Posted By: Jo Jo How do you turn a problem over to God? - 08/20/04 06:23 PM
This something I never quite understood. I never knew how to listen to God, or how to turn a problem over to God. For some reason I think when you turn a problem over to God you stop doing what you do to fix it. I don't know maybe I am spritually illiterate.

Posted By: Theone Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 08/21/04 03:23 AM

I think God wont mind what you do to deal with the the problem at hand, yet you might consider doing a letter to god. tell him in detail just the way thing's are going. and how you would like thing's to be.

Then ever burn the leter or if you are ner the sea. let God have that way. knowing that you have an undersanding about what the problem is, and having an idea of how you would like thing's to be, And focus on the idea that thing's will workout.

Have a look at the Sedona Method or Natual Brilliance. Both require you to "let go' and everytime you pick it up again you can choose to just let it go.

What if you could just for this moment let go of thinking about it? Consider that right now in this very moment it make no difference whether it changes or not. It simply is what it is, There is nothing you can do about it anyway so what if you could just for now let go of it? Let go and do whatever else needs doing or just simply enjoy a quiet cuppa while looking at the flowers in the garden.

Letting go and letting God is a moment to moment thing. Some things you do need to do if you want them done, like making the bed washing the dishes, other things take care of them selves like the birds that visit your garden and the flowers that bloom.

When you feel yourself stuck just ask yourself, 'for now, just for this moment could I just let it go and if not now when could I let it go and just let this thng take care of itself in its own time?


Posted By: Heartbeat Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 08/21/04 02:09 PM
What I do is ask, let go then I remain aware of information that comes to me. Most of the time the information is subtle.

Learn to meditate and this will help you to become still. When I am calm I am more aware of guidance that comes to me.

Also, watch your dreams. Many answers come to us in dreams.


Speak from your heart Jo Jo.

Love and Light


Posted By: max477 Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 09/28/04 12:43 AM
During the LSC retreat last year, one of the exercises that we did involved coming up with 4-6 questions, writing them down onto separate pieces of paper, then sealing each into an unmarked white envelope.

To begin a session, first draw out one of the envelopes at random, but do not open it. Then either working with someone (a listener taking notes) or with a tape recorder, close your eyes and image stream (say out loud) all that you see, hear, feel, etc. in a rapid rate (to avoid allowing the mind from analyzing, and squelching) for about 10-20 minutes, or when you run out of things to say.

Then open the envelop and see what question you have just received the answer to. Usually it will be quite difficult to make sense of the seemingly random images, sensations, etc., but over time you may realize their significance and relevance. The idea is that you already know what's best for you. It's a training of your intuition to tune into God / "higher intelligence" / the universe. For more info you should check out The Einstein Factor in the recommended reading section or you can get the Genius Code which covers image streaming.

Good luck.

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/16/04 04:43 PM
Hi all
i find that God is just a name for something else
us humans love to name things
we love to categorise
its all down from the sun god of egyptian mythology where they did the same
egypto-christian not judeo-christian lol

it exists but not as the God that the personalising religions have made out
they are systems of control basically

realising that everything changes and that we are not-self u come to the realisation that there is no permanent soul and no god that is above all

they exist but as we do but a lot more refined that us
they have no form
they can also gain enlightenment

name something that is permanent other than what we wrongly percieve as permanent and ill give u a clap

emotion, perception, body, thought and conciousness all change

that is all that makes up "us"

i know conventional terms may make me seem like a hypocrit
but this is the only way to get it out u see

people assume there is time because they think it is real
we believe so because of the gemoetry of the world
past was present and furure will be too
other than that they only exist as thoughts

also place is not real

this world is the manifestation out of a superconciousness that wanted once

form came
it no longer wanted it and non-form came
ignorance came and accepted this duality within its confusion

im only getting started
i hope to share much of this and get some feedback

Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/17/04 05:53 AM

I think the purpose for letting go and letting God, as some people say, is to simply take responsibility and thoughts off one's shoulder.

