Posted By: babayada Clifford Pickover. - 10/27/04 02:05 AM
I have recently purchased a number of books by him. Surfing Through Hyperspace is particularly good.

While reading this book, it feels as if for the first time since childhood, the wonder of discovery is opening up again. I used to feel like this in science class, that the world is an amazing, mysterious place and that there is so much I don't know and so many interesting things to experience and discover. It's wonderful.

The book is about the 4th spatial dimension.

He writes other books about amazing and neat things that would amaze any kid, but it has complexity for adults. He writes a variety of very interesting books on such subjects as alien physiology, alien IQ tests, time travel, mathematics, strange geniuses, surreal fiction, a story of a pizza place run by a guy who loves calculus and relates calc to pizza...

Really, really, amazing stuff. And everything he does he tries to keep scientifically and mathematically sound. That is, it's based on the best of what we now know.

Great stuff. And some of it bears on LSC stuff. For instance, I think the 4D stuff relates to the AFL course.

Anyway, I cannot recommend him highly enough for reading and photoreading.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 26, 2004).]

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