Posted By: tall_sided Are psychics a reality? - 09/17/02 12:05 AM
I was just wondering what others think of psychics. Myself, I'm not sure what to make of psychics. My impression is varied at this point. So what are some experiences you've had with psychics? What makes them a reality or simply unreal?

Posted By: huttog Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/17/02 04:12 AM
If you listen to Paul Scheele on Genius Code (if you own it, that is) he briefly talks about so called 'psychics'. I believe his point is that because we are totally unsure as to the limits of our NORMAL sensory perceptions (have you ever calibrated somebody with your eyes closed?) it makes no sense to speak of EXTRA sensory perceptions.

I also believe what Paul stated on another tape: "If any ONE can do it, then ANYONE can do it." Which is basically one of the premises of NLP. You can model anyone, including psychics. Just figure out exactly how they do it (down to the extreme minutia, if need be) and do the same.

Of course, there is the average palm reader on every corner who will take your money to tell you what you want. Those are reallllly
good body language readers.


Posted By: AlexK Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/17/02 05:16 AM
I figure if you're going to be psychic or intuitive you may as well be for your benefit. If you learn to understand the messages of your inner mind you'll have a better idea of what is going on in you own life. Rather than relying on the hit or miss outcomes when you ask someone who calls themself psychic.

To me intuition, gut feelings, knowing who is calling before you pick up the phone are all pretty sure indicators that we have more sensory connections than just the 5 physical senses that we are consciously aware off.


Posted By: Margaret Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/17/02 08:53 PM
You know how all intuitive teachers say we are all intuitive? After some research, i understand what this means. The earliest man had a conscious brain wave that is today called DELTA. Today, delta is the brain wave for when we are sleeping (part of the time). Delta is also the brain wave of children from birth to almost 4. You notice how babies eyes are not focused and how little children have imaginary friends? Delta. Earliest man had the ability to very naturally be intuitive and elicit shaman behavior. He needed it to survive in a land w/ many animals much larger and ready to eat him.

Bill Harris on the tape in the Euphoria course, talks about how delta is a transcendental state. I'm not so sure about that, but that comment did make me realize that all of our intuition info comes from that area.

Now Anna Wise in the High Performance Mind uses a certain instrument & she speaks of the awakened mind as the best state to be in. The awakened mind includes all the different brain waves in a pattern. She studied w/ Max Cade in England. I'm fairly sure that intuitive people who are very naturally intuitive have a particular pattern of brain waves. Those of us who develop our intuitive abilities (which are innate b/c we all have delta brain waves) will then move more towards a particular pattern that approximates naturally intuitive people.

Plus, Anna Wise is a good friend of Bill Harris of CRI.

it's very interesting

[This message has been edited by Margaret (edited September 17, 2002).]

Posted By: seeker2002 Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/17/02 09:49 PM
Margaret, I find the information you posted fascinating. I've used Delta entrainment over the years and it **definitely** increased my intuitive abilities. This is a gross understatement and many of the experiences I've had seemed totally normal to me at the time, yet were totally paranormal in any kind of normal context.

The data you posted about earliest man having predominantly a Delta state makes sense to me, but I'm just wondering if you can point me to a reference where this information comes from. Without actually hooking up an ancient human to an EEG machine (which is obviously impossible), how can we know what early man's brainwaves were?

It shocks me that some of my most peaceful, clear, and transcendental states of being may have been when my brainwaves became those of our earliest ancestors. Whatever happened to evolution? Aren't things supposed to get better, not worse? Is regression to early human's brainwaves actually a progression??

Posted By: Margaret Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/17/02 10:37 PM
I've read that piece of info a few times. The High Performance Mind is an important book. I forget the name of the instrument Max Cade developed. I know CRI purchased one from Anna Wise. I've read Eric Jensen's stuff, Jose Silva, Colin Rose. Mostly educational books. Wenger's The Einstein Factor is very informative too. Mainstream stuff. I started out using Paul's bibliography from PhotoReading and Natural Brilliance. Use to buy the books cheap Anything in accelerated learning will deal w/ the brain.

I think it's now common knowledge that our chronological age up to 21 matches the brain wave pattern. Like when children are in elementary, high school and college, their most natural brain wave, alpha, matches their chronological age. That's why it's the ideal time for learning. Try Zepher too for good info.

