Hello everyone, I have an issue I would like to take care of. Everytime I think about love, being in a relationship, or contact with a female I feel panic, it feels like someone is crushing my chest and its hard to breathe. Its as if almost I lose control of all my motor skills and it conquers all selp help things I have tried; the sedona method, holosync, anxiety free, psychocybernitics. Its very strong fear. I have kept a journal of what my thoughts are when I feel it, and where it comes from, but its almost as if I need a new brain. Its like trying to nail jellow to the wall. It is keeping me single, and it is the devil in my life. Any ideas because I have attacked this issue like U.S. attacked Iraq, but only Iraq has kicked my arse.

Have you tried using visualization?

Yeah, visualization has been challenging for me, its more of a feeling I have to get over, or change. I have been listening to the change audiophonix cd I recieved with holosync and re-imagining truamatic memories, lately I have been noticing the fear changing. I don't know its because of that or because I have stopped fighting it and accepted it no matter how painfull it gets. I just experience it. I have been playing with accepting things, and it has put me in the position of the witness. I just kind of stumbled into it. I don't if this will work. I guess I'll find out when the rubber meets the road, because in the past I have felt better then in a relationship the anxiety comes out and retards the relationship.

Originally posted by jojo79:
Everytime I think about love, being in a relationship, or contact with a female I feel panic

That's an easy one... You need to establish an honest attitude of total equality between yourself and females...

I'm betting you also have bad acne...

That therapy is also a keen, nearly instant cure to serious teen acne... Three days to a clean face...

You could just go fall "in love" and get it over with. Just go face your greatest fear about it and once you have then you can move on.

The odds are totally against you, all you have is a bucket of water to face the underworld with. Are you going for it or is it going to run your life.

When you get in a car crash, you have to get back in the drivers seat and drive or you will have that fear for the rest of your life. You have to get some miles behind you.

Jump in, fall in love, throw up, whatever.
Then go do it again. Work on improving each relationship.

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