When I go to a bookstore, I usually dont always buy it when I first look at it. But this book seemed different and i thought I would buy it and see how me and my mother like it. I guess I bought it first because I am of Indian descent to. My mother says the mantras seem legitimate. The book says the mantras should be practiced for 40 days to see results.

Has anyone here read the book? Have you also tried out the mantras? Have you gotten results from your efforts after 40 days?

It has mantras for removing obstacles, wealth, good luck and finding a mate. I think it has healing ones to. I am not totally sure if they work or not.

Anyone here an expert on mantras?


Hi Parag. I'm certainly not an expert on mantras, but I have read the book and also taken several workshops with Ashley (who, by the way, is absolutely wonderful - if you get the chance to see him, by all means go). The mantras absolutely work - they change your vibrational patterns, allowing you to attract different circumstances into your life. Another book I think you would enjoy is Healing Mudras by Sabrina Mesko. She elaborates on the hand gestures used while chanting mantras - it's a much easier read, and you can incorporate the hand movements while you chant.

Hi Rachel:

Wow, you have met him personally. I remember looking at the book Healing Mudras a while back at the bookstores.

Rachel, were these workshops in CA. I think that is where he lives.

I tried to email him regarding this question. He probably is in location where he does not have a computer.

The question I had for him was if I could say multiple mantas together or in one sitting or they should be said one at time in a sitting. Like for example only saying the ganapatee mantra only, and only for 40 days. Or saying the ganapatee mantra along with others for 40 days like this om gum ganapatte nama, om shreem maha lakshmi swaha, om sharvana bhavaya namaha, om eim sarawati swaha. I was asking to see if saying multiples together would create energy blockage or prevent the mantra from working.

Rachel, for any mantra if you are 28 years old and over you have to say swaha instead of namaha?

Do you know if there is a mantra for receiving guidance on your own particular situation or for your situation in hand?

Rachel, could I email you regarding this?


Dear Parag,
You can reach him at 626-451-0305 or duf@earthlink.net The workshops were in California - check out his schedule on his website www.sanskritmantra.com for future pujas he has planned. If I were you, I would only try one mantra at a time. It's better to focus your energy on one goal at a time. From what I remember in his workshops, he said you can do more than one mantra at a time - if it's on a related topic. So you could do several on abundance, prosperity, security - but you wouldn't add, say, relationships to the mix.
If you're needing guidance on how to proceed with a particular goal - I would definitely focus on your sixth chakra or third eye for guidance. There is a mudra in Sabrina's book specifically for receiving spiritual guidance. Hope that helps.


I already emailed him and called him at the number you have mentioned. Thanks. I am thinking he could be out of town and not using his computer and stuff like that. I will try and experiment for 40 days and see what happens.

I will also look through Sabrina Mesko's book at the bookstore.


He must be out of town, because he's usually good about getting back to people. If you're looking for clarity, I'm also a BIG believer in the power of feng shui. I consider it impossible to have mental clarity if your home is cluttered. Read Karen Kingston's books, Sacred Space and Clear Your Clutter. Her website is also informative, www.sacredspace.com esp. the ask Karen letters. Also, Lillian Too has a space clearing kit you can buy from Barnes and Noble - it's quite good and she lists some clearing mantras. In fact, she also has a book on mantras which is quite good. The northeast, by the way, is the area in feng shui tied to learning, mental aspirations - the northwest is tied to helpful people, angels, dieties - so if there were any spiritual people you wanted to contact, that's the area of your home you would meditate in.


YOu have actually tried to email and contact him before. Thanks for the other suggestion. Lillian Too is also a yoga person?

One goal at a time makes sense Rachel, but it is just that I want prosperity, good luck, remove obstacles, find a mate and build my mind. I heard that one might have to do the ganpathee mantra which I read from the book because it could happen that the Lakshmi mantra may not work because of obstacles?

Feng Shui is something I would like to dabbble in.

This science of metaphysics is interesting. I wonder if it can really affect people's lives.