When a child has something happen to them during the ages of 4-7, that stuff is stored at a theta brain wave pattern. Later on in life that will influence them in ways that possibly limit their striving for success and happiness. Then when they go into, say, therapy, it takes forever to resolve. A faster way to access that "hidden file" is to slow the brain wave down to the same level it happened. Jose Silva was onto this way back in the 1950's. And, today some therapists are using brain wave equipment to take patients to a lower brain wave to assist them in healing.

Historically, the reptilian brain was the first part of the brain to develop and that's where the delta brain wave comes from. Then the mammalian brain developed and i think that has to do w/ the theta brain wave.

Posted By: Paul Watts Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/18/02 12:53 AM
Was it the Hindu Tantrics that didn't regard "psychic ability" as anything unique since, in their view, our own consciousness was an example of psychic phenomenon?

[This message has been edited by Paul Watts (edited September 17, 2002).]

Posted By: Paul Watts Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/18/02 12:55 AM
ignore this post

[This message has been edited by Paul Watts (edited September 17, 2002).]

Posted By: seeker2002 Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/18/02 05:01 AM
Thanks Margaret.

One thing I know for sure is that comatose patients in hospitals display predominantly Delta brainwaves even deeper than a healthy person's Delta during sleep. It's paradoxical for me to try to relate this to my own experiences entraining Delta, because in this state I usually feel mentally optimum.

Without wanting to discourage anyone, and you didn't need to hear it here first, Delta accesses levels so deep and primitive that these may be pre-language parts of the brain. This may explain why some researchers say subliminals simply don't work while one is in a Delta state -- as the parts of the brain accessed are so basic that words are simply noises and devoid of meaning. Like how the words would sound to a one-year-old infant long before language is learned. Paradoxically, my own experience is that subliminals do work in Delta, and the same researchers that say they don't work in Delta say they work especially well in Alpha and Theta, which one must pass through before reaching Delta.

I think it's safe to say that everybody's "Delta" is a little different than everyone else's. And I'm aware of cases where comatose patients have heard conversations, and after having gotten out of the coma, recalling the conversation.

I don't know. But it's interesting to think about.

Posted By: AlexK Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/18/02 06:18 AM
Seeker my own finding has been that the best state for learning is the Alpha state. For some reason everyone thinks more deeper is better. However at the Alpha state the mind is better able to reason than at the deeper levels. I think at deeper levels our critical thinking abilities move aside and that's handy for inputing data. That's why sleep deprivation and chanting are used by some 'groups' to acquire new members. It alters the brainwave to low theta with Delta thrown in... lacking is the Alpha and Beta brainwave pattern associated with critical thinking and self awareness.

On a note about being psychic or intuitive... sometimes I hate the ability. Had it all my life to some degree, more pronounced now. I can understand why people block this ability. Sometimes the messages are not exactly clear. You know somethings wrong you find yourself upset about it, you wind up searching to find the source of the problem etc. You're upset anxious and when you find out what it is... you get to be upset and anxious all over again. I once asked why go through the anxiety twice. Fortunately the reverse is also true... you can know that things will turn out alright.

C. Maxwell Cade developed the Mind Mirror used by Anna Wise.


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited September 18, 2002).]

Posted By: seeker2002 Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/18/02 07:35 PM
AlexK, I agree that deeper brainwaves are not necessarily better. One could also say that slower (or faster) is not necessarily better. The best might be to have the freedom to experience anything along the spectrum, as needed or desired.

Certainly, psychic or intuitive experiences are not necessarily pleasant or even useful states of being. Being very intuitive about people's thoughts around you can be very painful.

I just thought I would mention that Dr. Jeffrey Thompson's reasonably priced "Brainwave Suite" contains 4 CD's -- Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Alpha-Theta. Various websites that sell this product say his Alpha-Theta CD is the only one ever made that is designed to entrain the Awakened Mind pattern of Cade/Wise. I think Dr. Thompson's own site says this. This is something I've been meaning to try, but I've already got so many tapes/CD's that need listening.

Posted By: AlexK Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/19/02 06:37 AM
I've owned those CDs for a few years and found them very useful. It is probably the reason why I found the Centerpointe CD so disappointing. I had the same experience with those CDs and they were considerably cheaper. In any case I can hear them better than the Centerpointe ones so for me they are more benefical.

