Posted By: darkblood Transcendantal Meditation - 12/30/01 10:19 AM
Does anybody have any information, experiences, etc. on this. I'm reading up on TM, and even though I don't exactly believe all of it's promises, it looks a bit interesting.

Posted By: zeus Re: Transcendantal Meditation - 12/30/01 05:59 PM

I took the introductory course in TM a few years ago. My opinion is this: as long as you just practice on the simple meditation technique they teach you'll be fine. However, if you get deeper into the TM movement it might be too late before you realise you're caught in a sect.

My advice to you if you just want to learn to meditate: find some other course! You should easily find something that works at least equally well and doesn't cost nearly as much as TM does.

In fact, I bet you could find a web page where you could find a good meditation technique for free.

If you want more/something else than a meditation technique I'd suggest the Silva Method (much better than TM in my point of view) or Hemi Sync.

I urge you to check out: for info about TM.

I strongly doubt that you'd want to take a TM course after you've read what they've got to say...

Hope this helps


[This message has been edited by zeus (edited December 30, 2001).]

Posted By: darkblood Re: Transcendantal Meditation - 12/30/01 11:44 PM
I don't care what anyone says Maharishi Mahesh Yogi knows his stuff!!

Just kidding. A few hours after I posted the topic, I did a little more research, including visiting
Nice course to take if you like headaches, irritability, and psychological damage.

Know of a good book on standard meditation? I'm working on Photoreading and lucid dreaming.

Posted By: Ann7822 Re: Transcendantal Meditation - 12/31/01 01:49 AM
Question ~
So how is TM different from the holosync tapes?? I read some of the info on those links - and what TM offers sounds very much like what you are supposed to get from doing The End program. I know a number of people here are doing both the holosync and LS courses ... that's why I asked that question here.


Posted By: Jovo Re: Transcendantal Meditation - 01/02/02 10:05 AM
TM is a brilliant meditation technique, but organisation is business.

I've been introduced to it as a 12 year old (I'm 22 now), but stopped practicing after few weeks. Didn't find it so special at the time, either because I was too yong and inexperienced or because the way I was back then - much more peaceful than most kids. Since then, I've only done it several times. But I'm intending to make it my every-day experience.

This is my most recent experience ith TM. A few months ago, all of a sudden I felt the urge to do it. And I did for about a week. Each day 10 to 15 minutes. It felt natural - no forcing myself, no intention to do it, just a need to do so. Benefits were immediate. A first few days effects of TM wore off in a matter of hours, but after that I was in a "state" for almost whole day. What I refer to as a "state" here, is a blissful tranquility - no anxiety, no fear, no worries... peaceful, yet focused. My every-day obligations were presenting no problem to me, environment in general was no longer influencing me in a negative way. In short, it felt great. Then, just as sudden as I started, I stopped. Effects ligered for a few more days and then started dissipating until it came back to "normal". I guess i stopped because I felt excellent and din't think I need it anymore, plus I'm lazy. That is why I want to start again. I want to feel like that and be lke that again.

I've tried many meditation techniques (ancient and modern ones) but TM is the best so far. It's simple and effective. Requires no effort of any kind. Not even effort of thought. No need to believe in anything. Just experience.

About dangeours of TM: There are none! TM is not dangerous and it cannot make you crazy. The worst thing that can happen to you is to feel discomfort when abruptly going from meditative state to "reality". The difference between the two can be huge and sudden change may cause discomfort (just like someone waking you up from a deep sleep).

Since TM organization is business, it has tried to scientifically prove TM. They did a great deal of experiments, which are available to public. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi does know what he's talking about.

Final goal of real meditation should be enlightment. All other "side-effects" which improve your life are just natural response of your body and mind. TM is adapted to western/modern world. But it doesn't lose it's power because of it. Modern meditations (created by numerous authors of western world) are based on real ones, and they deal with only fragments of our modern lives. Meditation for depresion, meditation for success, meditation for relationship improving... list goes on and on. They do work, but why approach your life fragmentary when you can do it all, and much more, at once?!

I can tell you for sure that TM is no sect. People call a sect everything that sounds strange to them, or too good to be true. The truth is that most people just can't believe that they are the masters of their lives. As long as you say to them you've got something that will improve their lives, they will want to see/get/buy it. But, if you say that you know a way they can improve their lives greatly (by themselves), they'll get suspicious and call it this and that. Sadly, for most people, it is much easier to believe in something else than in themselves.

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