Dear Parag,
Lillian Too is a feng shui person, she has a book out called Mantras and Mudras or Mudras and Mantras - can't remember which - but it has lots of interesting mantras. I hear you are searching, and I want to remind you the key to all these disciplines is changing your energy or vibrational field, which is the whole purpose behind saying the mantras. Now you can change your energy field without saying a single mantra - just speak words of love, joy, and beauty. There is no magic in the mantra - it's really all about working with energy - which is the same principle behind feng shui. When you live in a neat, harmonious home - you feel differently, and act differently and draw different experiences to you. Everything in the universe is composed of energy vibrating at different frequencies, and the energy is either positive or negative. The more positive energy you feel and radiate, the more positive experiences you will draw to you. If you say the mantras by rote and hate saying them, I actually feel, they can be counterproductive. Only say them, if it makes you feel better. Love, of course, is the highest frequency and the more you engage in activities you love, the more money, love, good luck, etc. you will draw to you. So, if you want to draw love into your life - start doing something everyday that you absolutely love. Maybe that's dancing or playing sports - whatever it is - you will start to change your energy field,faster than saying any mantras. I love Ashley Farrand, but he is not the last word, any more than any spiritual teacher is - and mantras are not for everyone- I've actually seen people get worse saying mantras. Also, the southwest is the love corner in feng shui - start putting pictures of happy couples in that corner - as long as your southwest isn't the bathroom, in which case, don't put anything there - I guarantee, you'll find a new relationship within a month. Check out - www.theredlotusletter.com Best of luck- I know you'll attract someone soon. Rachel


YOu are right I am searching. You talk about energy and vibrations. It reminds me of Lynn Grabhorn's Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting. Did you read this book.

I agree with you that Thomas Ashley Farrand is not the last word. As you know, the big reason I probably ended up buying the book is because it maybe largely due to the fact I am Indian and there is Lakshmi mantra. I guess it had to do with my culture. I will agree with you there might be people who do mantras and it does not make their life any different. It could also be due to the fact that people who are masters or gurus are not everywhere.

I am convinced that the mind has the power to help people achieve or receive what they cannot do on their own like get a mate or meet a friend or mentor they would like be more intimate with. Or get a job. I know there are dating services that charge millionaires over $10k from what I have watched on 20/20.

You talk about Northwest and Southwest, does this mean Feng Shui involves being able to read floor plans. I think I need to get a Feng Shui for dummies book.

For some reason you are reminding me of a book called Do One Thing Different by Bill O Hanlon. I dont know why.

Thomas Ashland Farrand says you have to give the mantras 40 days.

I am thinking about maybe taking up yoga and doing it more regularly.

I will agree with you what works for one does not work for another. YOu talk about not saying by roting. It also reminds me of another thing I read.

A feeling of health creates health. A feeling of wealth creates wealth.

I am quite open to this law of attraction I guess. I have not seen it work though.

It would be interesting, if I somehow did better in my career and finances because I started to play chess more or started to practice martial arts or just have a good time. I think that is what the book Do One thing Different By Bill O Hanlon reminds me of.

I know Emmet Fox says you can solve all your problems if you can keep your mind just focused on GOD. I have not seen this proven but I have read in a yoga about concentration being the key to success.

I will say, one thing that would be a challenge for me is how to enhance personal development without really spending any money or too much money.

I work as a realtor. I have met other realtors pay $1,000 a month to get high quality coaching. The coaching is high quality but not inexpensive. I am wondering if a paraliminal could do just as well.

Rachel, have you ever bought a paraliminal or any home study course here?

You are right Rachel, I am searching. If the subliminals worked I would be buying them.


