Posted By: Arcane What supplements/special diet do you use? - 11/15/03 06:54 AM
Curious what everyone is doing if anything.

Me- Just a couple vitamins (multi B, zink, magnesium, C, E, copper) and homozone.

Been looking at various nootropics but still havent come to any conclusion.

I've found that supplements work best when I've done a thorough Detox & Cleansing through whatever methods work best. In my case it was a whole year doing Colon Hydrotherapy each month and carefuly watching what I ate as well as drinking a lot of water. Before then, supplements had some effect but nothing like now.

Supplements: A Vit. B complex for improve brain and nerve function. Oils (flax, borage, hemp, etc... I recommend "Udo's Choice Oil") for improved metabolism. A potent multi-mineral (not a multi-vitamin/mineral cap). Current agricultural practices deplete the soil of minerals so we don't get it in our foods. I feel much better taking one twice a day. A green drink: Greens+, Beyond Greens, Green Magma, etc...

That's my two cents worth.


Posted By: Kaiden Re: What supplements/special diet do you use? - 11/23/03 06:28 AM
I use choline and venlafaxine on a daily basis.

Venlafaxine is perscription only.

I discovered choline when I started getting a new kind of headache. It felt very much like a the kind of hangover you get from swallowing an entire tube of dramamine. (Don't ask how I know how this sort of anticholergenic hangover feels like). I decided I absolutely needed to raise my acetylcholine levels, or else I'd be in trouble soon. So, I found some KMX while looking for something to drink while I was in the drug store. I liked the effect, so I got choline pills after a while, and have been taking them for about a year, now.

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