I'd say if you're already on the Centerpointe program you don't need them.


Posted By: Dragha Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/19/02 09:08 PM
Cade's invention was known as the "Mind Mirror".

Posted By: Thipdar Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/21/02 05:12 AM
I think Dr. Thompson"s tapes work great. If you'd like to experience b/w entrainment, go to, there are some sound samples of his cd's. Use headphones. For a good alpha experience get "Wind and Mountain" by Deuter. This is't a Thompson cd but it produces a very nice alpha experience.

Posted By: bhenry Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/22/02 12:15 AM
Can someone please be so kind enough to explain the difference between the products of Anna Wise and Dr. Jeff Thompson? What products do you think produce the best results?

Posted By: Margaret Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/22/02 02:05 AM
I have tapes from both. I think Anna Wise's book is terrific. I'm not a fan of her tapes. She has a very flat voice.

I only have Brain Wave Suite from Thompson. They are wonderful tapes.

According to Alex, the alpha/theta tape in that set helps to approximate the Awakened Mind that is a particular brain wave pattern described in the Wise book: The High Performance Mind.

hope this helps

Try checking out The Relaxation Company. They have very cool stuff.

Posted By: AlexK Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/22/02 06:03 AM
Anna Wise CDs have guided visualisation and I agree with Margaret. Not only is her voice flat in some points of the visualisation they leave you wondering what you are supposed to do. They are intended for group session. Also Guided visualisations get boring pretty quickly.

The Jeff Thomspons CD are sound CD to bring about certain brainwave patterns. Using them with freeflow visualisation is much more interesting. Each CD works with a particular brainwave. You can play the Alpha one or Alpha Theta while studying, reading learning, for focused concentration. The Theta one is great for visualisation and seeking inspiration for image streaming. The Delta CD helps you to drop of to sleep and is good for training maintaining alertness in meditation.

Margaret please do not attibute to me something that I have not said....
According to Alex, the alpha/theta tape in that set helps to approximate the Awakened Mind that is a particular brain wave pattern described in the Wise book: The High Performance Mind.

As Seeker2002 posted on 18 Sept
I just thought I would mention that Dr. Jeffrey Thompson's reasonably priced "Brainwave Suite" contains 4 CD's -- Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Alpha-Theta. Various websites that sell this product say his Alpha-Theta CD is the only one ever made that is designed to entrain the Awakened Mind pattern of Cade/Wise. I think Dr. Thompson's own site says this. This is something I've been meaning to try, but I've already got so many tapes/CD's that need listening.

The point is, this might be true, as seeker has said it was stated on the website. However it is not according to Alex


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited September 22, 2002).]

Posted By: seeker2002 Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/22/02 07:49 AM
Check out Thompson's cool site:

If you have your speakers turned on and wait long enough for the download, you can hear cool music. Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage to see a cool image of our planet next to an image of space. Images like that inspire me more than any religion ever could.
Anna Wise's suggestion to relax one's tongue to suppress Beta is one of the simplest and most useful meditation (Alpha, Theta, Delta) suggestions ever. I don't think I ever would have thought of that myself.
With all the wonderful people we have in self-improvement technology, I would like to see more collaboration among them. Many did come together to produce the Euphoria course, and I would like to see more teamwork like this. Another example is that Centerpointe uses its own entrainment technology, but uses Lowery's method of producing subliminals. We need more collaboration like this!

Posted By: krisk Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/22/02 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Margaret:

According to Alex, the alpha/theta tape in that set helps to approximate the Awakened Mind that is a particular brain wave pattern described in the Wise book: The High Performance Mind.

Uhm alex care to tell us where you said that? I cant seem to find it anywhere. Can you tell us more about it please.?

Posted By: AlexK Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/22/02 10:48 AM
Originally posted by krisk:
Uhm alex care to tell us where you said that? I cant seem to find it anywhere. Can you tell us more about it please.?

Kris... Margaret has incorrectly attibuted me as having said that. It was only pointed out in this forum that it was a claim made on web sites.

This claim is definately not according to Alex

bhenry... Some further information about the brainwave suite CDs. They use music, sounds of nature and 3D sound. The 3D sound effect make it quite entertaining.