Myself, I can feel when I am shouldering too much and will try to let go. My personal bias is to let go and let the universe do whatever it wants with certain issues. And who knows? Maybe my unconscious mind and maybe even other forces that exist in the universe (???) may help.

The way I view it, there may be no free will or perhaps not even the need for it. Sometimes I just shut off, let go, and let the universe engage in the act of being me rather than feeling I have to do and be and have some responsibility all the time.

Sometimes its relieving just to let go. As Alan Watts said, you are the experience the universe is having. You're an aperture through which the universe can experience itself. I may not be true, but it sure induces one hell of a trance.

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/18/04 05:25 AM
well letting go is important
but not to the point that u are indirrerent and care about nothing
just not letting yourself react but simply acting
indifference is just as bad as not caring to start with
to trust in God is to give in to ur responibility
you are the only one responsible
if not who else?
if u have not peace then who else?
sure we do not exist as we believe but none the less exist
in a conditoned state of reaction that leads to suffering
living in the moment is so important
Eckhart Tolle is a champoin of this
im starting to listen to Alan Watts
Jack Kornfield is great
so is Thich Nhat Hanh
also Tara Brach

we hold our distrust in ourselves in others
also blame guilt and other emotions that are not good
try loving urself
knowing that u are complete but u are simply clouding the realisatiosn of it
we ARE perfect
we ARE complete
we can deal with it
we can realise it
I am beginning to realise it
i know i can accept myself
and i am slmost there

detatch, become moral, practice, experience and enlighten yourself

if u need a path i suggest the Budhist Theraveda one
no pure land or Tibetan

it is of utmost purity and can be seen but it sometimes not completely like by the ego
stick with it and try some of the technniques
after all we can always change our minds right?
we have that freedom

Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/17/04 10:25 PM
As a general practice, indifference is of course not good.

But I am talking about temporarily decompressing.

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/19/04 05:05 AM
temporary perhaps yes
but make sure it does not stay
it should not really get to that point if u folow steps as they should be followed and understood ive noticed in me and others

Wow, it is very interesting to read your views on God. I agree, we have a tendency to label God to what fits us. We must remember that God starts within us/is in us. We are all trying to be God like. I agree, we must meditate and become still with ourselves to really listen to what we are feeling. I think sometimes when we don't have an understand of God, we don't have an understanding of ourselves. Yes, love self first, then you are able to love others. I'm learning that when you deal with the real issues you are able to release and allow personal growth. I'm meditating now using my Chakra system and that along with prayer and releasing, help to balance my moods and what I think. Trying the Natural Brialliance program is adding to the developmental growth. It's a constent struggle to understand God b/c there are do many interpretations. Jo jo look within you and deal with the real issues at hand. Too many people say, Oh just let God handle it..yes let God handle it, but you have to understand that God is in you. peace

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/22/04 02:55 AM
i agree but i do not think God is something independant
he is everywhere and within us yes
how can he be independant?
he is love thay say
sure but for whom?
he needs us like we need him
god did not create
its not really possible when u consider the other characteristics of god
i believe it is simply a state of being
a supreme one we can come to
but as the bible says and as many other faiths do it is within us but we need to realise it
we need to become enlightened
we need to awaken to ourselves

we need to listen without heart
not our emotions, minds or anything else but our hearts
i agree with a lot of the nice things in god based religions but not the fact that god is something we simply need to trust in to get to a place where he is supposed to exist
now if he were everywhere why would need to accend to heaven?
arent we already there?
in the abode of his?