Dear Parag,
We're all searching - myself included. I can only speak for what has worked for me. In all honesty, I haven't tried the paraliminals of this company, but I have of another company, and I am very happy with the results. The company is www.thinkrightnow.com - the tapes have absolutely worked for me. Another metaphysical discipline which has worked for me big time is feng shui. In fact, if done properly, the results can be quite dramatic and fast. What I have found interesting about feng shui is, even people who do not believe in it have gotten results. I activated my brother's love corner - he's a conservative banker type, not prone to metaphysical mumbo jumbo - and within two weeks met the love of his life. I've read Lynne Grabhorn's book - I personally didn't care for it too much - I think she has a simplistic approach to metaphysics - if you're sick or anything bad happens, well, you just weren't putting out the right vibrations. I don't know how helpful that is to say to someone who's really suffering. I also firmly believe in karma, which she doesn't, but she had some interesting observations. If you're Indian, you might be interested to know that feng shui originated in India, not China. It was known as Vastu. If you're a realtor, you would want to activate your phone and computer to stimulate money chi. The southeast corner is the money corner - no need to get fancy floor plans, you can just use a compass. Good luck! Rachel

Feng Shui originated in India, I am like thinking how come India is not getting credit for it.:-)

I am not sure if I can learn Feng Shui on my own. That is why I am thinking I would need an expert like yourself to look at my house. I will see about getting the book at the library.

Ok, so a compass will tell me which is southwest or nOrthwest in my house? I am going to check out to see if my library has the dummies book.

I am starting to see books talk about seeding or feeling. Before it was a lot of affirmations and visualization.

I will see how my experiment with Indian mantras will go.

Did you say the mantras worked for you?

I will definately check out Feng Shui. Now does Feng Shui help out with receiving guidance and decision making? How about relationships? How about luck?

I am sorry I think you have answered a few of my questions.


What about good health and healling Rachel? I am also thinking I may have to move heavy furniture around to have it become effective?


Feng shui helps with all of the above! Good luck, healing, relationships, etc. I incorporate the mantras as part of my feng shui ritual. For instance, when I'm implementing a cure (what they call a correction in feng shui) I will repeat om mani padme hum nine times. Here's the order in which one should make changes -1)clear your clutter - throw out anything you don't use, love, esp. anything with negative memories attached to it - say your ex-girlfriend gave you a watch and everytime you look at the watch you think of her - give it away. 2) Fix anything that is broken, lights not working, drawers that don't shut, faucets leaking, etc. Then you can start implementing the feng shui corrections. What state do you live in? Maybe I can direct you to a feng shui group in your area.


Right now I live in NY state. Do you also need to know the city? It is Albany, NY area. Do you mind if I ask you were you are located?

I am thinking joining a group would be less expensive than hiring a consultant? Do you do feng shui for other people? Who knows if I find success with it I might start helping people with it.

Is a group that you are talking about sort of like a club, were people get together who are interested in Feng Shui and talk?

The mantra om mani padme hum what is it generally for? Is it listed in the Healing Mantras book?


Look into American Feng Shui Institute with Larry Sang. He's the big guy in this area...authors of lots of FS books out there in the book stores were actually students of his. This field is very diverse---many made up superstitious stuffs added. Coming from a Chinese person, this feng shui master is the guru and if you do some research, you'll know what I mean. Unlike some other masters out there who are actually mocked by the Chinese community as deceptive practicioners.... He even coined lots of phrases that was not even used until he translated it to English and started using it. Trust me, don't do the over the counter pretty book sets that are useless. I obviously have a bias so don't just listen to me. Empower yourself.

Hi Rachel,
Is that correct? I thought FS originated in China. It became commonly known to the general populace due to the generosity of Da Yu who left the palace and secretly taught the mass in effort to help everyone gain the benefits from this knowledge. Was your source of info credible? If I'm wrong then let me know since I'm very interested in the historical aspects of FS. By the way, Lillian Too, in my opinion, is not a very good model to follow. If you study the scientific approach to FS you will see how she contridicts herself and make broad generalizations.


Thanks for the reccomendation. I will look for Larry Sang's book.