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited September 22, 2002).]

Posted By: krisk Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/22/02 01:05 PM
ahh ok, well maybe margaret missread your post!

[This message has been edited by krisk (edited September 22, 2002).]

Posted By: AlexK Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/22/02 02:40 PM
Hummm Kris...NCR

Seeker, I listened to the audio and is sounded so familar I had to check my CDs, since I haven't used them in a while. It sounds to me like it is from Theta CD from the Brainwave Suite. On my CD the nature sounds come out better than on my sound card and on the CDs the 3D effect is much more pronounced. In anycase yep thats what the brainwave Suite pretty much sounds like. Nice to have playing in the background too.


Posted By: Margaret Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/22/02 07:30 PM
Alex, don't throw a hissy fit over such an unimportant mistake. Lighten up.

i'm beginning to wonder if kris is just another one of your users; or, perhaps he's your alter ego

don't you have better things to do other than get on my case? no? you poor things

Posted By: Thipdar Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/23/02 02:06 AM
There's a Theta sample on the Monroe Institute site, it last more than a few minutes and you don't have to listen to Bill whats his name trying to sell you somethin'. In fact you can listen all nite long. It's a java applet, and you can insert your mp3 or real audio tunes above it or below, whatever, hemi-sync is the name of it. It's where it all started, I think.

Posted By: krisk Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/24/02 07:04 AM
hah right...

how about u ask lsc to check up the ip's and then check the ones on alex and the ones on myself??

yer good one sherlock

MODERATOR: please check the ips to show this 'smart person' who is who?

Posted By: AlexK Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/24/02 07:09 AM
FYI folks: I had some reservations about the claim that the Alpha/Theta CD from the Brainwave Suited CD collection by Dr Jeffrey Thompson will help bring about the Awakened Mind as described by M/s Anna Wise in her literature.

Since I've owned and used the CD selection for more than 6 years I found that claim difficult to believe based on my experience alone. When I checked the brochure that came with the CDs and compared the typical mind mirror response from someone using the Alpha/Theta CD to an awakened mind response. I found that the results definately were not Awakened Mind? There was too much Beta and almost No Delta.

Since the brochure was printed in 1995 and I knew from M/s Wises site that the images were continuously evolving. I thought that perhaps what Dr Thompson thought was typical then may have been updated to concur with M/s Wises data. So I did a search.

With a search of Dr Jeffrey Thompson's site and found no claim that his CDs brought about the Awakened Mind. I read all of his articles (picked up some useful information too From a PhotoReaders point of view I had an interesting learning experience going through his site). However, nowhere does he reference the Awakened Mind. Nor does his list of resources make any reference to M/s Anna Wises work. In other words he himself does not make the claim that his Alpha/Theta CD will bring about the Awakened Mind.

M/s Wises site provided some minor useful information. It does say that the Awakened Mind is a result of a combined Alpha/Theta entrainment.

More useful was the information from a forum archive on developing the awakened mind. Basically it boiled down to Self Relaxation.

The 'typical' mind mirror from using the Alpha/Theta CD is anything but the awakened mind. Therefore I can only assume that it might be possible for some individuals to experience the awaken mind (ad hoc) using the CD. As it is the only CD I know of that combines Alpha/Theta entrainment.

Having used these CD for some 6 years I can only say.. Don't get your hopes up

If you want to follow up my search
Dr Jeffreys site is here

Anna Wise' site is here

Search engines used to search term Awakened Mind... Dogpile (most productive) Google and Webcrawler

The Brainwave Suite Set referenced to Consist of 4 CDs

CD ID 5229-63051-2 Alpha 2 Tracks
Track 1 Alert Relaxation (light - mid Alpha) 20:47
Track 2 Meditation (mid- deep alpha) 20:34
CD ID 5229-63052-2 Theta 2 Tracks
Track 1 Insight & Intuition (light - mid theta) 20:58
Track 2 Creativity & Inspiration (mid - deep theta) 20:43
CD ID 5229-63053-2 Delta 2 Tracks
Track 1 Letting go of Stress (light-mid delta) 20:54
Track 2 Rejuvenating Sleep (mid-deep delta)21:04
CD ID 5229-63054-2 Alpha-Theta 2 Tracks
Track 1 Emotional Openness 19:50
Track 2 Intimate Communication (alpha-theta) 19:58

Purchased as a set copyright 1995 The Relaxation Company, Inc Roslyn, New York


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited September 24, 2002).]