the first step in listening to others is listening to ourselves
one reason i deny needing jesus to save me
we make the effort in that case anyway so it is our ownselves that are the saviours

the second step it to know thyself
something god based religions say but do not practice very much
i was a christian till i was 12 and i gave my heart
i have looked for the answers within myself
some people go about it the wrong way
why we have a religion that carries crosses (Bill hicks said do u think when he comes back he is going to want to see a F*&^@#g cross?) and has its center (regardless of what the other denom. think) in the place that crucified the guy they hold dear

if he had a problem with us taking fruit from a tree to tell the difference from good and evil why did he complain when we did not know the difference and did it anyway

he should have known us humans are a little lacking in obedience when hungry (especially)

how were we to know?
we get punished for mistakes for all of eternity in the house of god
ther is no being of love there
he wants and gets dissapointed when he dosent get it
and he is supposed to have known ht eoutcome before it happens
the emotion of being dissapointed is not one has when one knows the outcome
ask any pessimist lol

i find the notion of god to be not just one out of line with science but also emotions, free thought, logic, good sense (not common sense) and many other things
there is order behind the disordewr sure but it not a creation of some being who is nothing quite he/we says he is
i could write a book on this stuff now and ive only done little pieces of research when trying to confirm something i have felt to be true

someone said that Buddhism would be the world religion by 2050
maybe i can have a helping hand when it comes to it
helping ourselves and others is where its at
not asking another for the strength to help others because u want to go to a nice place
this does not feel complete
not quite perfect

Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/22/04 05:19 AM

That's your belief. For some people, God is not within them at all. God and God's creations are completely separate. For others, God is in them but they are not the same as God in any way other than being the stuff of his creation ... which is the stuff of him, but their consciousness is not the consciousness of God.

One of my professors stressed the difference between pantheism and panantheism.


The pantheistic theory holds that all is God and God is all. The term is derived from two Greek roots, Pan and Those, meaning that God is everything and that everything is God. Pantheism establishes an identity between God and nature, or the world. It refutes the deist position that God is the fundamental or primary cause of the world. Pluralism also does not satisfy the pantheistic theory. It states that all that exists is God and that nothing exists beside God. God is infinite and omnipresent. God and the world are two forms of an identical reality, hence both are indivisible. God comprehends the entire universe and exists in the smallest particle of matter.


This theory explains the relation between God and the world by presuming that God is the first as well as the material cause of the world. It states that the world exists in God but it is not identical with God. Put differently, it means that the world is a part of God, having no independent existence of its own, apart from God. God, on the other hand, is not limited either to or by the world since He is much more than the world. Just as a poet creates a number of poems out of his own consciousness but does not exhaust his complete being in doing so God also makes the world out of his own self but remains much more than the world remains beyond and above it. The world does not exhaust the creativity of God. Panentheism believes that God is the highest personality, the creator, supporter and defender of the world. He is the highest personality in spite of his being infinite, without beginning and omnipresent. He permeates the world and yetis above it. He is omnipresent in the world as its material cause and above it in the form of its first cause.

Some people believe that the experience of God is very different from being God, and it is not our place (in fact it is quite sinful) to equate oneself in any way with God. Rather, we should be content to serve and bask within the presence and grace of God. This is not my belief, but when people give things over to God, depending who and what God is to them, the act will have differing meanings.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 22, 2004).]

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/22/04 08:41 AM
i believe supreme conciousness (God) always has been
it is infinite and has no cause because it had no need of one
it is unconditioned
only conditioned states have laws that have rules like cause and effect
they also lack time and space
does god follow time & space laws?
he seems to according to the holy books
but that would make him a linear being
which would make him under something

how did good exist all that time without evil?

Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/22/04 09:46 AM

Prana, your post reminds me of little snippets I have read from and about a book called flatland. Flatland is a 2D world. A sphere moving through that world from top to bottom would be perceived as a line starting from nothing then growing in length then shrinking down to nothing.

The people in Flatland when told that a linear event (in time as well as in visual perception) was actually a simultaneous event (that is an entire sphere) existing all at once ... well, they'd think you were nuts and not speaking from directly observable phenomena. It'd be strange that a line would exist that was the same length no matter where you viewed it from inside the flat plane (Flatland is essentially a plane where movement is possible in 2 dimensions) ... but to talk about a sphere would be craziness.

I figure that if there is a God and goes does have consciousness, this being would probably see time as we see the sphere. That is, time seems linear to us, but perhaps it is "three dimensional," like the sphere. It all may exist at one time.