Hi Parag and Starliu,
I currently live in California, but am planning on moving to New York City in July. I don't really know of any groups in upstate NY, but in Manhattan, you can call the Open Center, and they can usually recommend a class or group. By the way, I believe the www.thinkrightnow.com company is based in Albany, but not positive. Om mani padme hum is the grandmother of all affirmations - it's an all purpose affirmation that brings your being into balance, so whatever you need to draw to you will happen. Feng Shui absolutely originated in India. A good person to speak to about this subject is Madi Nolan, a feng shui consultant in Bellevue,Washington. I've studied many of the different schools of feng shui, Black Hat, compass, landform, and believe me, they definitely contradict each other - but I've gotten results with each of the schools, and I've come to the realization, it's sort of like religion -everyone thinks their way is THE way, either Catholicism, or Buddhism, or Judaism, or Protestantism - but really all roads lead to the same place. So I would look to work with someone who has gotten results, in other words, someone happily married, financially stable, etc. Be leery of anyone preaching feng shui who doesn't have their own act together. When I first started studying feng shui - I started with my car, I figured, let's see if I get results. I made a point of keeping my car neat and I hung a crystal ball on a red ribbon on the rear view mirror. That was about 7 years ago. Since then, I haven't gotten a ticket, no accidents, just pleasant events. You can start with small changes and look for the miracles.

I apologize for asking. I have a tendency to ask everyone who came from a warmer climate that moves here or anywhere it is not so warm in the winter. Our winters canbe terrible. Why are you moving here, when you have such better winters were you are?

I will admit that if you like skiing, ice skating and hockey this is a better place.

I think about success I will look at people who have gotten results whether they were born again Christians, yoga, or Feng shui. I realize not all of them have good luck.

So, Rachel, you might have answered my question already. I am thinking if there are little things I can do to make things happen?


Dear Parag,
I do agree, the weather is much nicer in California, but the people are much nicer in NY. I was born in NY and have lived there before, so it's not like I'm going to a strange city I've never been to . Also, I'm an astrology buff, and NY is a much more fortunate city for me than LA. Different cities bring out different aspects in your chart - sort of like global feng shui. You can check out www.astro.com - check the free horoscope bar, and scroll down to astrological travel, then enter your birth data and you can see which parts of the world are luckiest for you. Start with one corner of your home, say the southeast or money corner - clean it up, put a nice plant there (providing it's not the bathroom or bedroom) and see what happens. Rachel


It is interesting that you said you were an strologer. I remember reading in the Autobiography of a Yogi, it said few people have the ability to read natal charts. Yogananda's guru was an Astrologer. Did you ever read Autobiography of a Yogi? It seems like not all astrologers are created equal.

I would love to find someone who is 50% accurate. Or partially.


Dear Parag,
I agree that not all astrologers are equally skilled - it's like anything else, some people are talented at what they do, others aren't. Parag -were you born in India or America? If you live far from where you were born, you might want to make different charts for the locales, and see which is luckier for you.


I was born in India. I think Learning Strategies should have a chatroom, are you of the same opinion Rachel.


Hi Parag. I agree, a chat room would be nice.

I did get a few e-mail replies from the author. I have to give him that he did respond. I will agree, that he is wonderful in person. It could be that his book is nice and he is great on person but not what you thought about responding to correspondance. I sort of have two cousins that are wonderful in person but hardly ever return any emails.

When he returned my emails he was saying look at the FAQ at my web site and at the 2nd email he said have read my book you should find what your are looking for. I know I sent him another email on a mantra for improving the eyesight which he did not respond to. He replied to my email but was telling me read RFTM-read the fine manual.

I understand he does not have to respond to emails if he does not want to. There is no moral rule saying he should. Or even that he has to return my phone call or that he should send me an email to show that he received. I understand because of his book he gets a ton of e-mails.

I was always thought that spiritual people, metaphysical people, yogis, vedic experts, and martial arts masters. Are generally nicer than the average person and they would be able figure out what the person maybe saying even if that person does'nt make sense because of their intuitive powers.

I think the punlic has a tendency to hold people in power to a certain standard. The public also holds the clergy to a very very high standard. Like they should never make any mistakes or do anything wrong. Which I have been guilty of doing.

