like a mental cleansing.

Posted By: Agent23 Re: Neo-Tech? - 01/16/02 01:38 PM
Got to the neo-tech webpage, but don't buy any of their stupid books. They'll just try to suck as much money out of you as possible. I repeat, don't buy ANY of their books. I found an article in PARADE magazine about self-improvement last Sunday that could've summed up everything they stand for in only a one page article. They pretty much say, "Do what you really want and make the effort to succeed. YOU have this god-like ZON POWER!!! TAH DAH!!!!" Now, do you have to buy 8 $150 books to learn that?

Posted By: jcarruth Re: Neo-Tech? - 02/03/02 04:33 PM
Just an observation...

The Neo-tech materials I received promised wealth, and the writer claimed to be wealthy. Yet the marketing materials were done on the cheapest newsprint possible, and you can be sure that a graphic designer was not within 50 miles of the guy's typewriter as he wrote his marketing materials.

That's the equivalent of someone showing up for a job interview wearing a T-shirt and jeans. Does one need to go any further, after this oxymoronic introduction? I don't think so.

To be fair, if the guy's really got something to share and wants me to believe he's wealthy because of it, don'tcha think he could at least hire a designer with some of that cash he's rolling in, to make his stuff look like he didn't mimeograph it out of his basement? Duh...

Posted By: Frodo02 Re: Neo-Tech? - 02/05/02 09:31 AM

Yes, they are using the cheapest material and are cutting cost wherever possible.
Their goal is thru cost cutting to make their material affordable to everyone.
In other words to sell at the lowest possible price.
I am not a Neo-Tech fan anymore but I think that Dr. Frank R Wallace and his team-mates
are on a "mission".

Posted By: Neo Re: Neo-Tech? - 01/05/03 11:25 AM
I'm new to this site, and know precious little about this Neo-Tech stuff, but I somehow managed to surf into their site, and couldn't find a single solitary thing for SALE there, so I'm not sure what it is they're selling that is so expensive. I must say I am amused, however, at religious people's tendency to throw the word "cult" around whenever they encounter something they think is against their religion. Like the mere use of the word "cult" indicates that the group, organization, philosophy, way of thinking, teaching, etc., that the word is used to describe is somehow inherently evil, simply because someone used that label to describe it. Amusing how some people have such grandiose notions of themselves. . . .

Posted By: Neo Re: Neo-Tech? - 01/05/03 11:30 AM
I checked out the links posted above (the Yahoo one is a dud), and the other one is from some supposed anti-cult organization. Geez, I would take ANYTHING written by so-called cult experts with the proverbial grain of salt. Do I BELONG to any of the organizations I saw listed on their home page??? NO! Do the so-called major organized religions fit the definitions of a cult, as promulgated by these anti-cult groups?????? Absolutely positively YES!!!!!

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