If you needlessly and sloppily generalize this way of thinking to include other binary relationships such as good and evil (which is something I like to do), then what kind of picture do you get? It all gets more complex and weird.

Clifford Pickover wrote a book about these extra dimensional ways of thinking, I'd really like to read it some day. It's called Surfing through Hyperspace: Understanding Higher Universes in Six Easy Lessons.

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/23/04 08:15 PM
im a low level mathemetician so i cannot completely say yay or nay

im still learning and i know my ideas change
but i still give myself and others something to think about for now

time exists sure but is it only in this world that it exists as it is?
think about what things would be like without it
does it rely on matter to exist?
difficult i know
takes some deep meditation to even begin
we can choose to dwell on the past and future which brings unhappiness
even if there were or may be good events we miss them from the past or do not get them in the past
u never always live out what you hope to ive realised
best way around it is to not hope but accept things as they are
u can make things better for yourself that way
no dissapointment or aversion that way
to look to god is to gain dissapointment
ive seen it in a lot of people
why god oh why??? lol

i was once dissapointed and then worked out only i can solve my problems

duality of good and evil makes u lean towards one and not be able to see the opposite because u ignore or space yourself from it

one can say i am not evil i am not violent i am not this and that
but in the end it is very possible and in fits of rage (which they often just aren't supposed to be) they show all the characteristics of the side they could never accept to being

nothing is good or evil it is simply how we percieve

some think clowns are evil and some think they are happy
i think they are just clowns if they make me laugh thats fine but if they are scary ones then fine
they cannot hurt me
*reminds me of kramer* hahaha

though to some hurt is good

know thyself
that is all that is needed to overcome the delusion and realise peace
not know God and try to notice his power
u will forget your own

Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/25/04 08:35 AM
Time, I do not think, is a thing in and of itself. It is just the idea that things change and that change can happen at a measurable rate.

It's a really strange damned concept when you think of it.

People talk in terms of probabilities on the sub-atomic level. If you base time on shifting probabilities rather than linear movement ... whew. It really gets freaky.

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/26/04 11:16 AM
u sound like a smart one babayada
ill have to learn a lot more science and math yet believe
but i still have some ideas
and i have much experience to show some of it into light
and the patience to learn how to explain it

i think the big bang started time
when you think of all the planets with different times and such u know it is not universal
but the universe may stop somewhere right?
what ends it
more space?
i could not imagine a solid
it would need space around it and there would be no point
same if it were water
if it is more space then since we need space to move was the space only there cause the material was?
if u could look at it as a whole would it rotate and move through space?
multiple universes? possible?
measurable here but ur measure somewhere else and vice-versa?
the time would not have existed without the space
what would the need be?
time can only track one moment to the next on things and places i believe
it is not stored (that i know of)
nor is it made of anything
very relative
where did this space come from?
and the matter?
i know how but where from?
maybe it is like fire
can u measure fire?
where did it come from?
where is it now?
the power of the consciousness was strong enough to create sounds and vibrate it into things like light and perhaps matter
there may be a constant hum in many things as a result of this
the planets, the universe, the human brain

is the universe the mind of a god?
with its realistic ilusions?
notice the confusion in this world?
as we subjectively unfocusingly create it

we will return to one when we realise there is one and listen to it and love it

but it is not God im sorry (for all u churchies n such out there)

I always have belived in God and ask God for help. But recently ... someone says that why rely on God when everyone have their Spirit Guides. What spirit guides are for? They are helping you out on every problem you have.

Why rely on God?

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/27/04 01:01 AM
i find we are our own personal Gods
we can do all and be all
eventually we can trancend time and space

we can know things and try do something all problems if we know about them
we are love
not God
but we are also hate and can go beyond it all

Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/27/04 01:57 AM
It depends on your system of belief, Whiteeagle.

In some system the spirit world is organized like a government. Let's say your spirit guide is your own personal assistant. This person has only so much wisdom and power.

Let's say you come up against a BIG issue that is beyond the scope of your spirit guide's domain. Well, then you might pray to a saint, or one of the angels. If the issue is really big, you pray to God.