I now realize vedic people and yogis are just like average people to. They are not always more nicer or understanding than the average person. They can also be bad about correspondence to.

I am thinking he was perfect about responding to you. You did not sense anything below average communication. Maybe he saw that I might have had some negative energy so he responded the way he did. It would have been nice if he told me so and what I should do about it.

Did you write him a few emails, Rachel?

I am also thinking he could be having somebody else responding to his emails to.


Dear Parag,
I saw him in person twice -at puja workshops he was giving. He made a very nice impression in person. I emailed him one time with a simple question, and got back a reply. Now, I did see him several years ago, maybe 4, can't remember exactly, and since that time he has become more popular and busier and has a harder time responding to emails. I totally agree, spiritual people should be held to a higher standard, but unfortunately a lot of these people don't live up to that standard. I certainly don't think he has all the answers, in fact, there were a few things about him that I questioned. For instance, I don't want to make fun of anyone, but he was quite overweight - at least when I saw him. Now, that is something which is within your control - it says to me he has certain unresolved issues. I don't know that I would go to him for health concerns. I would just take what he has that seems to be of value, and discard the rest. Always go with your intuition - if someone is not treating you properly - forget them! Believe me, many new age (so called gurus) are not ethical - regardless of how they appear to the public. I'll give you an example of one person I met 22 years ago - Louise Hay. I am completely stunned and amazed she has become as successful as she has. I found her to be quite vulgar and crass in person - but apparently, she knows how to market herself, and the public falls for a pretty face - she's a former model. Anyway - hope that helps, somewhat. Rachel


I guess you definately do have experience with authors. Even though I am starting to mot like the author I am still doing the mantras. My mother says the mantras sound right. I can understand what you said about this guy being overweight and he is giving health advice. Kind of like the late Dr. Atkins or a weight loss doctor being fat and giving weight loss advice. Dr. Atkins was not fat when he was giving advice.

Many of these infomercial people are very good marketers like the real estate people. I think there is a lot of money in real estate and a lot of ways to make a lot of money. But just about a lot of these people offend me. Especially these people that offer one on one training. Just about all of them seem pretty cocky and have an attitude. One guy insisted that I tell him how much I make.

I am convinced that a lot of these people who author have good information that could be helpful. Like the memory training people and people teaching how to be more organized. So, bad people not spited me from reading.

It is like with certain of those people you just wish they would be half way decent, helpful, and understanding. Because we want to improve right away.

I do have a priest in my Hindu Temple that has a gut. But he is not morbidly obese though. Good health I guess is sort of an indication on the kind of discipline people have and how well they take care of themselves. I should talk knowing my weight LOL

I am not sure if Dr. Phil is at the right weight either but he does not look too fat.


Hi Parag. Even if you don't care for the author, you can still get value out of the mantra book. Also, something I remember he said during one of his workshops - 40 days was very significant - Moses, Jesus, and other Biblical figures were lost for 40 days or fasted for 40 days - so 40 days appears to be a time of spiritual growth. Most people, he said, don't maintain the discipline for forty days, they give up after a week or so - but if you can stick with the program, you will definitely see results.


I remember reading a beginng book on Kundalini yoga by Shakta Kaur Khalsa and it said about it taking 40 days for a subconscious change. I remember reading that it takes 21 days to change a habit. You are right about most people generally not sticking to a certain discipline like exercise. But I think a lot of people stick to exercise for at least a few months or 6 months than quit.

Have you ever looked into Kundalini yoga?

I think I might be lucky. The place where I worked as a waiter, I originally applied to be a bartender trainee. When I went to visit the restaurant they said they did not have that position available but would welcome me as a waiter. They did not promise me that I would bartend. But I ended up starting to train on Saturday and I worked today as a trainee part of the day. Today did not seem like I was dong to hot though. So, that is why I am still I am testing the mantras. I am saying several mantras together. I am waiter/bartender. Right now I do more waitstaff stuff. I don't intend on being a bartender all my life, but I think it would be a good sideline and good to know drinks. My neighbor used to make $500 on a Friday when he bartended.