Posted By: seeker2002 Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/24/02 10:37 PM
Click and scroll down just a bit:

I hope that extra long link works...

Posted By: Thipdar Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/25/02 02:51 AM
Having read Cade & Coxhead's exelent book and recently Anna Wise, I believe the Awakened Mind is a coke bottle shaped pattern, not just an alpha/theta although I wold give a weeks salary to rent a mind mirror to find out just what my pattern is. I wonder if it is possible to get there without equipment. I get pretty deep with Thompson's tapes, but don't always go to the same level every time. However they seem to hold me at the bottom level so I dont actually fall asleep. Brain waves fascinate the heck out of me.

Posted By: bhenry Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/25/02 03:08 AM
Now I'm really confused. Which tapes do you recommend Anna Wise or Dr. Thompson?

Posted By: Margaret Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/25/02 03:58 AM
I used the Thompson tapes until i started using holosync. Holosync is more powerful than anything Thompson has put out. So, i recommend the Thompson tapes, The Brain Wave Suite.

I also recommend the Anna Wise book, The High Performance Mind.

Posted By: Thipdar Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/25/02 04:28 AM
Egad, another Neat shockwave grafix, too.

Posted By: AlexK Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/25/02 04:43 AM
I was hoping you could point me to an article. Owning the CDs I think it would be great that my favourite one on the selection brings on the Awakened Mind pattern. Even the link within product sales 'details' does not point back to that.

Anna Wise's site has a mind mirror diagram of the Awakened Mind that is more of a coke bottle look. Compared to the brochure that came with the CDs for the Brainwave Suite which is a distinctive curve with heightened alpha/theta brainwave.

The only common point I've found; that Anna Wise states that the Awakened Mind pattern is brought about the Alpha/Theta entrainment and that particular CD from Dr Jeffrey Thompson happens to be an Alpha/Theta entrainment CD.

Not Even M/s Wise claims that her CD's will bring on the Awakened mind pattern.

On Disc 3 CD 3075 From the High performance Mind Set (2 Tracks)
Track 1 Accessing the Creativity of The High Performance Mind.(24:42
Track 2 The Bubble (21:22)
copyright 1998. The back cover states that..

These audio programs will guide you to develop the "high performance" brainwave state present in accomplished yogis, artist and many highly productive individuals.

Accessing the Creativity of The High Performance Mind provides guided imagery along with brainwave training to help you enter the High Performance Mind state. This program works to strengthen your capacity for problem solving and creative manifestation. The Bubble gives you and experience of the expansion and contraction of the "delta rada" that opens up the unconscious intuition and empathy.

The inside cover features the Brainwave Suite CD's as one of the products available from The Relaxation Company. The sales pitch reads...

Every state of mind has a unique pattern of brainwaves - composed of alpha, beta, delta and theta waves - which can be measured and mapped. Brainwave Suite blends subtle pulses of sound into the musical soundtrack, to stimulate your brain to produce waves with a pattern that matches the state of mind you want to experience.
(no mention of Awakened Mind)

Basically all the CDs in her collection are training to reach the High Performance Mind State.

The CD's were produced prior to 1999. Neither of the Publications with the CD's sets, the Brainwave Suite nor High Performance mind, make a claim that you will experience the Awakened Mind.

I think one must not overlook that these CD can help to achieve the Awakened Mind when one uses them for training. It would me misleading to think that the CD's alone would bring about that state... effort is still required on the part of the user.

To Quote M/s Wise from her Publication High Performance Mind copyright 1995 ISBN 0-87477-850-6 page 235

The first step toward mastering your brainwaves is learning to relax. Relaxation helps you master all of the other brainwave states. The optimum brainwave pattern, the awakened mind, is a combination of beta, alpha, theta, and delta brainwaves. Rather than going straight into pattern. it is often easier to first develop the meditation brainwave pattern, which is made up of alpha. theta and usually delta. ...

So rather than expecting CDs to do the work for you, you use them as a tool.

The CD sets both come from the Relaxation Company. If you want guided visualisation and don't mind someone talking in a flat voice to a group of people while you're using the CD's on your own High Performance mind.