It's sort like not going to the President of the United States to renew your driver's license. You go to a smaller, more local authority to get that done.

Some people, however, believe that the relationship to God is personal. Why use a go between like a spirit guide, when you can relate directly to the source?

Why use a spirit guide when you can talk directly with God? A spirit guide might get something wrong.

That sort of thing.

There are people in certain religions who believe that spirit guides are demons posing as helpers who really have the agenda of damning the souls of those who follow them and creating evil under the pretense of creating good.


Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/27/04 02:37 AM
if one cannot tell good from evil then how can they be sure they are praying to God anyway?
oh u could have expected that before the eating of the fruit by adam and eve
but they still got punished for it
original sin is a scam
a real God would not be so petty as to divide good and evil

Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/27/04 05:04 AM
Yeah, and Lucifer didn't fall. He was *PUSHED*, man!

It's all a big celestial conspiracy.

You know, it's funny you should say that. When I was a kid I had a really, really overactive imagination, and the stuff they told me at Catholic school, well, man.... it really messed with me.

There was a time I asked myself that very question, only in a different way. "What if my prayers to God are actually going to Satan instead?" And like the don't think of blue thing I could not help but think my prayers were going down to Old Scratch. It really had me paranoid. So did their "GOD SEES EVERYTHING!! HE SEES ALL YOUR SIN! ALL YOUR THOUGHTS! ALL YOUR FAULTS!"

I couldn't get over the thought that when I thought of my privates, God saw that too. What a celestial peeping Tom that old testament God is. You think he'd have something better to do ... like a run a universe. LOL.

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/27/04 07:47 AM
not to mention genocidal maniac
like the rest of them it is good for the others good
there is much behind a lack of belief in the bibleGod
but the biggest to me is that they say that the self promotes itself as number one and the way to happyness it to make god number 1

now that only promotes the self again but just as number 2

there is a huge denial not some conspiracy
thing is that people have lots of words that confirms that people will try to break it

Posted By: Nick Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/28/04 05:18 AM
here is what the spiritual genius Lester Levenson said:

Question: When you say, "Let go and let God," does that
mean that you should work strictly on inspiration, or
should you just sit back and let things happen?

Lester: Have the feeling of "letting things happen." To
accomplish this, we have to let the ego-sense go. The ego
is the feeling, "I am an individual, Lester, and I have a
body and I do things." That's wrong. I have to get Lester
out of the way and let God or Self operate. When this is
achieved, you'll sort of float through things, and there
will be ho effort. If there is effort, there is ego.

Of course, now you're going to have to use some effort,
because you're not starting off as the realized Self. You
see, only when you go to the extreme do you let go of the
sense of doership and then things happen effortlessly.
That's letting go and letting God!

Professing faith, professing all these things, doesn't do
it -- actually having them does it. The fact that you
have troubles is proof that you don't have the conviction
of God, because God is All. God is Perfect, and if God is
All and God is Perfect, everything must be perfect.


every time I manage to have that mind state the problem resoves itself, no matter how bad it seems. I realized why should I limit letting go and letting God only to problems in my life. What if I let go in every moment. The more I do that them more I find myself being totally present and just witnessing my body operating, and surprise: every moment becomes perfect by definition it just doesn't matter what my old mind would think about how things are. For me the key to getting to that state is practicing total acceptance, being present and aware and dissociating with my personality.

Best wishes,


Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/27/04 06:38 PM
That's how I feel when I go into the "letting the universe do me" mode instead of feeling that I have to do everything.

It's a great feeling.

A sort of non-interferening state of flowing with the tao. I think that even if you just sit on the sofa and "is" for a while, you're doing yourself good.

At the NLP seminar we'd have periods where the instructors would do a guided relaxation session and have a few minutes for the unconscious doing whatever it needed to do. It was a really good feeling. Just getting out of the way and saying, "Ok, buddy, this is the time for you. Go for it. I won't muck around in what you're doing."

With that and a whole bunch of other things going on, some of the weirdest and most wondering involuntary things started happening. Some were really freaky, though.