When you mentioned vasta and Feng Shui, this reminds me of a time when my uncle and his wife came over to visit from India. He told me my bed or pillows should placed here according to the vastas or vedics. I doubt really know about Feng Shui but seemed to know the positioning of stuff.

Rachel, do you do Feng Shui consulting on a formal and informal basis? Formal means like you have paying clients or professionally and informal in my meaning like you consult your friends and family.

It sounds cool that Feng Shui can work even if you still have the same deeply embedded negative thoughts. Or you can't get rid of that internal anger. A lot of people don't succeed with affirmations and visualizations. It would be nice to go to a something like Feng Shui were you can also be a little effortless and improve your life.

I wish I had a friend like you in my area so I could do changes that like attract love and money and guidance.


Dear Parag,
I do feng shui informally - that is for some friends, and family. For awhile I tried to do it as a sideline, and I did have people who paid me, but then I found they would call me and want to talk for hours - where should I put this or that, and it was gobbling up a lot of my time and I didn't get paid, so I stopped. I think most people who do it as a profession, make a living from teaching classes or selling products, they don't just make money from doing people's houses. So you feel the mantras are working because you got the extra bartending job and with it extra money? So far , so good. I know a little bit about yoga, but I'm not familiar with kundalini yoga. Which mantra are you using? Lakshmi - the goddess of wealth? Rachel


I did express an interest in bartending in the initial position. The owner knew that bartending was the thing I came for. Yeah, it could have happened that the other bartender could have not left. I think my instincts were right to call this place and visit this place for a job. I talked to her husband and he says he deletes any job application from www.FlipDog.com which is a job web site like www.Monster.com.

I do believe I was lucky but not lucky in the truest sense. Kind of like a lotto player winning a few bucks or $10. I guess we all have our definition of luck. I tend to kind of think of it as one something a little unlikely to happen. Like when you play against a team like the Lakers and Shaquille O ' Neill misses several dunks and your supporting players and bench do very well. Or getting a job were you beat out a number of candidates who are more qualified than you. Or you get a very attractive person who is not likely to go out with you. Or you win the lotto which is unlikely, you know those million dollar ones or mega million dollar or one of those instant wins. I feel as if though I am a little lucky but not luck in its pure sense or what you would think of.

I am thinking of in my restaurant anyone who is there long enough will be asked if they want to be trained behind the bar. But in my case it was like the 2nd week and because of circumstance and I expressed an interest in it. I am not fluent or very good on the floor or waitstaff yet. In other restaurants, they want you to prove yourself on the waitstaff or other position before they put you behind the bar. I heard it could take 6 months to a year in a restaurant like Bennigans. Do you have a Bennigans near you?

I am guessing the other guy left because he felt he could make more money elsewhere if this is true than he is most likely right. At our restaurant you make more money on the floor or as we would say serving. Other places it is the bar. When the owner's husband asked me how much am I looking to make, I just said I just want the experience. Their is a higher hourly rate at the bar. Our bar is not a typical bar with a TV and stuff. So, that maybe another reason not much traffic. On a steady basis , you will make more money elsewhere.

I have to admit I was lucky even though I felt not entirely. I would say it is not a great or big example of luck.

I am thinking of you being a Feng Shui consultant, you have probably have seen or experienced great or pure examples of luck?

I have been saying together om gum ganapeeti namaha, om shreem maha lakshmi swaha, om sharavana bhavaya swaha, om shreem shreya swaha, om eim saraswati swaha. I have not just said only one, one at a time. If I were to say one, it would be the lakhmi mantra.

Can I ask which mantra you experimented with? I know this can be a private thing so I understand if you are not comfortable answering it.

I am going to still work on my 40 day experiment but seems pretty hard to keep up for some reason. If I find a mate than I would have full faith in this. I know how hard it can be to find a date and everything. Right now I am not that aggresive or have aggresive tendencies. I remember watching 20/20 or Dateline hearing about wealthy people spending like $10,000 or more on dating services to find Mrs right. There are places that charge that much. Speed dating has become very popular.