If you just want brain entrainment CD's music and sounds where you are free to use whatever visualisation techniques you desire (you can even use Anna Wise' since they are written up in her book High performance mind). Then The Brainwave Suite would be the choice.

So far I have not found any form of brain entrainment that worked optimally for everyone every time. I dare say that is because we are all indiviuals... for me the High Performance mind CD's will not work because I find them uninteresting. However someone else might find them interesting and experience outstanding success with them the first time round.

Finding what works for you is a hit and miss affair. Dr Thompsons site does provide a sample of the CD's sound track one of the other samples might even be a better choice for you.


Posted By: seeker2002 Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/28/02 08:18 PM
The possibility just occurred to me:

That as one's mind becomes more and more emptied of thoughts, the thoughts of other people come rushing in.

Think of a vacuum. A vacuum is empty in the sense that it contains little or no air. Given the opportunity, air rushes in to the vacuum, often forcefully. A still mind, perhaps entrained in the Delta frequency, is a vacuum in the sense that it contains little or no thoughts...and the thoughts of other people can come rushing in.

Posted By: isis Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/29/02 01:21 AM
My take is that psychics are not a Reality, but a Truth.

We are all psychics. It's psychic world.

I think it's just an area that some people have chosen to improve. is a pretty good resource for human potential data...

Posted By: AlexK Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/29/02 06:37 AM
A thought is a thought. If the mind is empty of thoughts... then it is empty. If thoughts of other people come rusing in... it's no longer empty. Perhaps the real question is with all the thoughts you do have throughout the day... which ones are really yours?


Posted By: Viper Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/29/02 08:01 AM
So what's the definition of a psychic? And doesn't all this psychic stuff seem strange to you guys? Things that are out in the unknown? Sort of off base from science.

You can look at a glass of water and say it's either half empty or half full.
There's many terms and definitions and different ways of describing different things out in the world. But how do you know what you know is the truth?

Just something to think about!

Posted By: seeker2002 Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/29/02 04:35 PM
Viper asked: "But how do you know what you know is the truth?"

If I experience it. If I experience it first and know it based on experience.

Posted By: Viper Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/29/02 11:38 PM
See but not all things experience through your senses are what you think they are.
Think about it like this (for example), lets say that everyone in the world had a deadly disease and your the only one that knows about it and you're also the one with advance enough technology to figure what the disease is and a cure for it. You go out to the world and everyone you know telling them that they're all sick and you have a cure for it but they don't believe you because with the technology they have they see it as a flu or something harmless. But because they have flu-like symptoms and think it's nothing, they brush you off. With their low-end technology how can they figure it out? They experience flu-like symptons so they think they know what it is.
Or look at it this way...
Some great people in the past with vision of the future and different ideas were probably called crazy and etc.. The people at that time did not see or understand, thats why they called those great people crazy.
Do you guys understand what I'm trying to say?

Posted By: Margaret Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/30/02 12:45 AM
Viper, why not do some studying of ontology? You might it interesting. Does a hole, say a hole in the doughnut, have existence? Questions like that.

In the Bhagavad Gita it states that there is no existence of the unreal and no non-existence of the real.

One thing i've always gone by is that for Truth to be Truth, it has to be eternal. By this, it was true 200,000 years ago & will be true 200,000 into the future. For example, people, all people seek love. They seek to receive it and to give it. Even your enemies seek love. Often times when people or children are being very mean, it is just a negative way of seeking to be loved.

An absolute Truth is: The very first person you meet whenever you enter a room will be yourself Where ever you go in the world and whoever you speak to, you are always meeting yourself. Know thyself. What did your face look like before you were born?

Posted By: seeker2002 Re: Are psychics a reality? - 09/30/02 08:05 PM
Viper, it is true that an individual's experience can be incomplete or just plain wrong. To counteract this, most of us base what we consider true on more than one person's experience. This still doesn't guarantee truth, of course.

In the example about disease you gave, at least one person would have to test the person's theory (and ask him/her to explain the methods used to arrive at the knowledge).

Margaret suggested Ontology. I would also suggest Epistemology: the study of how we know what we (supposedly) know. Sometimes, when experience is not possible, all we can do is assume it to be true, and then hopefully try to verify the assumption.

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