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/27/04 11:26 PM
sometimes u need to use the self to get to non-self
a means to and end is sometimes ok

but the God based religions need to lie to attain that end
one that is different from the truth
and they lie to maintain it
it has been done many times
its not a matter of experience in these things apart from slight mental feeling that comes from the lies
like people getting happy when they think money is the greatest
understand it is at the root of evil (not the root)and u do not feel so happy

[This message has been edited by Prana (edited October 27, 2004).]

Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/28/04 01:56 AM
Money is not the root of all evil.

Money is just paper.

Being without compassion, rather, is what I consider the root of all evil.

During one of my creative moments, I came up with the idea of getting these very old looking thick bottles, finding evil, dark, twisted looking roots, putting them in some kind of preservative fluid inside each bottle, and then labeling each bottle "Root of all Evil" and selling them.

I think it'd make a funny novelty item you can pull out whenever someone says, "x is the root of all evil!"

You can say, "No it isn't. I have proof." *goes and gets the bottle* "THIS is the root of all evil, and as you can see, it isn't x."

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 27, 2004).]

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/30/04 12:48 AM
money is a contract
at the root of evil
is is another mask to the real self
another want moved to neccessity
thats how we percieve most things
we only need a few things but want everything
that is part of what i mean

Posted By: Life Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/30/04 04:10 AM
In our quest to assign to god our impossible tasks, we fail to include in the equasion god's reasons for fulfilling our requests...
Ironic that the only tasks we ask god to do, only get done when we do them ourselves...

I.E.: ... a man has been lost in the desert for many days... He finds a great clear pristine lake in the midst of the great desert, and approaches, recognizing the lake as his god, falls to his knees in prayer, begging profusely to god to quench his thirst, and to cool his baked bleeding flesh...

A year later, a man who has been lost in the desert for many days, comes upon a great pure pristine lake, and recognizes it as his god... notices a sun bleached skeleton at the shore, kneeling in prayer... and ponders the skeleton a moment... then turns to the great cool lake, and dives in, quenching his thirst, and heals his wounds... and walks away whistling a happy tune...

[Note: username changed from Life to cosmicbrat]

[This message has been edited by Life (edited January 10, 2005).]

Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/30/04 04:48 AM
And then there was a third guy who knew the territory. He lived there. He came by on a camel and saw this poor man--delirious from the heat and lack of thirst--writhing around in the sand and trying to drink it as if it were water.

"Hey," the camel rider said to the delusional person, "That's sand you're trying to drink." The man ignored him and started walking away, trying to whistle a tune in delirium with his dry, sand caked lips and mouth. Seeing that he wasn't being noticed, the man got off his camel and knocked the guy unconscious, put him on the back of his camel, and brought him home, where the poor soul was nursed back to health by people who live in the real world and know the dangers of running around alone in a desert under the spell of foolish notions.

The poor man, while healing was asked by the curious son of his helper, "Why did you go out into the open desert in the first place?"

"I had dreams of going out into the desert to find God. I thought God was trying to tell me to do so. It was my foolish arrogance in thinking that I could possibly know his reasons for anything that almost got me killed. Perhaps God was trying to bring me to you?"

"Poor soul, thats the second time I've witnessed you make the same mistake," said the child's father, who had been listening in silence to the conversation. "First you were arrogant enough to think you knew God's will and did not trust what your common sense told you. What did you think you were going to find except suffering and death, going out into a foreign, open desert unprepared and unexperienced? Now you're doing it a second time, thinking God meant for you to come to us. Let's hope we don't see a third. Here in the desert, we cannot afford to carry along fools. Out here, a fool is a danger to everyone."

The third time is the charm.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 30, 2004).]

Posted By: Life Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/30/04 10:02 PM
On my goodness! that poor third man... who ate sand...
Too bad he hadn't a clue that the oasis lake was just over the next hill... Poor fellow... must have been quite insane and mindless to eat sand when what he needed was water... may he rest in peace...
Amazing how the sick and the blind hold to their debilitative ailments so confidently and difinitively... and preach and defend their ailments with all their Being... Perhaps the third man (being quite retarded) should have visited a couple of shrinks, and gone to church, before taking his silly walk into the desert...

Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/31/04 12:00 AM
Yes, it is sad when that happens.

But it is ok, because its part of life. And what the true nature of the world is in this life is anybody's guess. I mean, no one really knows what's absolutely true. We just go on probabilities and experiences.

In the desert, though, knowing a mirage from reality is pretty darn important. You have to be very careful when you think you see water, and make your decisions deliberately. Sometimes it's helpful to ask a companion, "Hey, do you think that water over there is real?"

"No," says the companion, "We just came from there. Have a sip from the canteen. Our camp is over yonder. You think you can make it?"


But, you know, for that guy in the story, it's OK. He didn't die. Luckily he found what he needed, a group of people with whom he could share reality and receive nourishment. Maybe he'd stay with those people a while and learn their viewpoints, the way they lived. I am sure desert people have a lot to offer in terms of different viewpoints.

It would be interesting if you wanted to know how to live in the desert.

Personally, I don't think its crazy to go into the desert to find God. Sometimes the way people are wired, they need the whole experience like that. But I think the guy should have used his common sense and prepared better, rathen than going on blind faith.

I feel you can find spiritual worth just about anywhere. Seeing sharks swim in the Aquarium of the Americas did it recently for me. Another time, in Ireland, I had this beautiful dream of a fairie woman opening double-doors of brilliant golden-white light and awoke to find myself sitting up in my bed looking right at the risen sun. That was pretty freaky. I never sleepwalk or move in my sleep like that.

I love watching that World's Apart program on National Geographic. People live in other societies and sometimes take back another way of being in the world. It's pretty neat.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 30, 2004).]

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/31/04 11:19 AM
u start to see eventually that good and bad can be present anywhere
cause that is what God is
it can become good and bad depending on the hands it is in
though both are neccesary
without one the other would not exist in this world
male without female
good without bad
that is the current funk they are in

even though the former created the later

in our emotions and real life it goes that way aswell
we look so much for results we never get anything done...etc

we are to busy making our needs into things we cannot do without and making the things we really cannot do without into secondary things unfocused

the religions are a kind of good idea gone wrong

and headed by some poeple with no real sense of spirituality

the only ones ive seen work are buddhism and hinduism
if there is a god it is the hindu version

Posted By: babayada Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/31/04 11:35 AM
Well, Prana, God is a pretty big subject. I remain happy saying I am agnostic and just don't know for sure.

When I think of God, however, my mind does contain shadows of notions and stories from my religous upbringing. But I am struck by the wonderful complexity of insects, the strangely horrible things that can and do happen to people, the things we do to ourselves, impersonal forces of nature that both nurture and destroy....

I then think of the sheer size of the universe and our tiny little place in it. I think of how limited our minds are, that we are thinking with pieces of meat that somehow have consciousness. I think of the biological limitations inherent upon the forms of thought we can think, the way we relate to the world around us, the way we describe it, and how often we mistake our relation with what is out there to absolute truth.

And now I am reading a book about the 4th spatial dimension and realize it is all a hell of a lot weirder, stranger, and more wonderful than I ever realized.

What sort of God exists there, if any? If God exists, it is hardly likely that he is in our image as we like to make him. He does not exist or operate by any of our standards, most likely. This being would be so foreign, so alien, so impossibly huge and complex as to be unknowable.

I think we have silly notions about God, because if we were really to conceive of what God is when we think about God.... well, there'd be a lot of exploding heads.

But, that's just my guess. How the heck should I know what God is or isn't?

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 31, 2004).]

Posted By: Prana Re: How do you turn a problem over to God? - 10/31/04 04:31 PM
well a real god would need forms
he could not have emotions really i do not think
well at least not many in the single form

the hindu trinity has brahma as the creator and shiva as the one who keeps it going
now the god which they are simply forms of is asleep
sounds great to me if i were to be a god

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