For many people finding a mate is like the hardest thing in the world. Finding out what you want to do is another and wealth.

Have you ever successfully consulted with someone who did not know what they wanted to do with their life or their career?


Hi Parag,
I've generally worked with om mani padme hum, also - om shree shainaish waraya swaha,
om gum ganapeeti yea namaha. In terms of luck, the most dramatic examples I've witnessed have come from feng shui - if done correctly, the results can be quite dramatic. If you need clarity re: your career path - there are a few things you can meditate on to give you clues 1)what did you love to do as a child? Dance, sing, sports - children are generally closer to their soul's path than adults 2)what activities give you a rush of energy? 3)what activities make you lose all sense of time? For example, you might be painting and look at your watch and realize 5 hours have elaspsed and to you it felt like 5 minutes 4)what skills came easily to you as a child These are some clues to your life's path Rachel


I was thinking since you are moving to NY, I entertained the notion of hiring you. I guess some of us prefer having a friend service us.

When I think of Feng Shui for some reason I think of Wind Chimes. I thought years ago I heard Wind Chimes is in Feng Shui.

As for what I like to do when I was a kid. I can only think of chess. I played a lot in college. I was always intrested in getting better at it or learning more about it. I also tokk karate and judo. I was hoping to gain a lot of skill but had to quite because of circumstance. I know I enjoyed yoga back then. I know exercise like weightlifting intrigued me and it still does.

I guess I have too many interests. I am not giving up on my quest for personal development.

I will try to see about finding a feng shui club or group.



The thing about Feng Shui is that you don't have to make time for practice or anything like that? It is a one shot deal? Like for example you set everyhting up for them and their outcome should result in weeks?


Generally if you set things up correctly, you should get results pretty quickly - anywhere between 1 day to a month at the latest. It depends on what school of feng shui you follow, if you change your home around or not. Some schools, it's a one time deal - the Black Hat school - other schools , you make minor changes every year - the Flying Star school, for example, but basically you keep things where they are, unless you're having problems. I would definitely try to get a recommendation for someone in your area - from someone who has gotten results, and see what happens. Rachel


I am thinking if Feng Shui ends up working for me. I learn how to make it work for others like you are. Than I don't see a problem with getting clients. If I can only see get clients with money than I don't see why I would not be able to make a good living. But I am thinking the people who need it are probably not going to have much money. I realize in the beginning I may to prove myself and offer guarantees. But if you bring results in people's lives. I can't see you not getting referrals.

I understand it can be a challenge learning the business aspect.


Dear Parag,
I get referrals - that's not a problem - I'm just not a good businesswoman and have a hard time negotiating money. Definitely try it, and see if you get results.


I think there are many people in the same boat as you. Like they are talented or knowledgeable and great at what they do but are not fluent in the business side. I was thinking if I can give you some ideas?

Have you ever heard of SCORE? Over in my area they are a business organization where retired people give business advice free of charge to the public.

I am thinking you can probably get some good advice www.Richdad.com.

This is if you are interested in getting involved in the business end. I know some people choose not to get in the business end because they can't stand it.


Dear Parag,
Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I'll stick to my day job and just do feng shui for fun for myself and friends. I'm moving this weekend, to a temporary apartment, before the move to NY, so if I don't respond for awhile, it's because my computer is in storage. Have a great week. Rachel


Do you mind if I ask you what you do during the day?

My father's uncle came over yesterday and he looked at the book, and now I hear conflicting information. Like he said swaha and namaha have nothing to do with 28 years or older like the book said. Now I am confused but I may end up practicing the mantras anyways.

Right now I did not call up any Feng Shui pros to see how much it would cost. But I am guessing hundreds of dollars if they are coming to my house. I am thinking if you go to somebody's place they typically charge $50 to $100. Whereas if they come to your place you may have to add another $50 to $100.

Will putting a wind chime in front of a door make any difference?


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